DotA 2: a quick guide

To succeed in "DotA 2", you need notone component. Naturally, first of all, practice and skill is important: the more you play, the better you become and the more effectively you will act in the process. Naturally, you should not think that there are limits to the training of DotA. In fact, here you can improve endlessly, and there will always be someone who can beat you.

Secondly, you need to understand your favoritecharacters, have for them standard development strategies and actions on the battlefield, and also be able to quickly navigate and come up with something new if things do not go very smoothly.

There are many other factors, oneof which are objects. "DotA 2" is a game in which there is a huge number of diverse characters, and if you read the guides to them, you will find that many have a negative dependence on objects in the minuses. This means that this hero is much weaker, if not equipped with the proper set of things. It is about such subjects that will be discussed later.

Items in "DotA 2"

DotA items 2

Of course, one should start with the basics:What are the objects? "DotA 2" is a game where you use your hero's skills, as well as his melee or ranged weapons. Skills, skills, damage and health, armor and speed - it all depends on your level and grows in proportion to your plan. However, if you buy an item in the store and equip it in your own inventory, then your character can acquire certain skills that he can not have. It can increase the characteristics, increase the damage or increase armor and so on. With the help of objects, you can even increase static parameters that do not grow with the level of the character. Thus, you can easily understand that all characters need items. "DotA 2" is a game in which the round does not last very long, no more than two hours, so here you will need absolutely everything you can get to strengthen your hero.

Receiving items

exchange items DotA 2

Naturally, the gamer immediately raises the question:how to get the items? "DotA 2" offers not so many options. The simplest and most common way is to buy in the store. When you kill creeps or enemy heroes, you gain not only experience, but also gold that you need to spend. And you can spend it in the store, buying those things that your hero needs. Accordingly, it is quite logical that you will not buy spontaneous goods in the store, but in advance you will think over several variants of your hero's build, then to purposefully collect money for the purchase of the necessary things.

However, there is another way - by killingcreeps. There is a small chance that after the death of creep, some object will drop out of it. Naturally, the possibility that it will be useful to you is extremely small, so most often such items are sold in the store. Unfortunately, in this game you can not exchange items. "DotA 2" allows you to exchange only those items that relate to the species Consumables, that is, those that can be used - various potions, scrolls and so on.

Types of objects

expensive items in DotA 2

As you already understood, the game is limited to sharingobjects. "DotA 2" forbids you to exchange with teammates the drop you do not need. Accordingly, a quite logical question arises: what are the objects? First of all, there are things that strengthen the character: they take up space in the inventory and have a permanent effect. You can not transfer them to other heroes. And there are also those items that have a limited number of uses (most often only one): you can transfer them, but they have no effect on the character until they are applied. Naturally, up to this point they also take a place in the inventory.

Prefabricated items

DotA 2 is the most expensive item

Also it is necessary to select prefabricated things - these are the mostexpensive items in "Dota 2". They consist of several elements that are added together when assembled in one inventory. Each of the elements can have a certain effect on the character, but it either disappears when the object turns into a new one, or is added to the effects of other parts - it depends on the specific object. Many people think that the most expensive item in DotA 2 is the Divine Rapier, which costs six thousand coins, but if we take into account the prefabricated items, the rapier descends immediately to the third place, giving way to Dagon, which in itself costs less than three thousand, but there are four upgrades to it, each of which has a price slightly more than a thousand. As a result, almost eight thousand.

Who can use the items?

In DotA 2, each character can use eitherto equip practically all subjects. Exceptions are only those objects that by properties coincide with the character's skills. Then they become incompatible.