As everyone knows, in the game "Dota 2" isa large number of characters, each of which has only four skills. From this it follows that you can in a very small number of ways to influence how your hero will develop. Accordingly, almost everything here depends on how you can manage your character. Sometimes it takes a lot of time to achieve a high level, and this still does not guarantee high performance during the game. After all, most often you play not alone, but with a team of five people in total. Thus, you need to know, not only how to play exactly your hero, but also how to interact with the heroes of your teammates. In this article you will learn the best bundles of DotA 2 heroes for two - who make them up and what exactly they stand out from the rest.
Bane and Mirana
First of all, if we are talking about a bunch of heroes"Dota 2" for two, you need to note two characters - Baine and Miran. This duet has a very high potential, and if you learn to treat not only one of these characters well, but also interact with another with his help, then your combat power will increase several times. The main technique you need to use is Bain's Nightmair, since this ability fits very well with Miranda’s arrow. And here timing is very important - if Miranda has time in time with her arrow, then the pair will only have to kill and finish off an opponent who cannot oppose anything. As you understand, this is not the only combination of characters that is available to you in the game. If you are interested in other bundles of DotA 2 heroes for two, then from this article you will be able to gather some more useful information.
Omninayt and Ursa
Many gamers note that Ursa is prettya powerful hero if he is in even hands. But now we are talking about a bunch of DotA 2 heroes for two, so it’s worth considering the one with whom Ursa as a couple will work most effectively. And there is no special choice here, since Omnaynite is ideally suited for the task of Ursa support. After all, Ursa can win in any one-on-one fight, if this hero is controlled by an experienced gamer, but if he is still supported by the straight-handed Omninnight, this pair will not be stopped. The fact is that Omninight has a set of spells that will allow Urs to quickly and effectively eliminate opponents. For example, Purification will allow Ursa to literally take almost half of his health to all opponents in one hit, and Degen Aura will not allow opponents to leave the battlefield, that is, Ursa will be able to finish them without any problems. And here the names of the heroes "Doty 2" do not play a role, because they are all equal in front of this awesome couple.
Sven and Magnus
In the previous pair there was a distinct tank andsupport, but this is not always the case. The names of the Doty 2 heroes can play a decisive role in the distribution of roles, and if you play for Sven and see that you have Magnus in your team, it only means that, with the right leveling up, your team will significantly increase the chances of winning. If Sven and Magnus work in a pair, then they are completely equal in it, since both have the opportunity to stun the enemy, they can do this in turn. Thus, most of the battle, the enemy cannot provide any opposition at all - while the characters, in parallel with the camps, use additional skills, such as Varkray from Sven. As a result, in this way you can win as single opponents, and the same pair. Of course, in DotA 2, 3 heroes are also common, but they are much more difficult to master and require perfect team selection, so that everyone knows their role and plays it perfectly.
Pooj and Mirana
This is the second bundle in which Miran participates, andin this case, again, a very high level of interaction between the two gamers who play through the network is required. "Dota 2" is a game in which almost everything depends on how much you trained, and it is not so important, you were preparing for single battles or for pair, it is always very important to work out all your tricks, main and secondary tactics, and also much more. If you chose a pair of Pooja and Miranda, then you need to learn how to interact with real precision, since Pooj will launch a detour into the enemy, Mirana should fire her arrow with the camp towards her partner so that she will hit split second. After that, she can use a star storm, and then Pooj will do the remaining work. In DotA 2, the same characters are sometimes effective, but most often in pairs there are different characters with different roles, as in this case.
Ursa and the Shadow Shaman
Except Omninayt, for Ursa in partners is excellentShadow Shaman is suitable, as he has a set of skills that perfectly fit the Ursa combat strategy. And here the rating of the heroes of "Dota 2" will not be important, since those who fell under the hammer of this bundle will be destroyed without any chance. How? The fact is that the Shaman has several abilities that ideally help Ursa in his dirty work of destroying everything around him. Hex and Sheckles are the best you can think of for Ursa's melee. And if the latter also knows how to handle his Ertshok spell well, then no one will have a chance at all.
Shadow Find and Dark Sire
This pair is also available as the main character.for melee, and the hero of support - in this case, the support is Sir. First, he must pull all opponents into a single point, and then use his own spell, Wal of Replica, to prevent opponents from leaving the circle in which Find already exists, who prepared Shadowgaz. Against such a combination it will be difficult to oppose something, so if your opponent is surrounded by the walls of Syr in the company of Finda, then he may not even try to resist. However, there is a possibility that one of the opponents can run away and attack Sira, so this combination should be especially honed during training, so that everything runs as smoothly as possible.
Omninnayt and Brudmazer
В данной паре ударной силой могут выступать оба hero, but it is worth noting that they need to do this not at the same time, that is, someone alone should still play the role of a support. And here, however, Omninayt is the best option for this role, since he has Repel, which increases the effectiveness of Brude, as well as a slowdown, which is also present in another hero, but acts much more efficiently. The only case where these two heroes can act as a shock force together is the lane, which can be fired for a couple, achieving very high results, but good preparation is needed for this.