/ / How to create, edit and delete a group in "Vibera"?

How in the "Viber" group to create, edit and delete?

"Вайбер", один из популярных в России messengers, continues to gain popularity among the citizens of our country. One of the reasons for this is the wide functionality of the program. But a large number of opportunities raises additional questions on the use of the application. Among them is the question of how to create a group in "Vaybere", and how to delete.

Group creation

To deal with the way in the "Vaybere" groupcreate, just follow the simple steps of one of the two algorithms. For more convenience, application developers have made two possible options for creating a group conversation - collecting participants from scratch and adding to a friend.

The course of action when choosing the first methodis to select the button with the image plus in the bottom of the messenger. In the window that opens, under the search bar, there will be another gray button that says "New Group". Clicking on it, you will see a list of all contacts. It remains only to select the desired interlocutors, and then click "Finish". And you can start chatting!

How to create a group in the vibeer

The second way, as in "Vaybere" group to create,requires an active dialogue with one of the future participants. Going into his conversation, it is necessary to “swipe” to the left - to navigate the screen from right to left, after which the conversation settings will open on the right side of the application. In the second block of parameters, there will be a list of current participants in the dialogue, and in order to create a group, all that remains is to select the “Add participants” button and mark the required number of people.

It is worth noting that adding friends to the conversation oncomputer is different from how to create a group in "Vaybere" on "Android". On the client version of the PC program, you have to use a method similar to the second one for smartphones - through dialogue with a friend. But, unlike the mobile application, it is possible to add people one by one on the computer by clicking the "Add" button and then searching for interlocutors.

Group editing

Having figured out how to create a group in "Vaybere", andBy starting a conversation, you may want to edit the conversation. The application does not support editing the appearance of the conversation for all participants - each sets these parameters on their own. Therefore, when creating a group, the administrator has the opportunity to edit the group only by changing the number of its members.

how to create a group in the vibera on android

Добавить собеседников можно аналогичным путём, as when creating a conversation through a friend’s dialogue, and for deletion, you must perform the following three steps. Going to the list of group members, you need to hold down the user icon and move up to the messenger panel. As a result, the user will leave the conversation and will not be able to read new messages in it.

Deleting a group

Upon completion of the conversation, the question may arisehow to delete the created group in "Vaybere". If you just need to leave the conversation, then you should follow the same algorithm as during the creation. Open the group settings panel, at the very bottom you need to find the "Leave the group" button.

how to delete the created group in the vibera

If you want to end group communication, thenTo do this, the group administrator must delete all participants, and then leave the conversation too. It is worth noting that after deleting a group, in the absence of a backup copy, it will be impossible to restore messages. But if there are saved messages, it is enough to repeat the process of how to create a group in "Vaibera" and load the package of messages there so that all participants in the conversation can access them again.