/ / How to create a server for friends in "MTA"?

How in "AIT" to create a server for friends?

All gamers know what "GTA: San Andreas" is.One of the most popular computer games of all time and definitely the most impressive among the existing ones in the series, it managed to keep the attention of millions of players around the world, it is the ideal of an action packed with various events and enabling to act freely, as the world is completely open. But what does "AIT" have to do with this? What is this? And why many are so interested in how to create a server in AIT. This is what you will learn from this article.

Downloading the server

how to create a server

So, "MTA" is a multiplayeraddition to the "GTA: San Andreas", which caused a real shock to the gaming community. The fact is that before this, none of the projects in the series supported the multi-user mode. And here it was not just added - it was also made a separate one, which made it possible to give players an incredible freedom of action, not only in a single game, but also in a multiplayer mode. Naturally, everyone wants to learn how to create a server in "AIT" to play there with friends in such a magnificent and epic game. It is not so difficult to do this, but you will have to dig a little with the settings, and if you are planning a broad activity - to tinker with PR. In this case, you can save all the problems from the ready-made "MTA" server, but you will have to pay for it with real money. The amount will be the higher, the more players are already involved on the server. However, you should think about creating a server yourself, since this option is free. And first you need to download a special program that will install the server on your computer. This is the first step towards understanding how to create a server in AIT, but there is still a lot of work ahead.

Server Tuning

ready server MTA

When your server is installed on the computer,you will need to configure it to start. To do this, you have to dig into the configuration files - without this you will not know how to create a server in "MTA". You can only install the software, but it will remain a dead weight on your hard drive. Therefore, go to the folder containing the config files, select the one that corresponds to the mode you need - and enter the name for your server, the IP address and port, and the maximum number of players that can be on the server at the same time. In fact, this is the answer to the question of how to create a server in "MTA" - these are the most important parameters, with them you can already start the server and call your friends.

Establishing a database administration

how to create a server in MTA

After carrying out the basic settings you needwill change another file that is responsible for the rights in the game. There you can register players' nicknames in the appropriate groups if you want to expand their capabilities. Naturally, first of all you need to register your nickname in the list of administrators - and at this if you want you can stop, because on a small server you do not need a lot of administration. And if your server is large, then you might need both administrative aides and moderators.

Other settings

Well, after that you can safely runserver and play, but it will be too boring. The fact is that you carried out only the basic necessary settings, without which the operation of the server is impossible. To transform it and make it unique, you will need to spend a little more time on the settings. You can set the most diverse parameters for the game and the game area - all this can be set in the config. Moreover, you can change a lot already from the game itself, when you will perform the functions of administrator.