If your goal is to have qualitycorrect image, you should deal with such a concept as "white balance". If desired, it can be configured in the camera immediately before shooting, or after that, using special programs for image processing.
So, there is the concept of color temperature.light, which should be dealt with before proceeding to the definition of what it is - white balance. Everyone knows that the light coming from different sources, has a different color color. In physics, this fact is explained as follows: if any black physical body is heated, then it will begin to emit electromagnetic waves, which will be distributed in the infrared range. When the temperature rises, the waves will shift to the range of visible light. For example, a black body, heated to 1800-2000 Kelvin, will emit a light red-orange color.
The radiation spectrum begins to shift to morein a cold direction, if the temperature rises, changing from yellow to green, blue, and so on, going into ultraviolet and radio waves. For convenience of terminology, the shade of light is usually characterized by color temperature, which is denoted in Kelvin. The white balance in this case is a very important indicator. The human eye perceives white color regardless of the kind of lighting around, however, it can also fail. If you quickly enter the room from the street, where it is very sunny, for the first few seconds everything will be seen with a yellow tinge until the vision adapts to the new conditions. In the human brain, a visual analyzer is triggered, and in modern cameras an electrical one is used, which is called "automatic white balance." It is very good if the camera sets the value of this indicator by itself or allows you to use certain presets so that its owner can do it manually.
Typically, the white balance in a photo taken with modern cameras can be configured using the following presets:
- Auto - automatic mode, excellenttriggered by daytime shooting, when the sun serves as the main source of light. It is also useful when a constant change in illumination occurs, which makes it difficult to determine the light temperature.
- Daylight is a day mode, with it the camera itself adds warm tones to the frame.
- Cloud - cloudiness, with the addition of warm tones.
- Shade - shadow. It uses the previous installation, but warm tones added even more.
Следует сказать, что это не все возможные settings, but the main ones. White balance can be adjusted manually, but this should be considered in sufficient detail in a separate article. In order to quickly cope with the tasks of setting, you can take a picture of a sheet of white paper, and then delve into the settings of the camera to get the best result. The white balance in Photoshop is configured quite simply, for this purpose there is an instruction in the program itself. Such an opportunity is convenient in the event that a snapshot is impossible to re-shoot, and you need to make a high-quality image.