/ / How to remove restrictions from the games "Alawar": instruction

How to remove restrictions from the games "Alawar": instruction

"Alawar" - quite well-known in gamingcircles studio for the production of mini-games. However, not only mini. The main feature of these projects is the ability to download them from the Internet and play for half an hour for free. If you like the development, you will have to send SMS with the code and receive a key for activation, after which you can play an unlimited amount of time. However, there are several ways with which you can enjoy your game without sending SMS. So how to remove restrictions from the games "Alawar"?

How to remove restrictions from the games Alawar


Some of the above methods may seemquite complex, others - not very. Let's start with the fact that we will offer the reader the most reliable method, how to remove restrictions from the games "Alawar". More precisely, do not clean. You can just download the already hacked interesting game on the torrent tracker or website.

If you use known trackers likeTfile or Rutracker, then you can be sure of the functionality of the downloaded version. Moreover, in the topic with the posted torrent you can always ask the distributor how to start the downloaded toy.

If you download from a third-party site, thenbe sure to check the content for viruses. But do not rush to remove them. Antivirus may well take an innocuous "crack" for playing the Trojan. Be careful.

The second option

Thinking about how to remove restrictions from games"Alawar", you probably noticed that many Internet services offer download "crack" for games. This is also a fairly good way of hacking. The main thing, again, is not to put the virus on the computer. The action of most "crack" is the same:

  1. Install the game.
  2. Start the crack.
  3. Select the path to the executable file (.exe) of the toy in the search string.
  4. Click "Run."

The hacking program will automatically patch yourattachment. This is perhaps the best way to remove restrictions from the games of "Alawar" in 2013, etc. With each year, information security systems are getting better, and the old ways are irrelevant, while the developers of the "crack" are working tirelessly for the benefit of piracy.

How to remove restrictions from Alawar games through the registry

Key Generator

In addition to "crack" there are two more ways to remove restrictions from the games "Alawar" with someone else's help.

  1. The first involves the use of keygen.Or, in another way, the key generation program. In fact, it's the same burglar. After downloading the generator and the game you need to do the following. Install and run the game. Press the activation button and copy the code that you want to send to the SMS. After that, run the activator and paste the copied code. The cracker program will give you a key to activate the game.
  2. In addition to a variety of programs for hacking, you candownload the finished file. ehe from your game with the restriction already removed. But this method does not always work, and it is much easier to introduce some kind of infection into the computer than using other methods.


The last method describes how to removerestrictions from the games "Alawar" through the register. Why the last one? The fact that he worked a long time ago, even at the dawn of the computer industry. At present, hacking games "Alawar" independently is very difficult and does not always work.

How to remove restrictions from the games Alawar 2013

  1. Run the game and go to the activation menu. There we select the payment sub-item via SMS.
  2. Before us appears the code, which must be sent to the official number. We need numbers four through seven, counting from left to right. For example, 4455.
  3. Now we can apply directly to the registry. Run it with the regedit command, writing this word in the search bar of the Start menu.
  4. We are interested in HKEY_CURRENT_USER.
  5. In it we go to the folder Software, then "Alawar"-> "play". After that, you will need to find a folder that has the same name as the 4 digits that you remembered earlier. Now go to "trial" -> "Alawar".
  6. In the right window, launch the "Program" file. In it, we change the system of calculus to decimal, and then set the parameter value to the maximum possible.

Everything, now you can enjoy your favorite gamehow much your heart desires. If the time ends suddenly, you can always extend it in the same way. However, thinking about how to remove restrictions from the games "Alawar", remember that everyone wants to eat. Even the developers of computer games. And the fact that you do not send SMS-ku, means that someone will not receive their earnings. Programmers are not millionaires, and every contribution for their labors is important to them.