/ / How to play Overwatch for free: open loopholes

How to play Overwatch for free: open loopholes

Modern man is already hard to imaginelife without computer games, even if he himself is not their fan. Virtual reality has an impact on all processes occurring in society, which means that it is constantly developing along with it. Game developers are trying to come up with new ways of entertainment, and one of them was the project “Overwatch”, which won the hearts of fans from the first days of open beta testing. Unfortunately, gamers who are accustomed to the free-to-play mode, which is used in almost all online games, will have to pay a decent amount, in a reasonable sense, for this fun. Can I play Overwatch for free?

how to play overwatch for free

More about the game itself

"Overwatch" - the realmultiplayer online shooter, which has a number of specific features for which he and fell in love. You will not surprise anyone with a first-person view, but the presence of a hero, in addition to a gun, unique magic abilities, or the ability to change a character during a match, you can hit anyone. Many gamers want to try to play - Overwatch offers them a lot of new things.

The plot of the game is quite familiar.The action takes place in the near future. There was a large-scale conflict between artificial intelligence and humanity. To cope with the disaster and return peace and order to the planet, people founded an international organization of heroes, called the same-name game. Pretty soon she coped with the task, and the heroes, left without work, dispersed in their personal affairs. The influence of the organization came to nothing, and then it was completely dissolved. However, over the years of peace, another danger has appeared - the crime of fattening absence of supervision. And then the team is going again.

How to play Overwatch for free? Developer Answer

Blizzard company, famous manufacturercomputer games that gave the world such masterpieces as "Warcraft", "Diablo", "Starcraft" and others, after the end of beta testing decided to answer the question that concerns many people: how to play Overwatch in the "free-play" mode. Unfortunately, many gamers, such an opportunity, according to the developers, can’t exactly introduce themselves. This is due to the features of the gameplay. In other words, by transferring the “Overwatch” to the standard free system, “Blizzard” will create a situation where the one who just buys all the characters at the beginning of the game will have the advantage in the match. The team that develops the fun has done a great deal of work to create balanced abilities and modes that take into account the capabilities of each character, and they would not want to let it all fall.

is it possible to play overwatch for free

Overwatch offers to play for free. Promotions

Despite the need to purchase a subscription forreal money, the Blizzard group went to meet fans of their work. From the ninth to the twelfth of September two thousand and sixteenth year, free weekends for owners of gaming consoles were launched. Gamers got all the same opportunities as the people who bought the game for real, with one single exception: in order to preserve the progress made during these days, at the end of the period, a paid subscription was required. The results of the action can be safely called successful. Players got a long-awaited legal opportunity to try the desired game, after which they were able to answer the interesting question: is it worth the requested money or not. Blizzard does not exclude the holding of such an action for owners of personal computers.

overwatch offers to play for free

A funny letter to the developers of the game fan

Wanting to learn how to play Overwatch for free,some people take desperate steps. Most recently, a certain Kyle, whom the company's employees later called an "exemplary family man", wrote a letter to the developers, where he begged to give him a free copy of the "Overwater". According to the man, he hadn’t asked anything from his wife for a long time, deliberately saving the plot budget in order to play this game. However, when he expressed this desire, Kyle's life partner refused to allow him to acquire the game Overwatch. The man did not give up and developed a whole system to get what he wanted, but nothing came of it, and then he asked the company's employees to help him persuade his wife. According to the fan of the game, the best thing they can do is send him a free copy of the product. The case was so amused by the Blizzard developers that they posted a letter on the official website.

how to play overwatch

Resourceful people will always be there, so soon after the start of fun, gamers found a way to play Overwatch for free.

Advantages and disadvantages of the method

The first part of the article is quite obvious:This is an opportunity to try the game, evaluate the gameplay, interface, modes and characters, and not pay a penny. For those who doubt whether he will like the "Overwatch", the opportunity to personally form an opinion about the product has become a real solution to the problem. The key word is “try”. The account that received the product in the manner described below receives a ban after two or four hours of play. This time is really enough to make a decision, but constantly spending time in such a way is tedious and tedious, and this was the main disadvantage of the method in question. A gamer is required to constantly register new accounts, and if he mistakenly tried the first time to play "Overwatch" on the main account, where other games were bought, he loses them forever after receiving a ban.

Step one. Account Registration

How to play Overwatch for free?Simple enough. Gamer must create a new account and select the country of Germany. If he makes a mistake at this stage, you have to start over. Sometimes all sorts of errors pop up, in which case it is recommended to change the browser. To perform a tricky action, it is better to register a separate e-mail, otherwise you will not avoid a speedy ban of the created account. There are services for creating temporary mailboxes. If a gamer plans to spend in the game in an illegal way more than one and not three hours, the registration procedure will have to go more than once.

try playing overwatch

Step two. "Purchase" of the game

After activating the account (to the specified mailA letter arrives with a corresponding link. A gamer needs to go to the Blizzard product store and select the desired game. Among the available payment methods, only one is suitable: direct bank transfer. If during the registration of the account an error was made, namely, in the “country” clause, it was not Germany that was chosen, “buy” Overwatch in this way would not work. Next you need to confirm that the gamer does not know his iban. It will open a form that you need to fill in with the real passport data of a resident of Germany.

Step three. Downloading the game

After the "purchase" it remains only to download the product.After waiting for this process - its duration depends only on the speed of the Internet connection - you can proceed to the most interesting. Once in the main menu, you can see that all functions are available, you can play. Overwatch with bots will require training. The main thing to remember is that very soon the account will be banned, and the pleasure will come to an end.

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For good games, it's not a pity to give money, therebythanking the developers for creating the masterpiece. But not everyone has the ability to pay. One can only hope that one day the product "Overwatch" will be truly free.