/ / Perhaps everyone has heard about "Twitter". What it is? Answer in the article

Perhaps everyone has heard about "Twitter". What it is? Answer in the article

"Twitter" - what is it?In the West, the triumphant march of this social service began long ago - in 2006. In Russia, he became known much later. But there are still people who know little about him, although they have heard something somewhere. That's the question for them "Twitter - what is it?" is just relevant.

twitter what is it

"Twitter" is a service of microblogging, shortmessages that allow users to keep track of what is happening right now in the lives of their friends or acquaintances. The peculiarity of it - the publicity of all messages, which allows anyone registered in the service to be aware of the events of the life of famous bloggers. This makes the idea of ​​using such a social server especially attractive. Readers in "Twitter", thus, the first can read the impressions, for example, the Russian prime minister from attending an event.

Who has his "Twitter"?

By the way, the official "Twitter" has manyfamous actors, performers and politicians: Madonna, Rihanna, Lady Gaga, Dmitry Medvedev, Vladimir Zhirinovsky, Gennady Zyuganov, Tina Kandelaki and many others. There was information that in 2012, Russian President Vladimir Putin will also lead an official account in this system, but it has not been confirmed.

readers on Twitter

A bit of history

Like all ingenious, the idea of ​​creating a "Twitter"simple and even somehow boring. The principle was voiced during dinner by several friends, engineers of the Odeo campaign. One of the future creators of "Twitter" then shared with his friends the idea to equip a service that allows them to communicate through the phone with the help of short text messages. At that time, the company had to change its direction of activity because of the growing competition, and the company's engineers were in the "brainstorming" stage. The company appreciated the idea, and began to implement it. The first message in the service appeared in the spring of 2006, when the founder of the program announced that he was setting up his "Twitter". At first, users of the new form of communication were few, mostly they were employees of the company Odeo and their friends. Rapidly gaining popularity the service began after the film festival in 2007, at which the company's engineers on the pre-installed screens broadcast live messages of the users of the service. "Twitter" - what is it? "- this question then interested many of those present at the festival, and from that day the audience of the new social network began to grow rapidly.

Who needs "Twitter"

official twitter

"Twitter" is primarily interesting to those wholikes convenience, mobility, speed in sending messages. It is also interesting for those who prefer to keep abreast of all news of politics and show business, who like some kind of involvement with other users when communicating in Twitter.

The very interface of the server is extremely simple and understandable.A very easy way to register in Twitter allows you to become one of its users within a couple of minutes. After registering, a new member of the service gets full access to all of its resources.

Last year, the services of the microblogging service"Twitter" took advantage of 200 million users in the world. Every day they post over 300 million messages on the site. Impressive scale! But to finally understand: "Twitter" - what it is, it is worth it to become its user.