/ / How to open the console in "Maincraft" and use it?

How to open the console in "Maincraft" and use it?

In Minecraft, as in many other games, wherethere is a network mode, a built-in command console, where the player can enter various queries to get those or other results. But even those users who guessed the existence of this interface may not know how to open the console in the "Maincraft".

how to open a console in maynkraft

How to open the console?

To start entering console commands, you need to open the chat and press the "/" ("slash") symbol. Everything, the console is open. Yes, the answer to the question "how to open the console in the Maincraft" was so simple.

Now it may be unclear how to start itto enjoy. But even this is easily correctable. It is enough to know the list of useful commands that you can enter into the console line. One of these commands will be described below.

The command "/ tp ..."

If you find out how to open the console in "Maincraft", it was easy enough, then it's more difficult to understand the console commands.

There is a command "/ tp ..".It can transfer the player, other players or any objects to the desired coordinates. For the coordinate method of displacement, one simple rule should be understood: the coordinate change - delta - is indicated by the symbol "~" - the tilde.

For example, to move yourself to coordinates:5 blocks along the X axis, 7 blocks along the Y axis and 10 blocks along the Z axis - the player needs to enter "/ tp ~ 5 ~ 7 ~ 10". It should be taken into account that the tilde sign is equal to zero instead of the number.

To move the nearest player (if the gameoccurs on the server) for 5 blocks in X, for 0 blocks Y and for 0 blocks along the Z axis, you need to enter "/ tp @p ~ 5 ~ ~". Naturally, all commands must be entered without quotes.

To do the same with a casual player, you need to write @r instead of @p. With all players - @a, with all entities - @e. With the executor of the command - it is necessary to enter @s.

how to open the console in maincraft on the server


Now you know exactly how to open the console in"Maynkrafte." And it turned out to be very simple. It's enough just to go into the chat and start typing after the slash. By default, the chat is opened with the T key (English layout). If you click on the slash symbol on the keyboard, the chat will open immediately with the entered "/" character.

By the way, any team that supports itselfgame, can be written in a special command block. You can not make it up. With this block, you can create a large number of interesting mechanisms that will work, because initially the player will record certain commands.

In the same article you can learn how to open the console in Minecraft on the server. Surprisingly, the answer will be similar to what is written above: in the same way, via chat and the slash symbol.

Interestingly, the well-known command "/ gamemode... "- this is also one of the console commands. And it's unlikely that there will be many players in Minecraft who have not heard about it, but many did not suspect that they had previously used the console with it.