/ / Personal privacy, or how to choose a password for wifi?

Personal privacy, or how to choose a password for wifi?

Now many homes have routers installed,Distributing via Wi-Fi Internet to all devices in the house: laptops, tablet computers, smartphones. Since the popularity and number of such devices is constantly growing, the need to create a home Wi-Fi access point is becoming more acute. It is not always convenient to pull the wires to the laptop, and other devices will remain without high-speed Internet. If earlier Wi-Fi was a wonder, now it is a common phenomenon, and many providers immediately offer services for setting up routers and Internet access.

In any high-rise building in the evenings you candetect multiple access points at once. All of them, as a rule, are protected by passwords, so you cannot connect to them. Any user will close access to the router from others. However, the question arises how to choose a password for wifi, and is it easy to do? You need to know the answer to this question if only to determine the degree of protection of your own access point yourself.

Many believe that there is nothing terriblebut wanting to know how to choose a password for wifi is enough. The problem is that people who unauthorizedly connected to the Internet can simply occupy a free channel, because of this the speed will fall. In addition, they can use access to perform illegal operations, or you can just suddenly find that your ip-address is suddenly blocked on popular resources. Moreover, they can access the home network, and under certain conditions even restrict access to the host.

So how to choose a password for wifi, and how easy it is to do it?

Many users find that forsuch an operation needs to possess special skills and knowledge that such hacks are only possible for professional hackers. This is not quite true, although it is worth noting that you can’t just type in a search engine how to pick up a wifi password, download the first proposed program and in a few moments access any router in the access zone. The process is much more complicated, but with certain skills it can be done.

The hacking technology is built in such a way that the easiestpick a password when the user uses Wi-Fi, but if you just try to connect, then the point will most likely block intruders. In fact, there is an "audition" of traffic, and for this you need special programs. However, hackers can act more carefully, and under certain conditions, selecting a password will take no more than 15 minutes.

Wi-Fi security

Give an unambiguous answer how to choose a password forwifi, it is impossible, because in each case, the attackers choose a particular method. It depends on the complexity of the password, on encryption methods and other things. After all, often careless users can set simple passwords, such as QWERTY or 12345.

Those who are interested in how to configure securitywifi, you can say that first you need to choose a password that is difficult enough to crack. It is also worth noting that it is better not to use the WEP encryption protocol, since it is easiest to crack. A hacker can bypass such protection in 5 minutes.

WPA protocol seems to be more reliableas here the burglar will need to detect well-defined packages. When they are detected, he can directly engage in hacking, and he will not even need to keep the connection. Special programs will begin selecting passwords that will be able to detect the desired combination.

Users can help the program to protectwifi, which can be found on the Internet. However, it is better to maintain your own vigilance: do not use simple passwords and change them regularly, switch to the WPA protocol, and also monitor connections to your router and turn it off when the Internet is not in use.