/ / How to copy things and structures in Minecraft

How to copy things and structures in "Maynkraft"

If you regularly immerse yourself in this unusualworld, then at one point you will have a question about how to copy in Minecraft. Most often, it is asked by beginners who have recently begun to participate in the project, and only understand all the nuances. In fact, currently there are only two ways with which you can copy. One of them involves the use of administrator rights. The second is done with the help of dupa. If you have administrator rights, then in this case, if you wish, you can copy absolutely any things and objects that are on the server. It is very convenient.


how to copy in minecraft
Many players think that if there isadministrator rights, the question of how to copy homes in Minecraft, is immediately resolved. In fact, this is far from the case, only at first glance everything seems quite simple. Most of the players are not even aware of the existence of many teams that are aimed at convenient and professional server administration. You can also use these tools to carry various kinds of things and objects. Today we also decided to make out an important question - how to copy teams into Minecraft.

Time Costs

how to copy commands to minecraft
Let's start with a simple example that canclearly show all the possibilities. Your character holds a sword in his hand, which was previously enchanted with a special table. This experience was used. The sword has its own parameters, sharpness - 4, and a conspiracy of fire - 2 units. What should the user do if he needs ten such swords?

Many choose the most laborious process and charmeach element, because they do not know how to copy in Minecraft. Even if you are an administrator and want to create ten identical swords based on one existing one, you still need to use special commands for this process. If you do everything right, then each new sword will take you about a minute to go. Naturally, for this process you will need to spend ten minutes, but with just one command you can produce the desired number of items instantly.


how to copy at home in minecraft
So now we come to the question ofhow to copy in Minecraft. First you need to open the console, then enter the / more command in it. Further, the system automatically adds the required number of items. If you didn’t know, there are 64 items in one such package at once. Also, an important point when deciding how to copy in Minecraft is that your character must keep the item that you want to copy.

So you can create not onlyweapons, but also blocks, for this it is enough just to choose the desired item. There is also a special command base - give. With it, you can also easily copy various objects and weapons. This team allows you to not only create things, but also to give them out to other players who are on this server.