/ / Detailed answer to the question: why “Wi Fi” does not work on the phone

A detailed answer to the question: why "Wai Fai" does not work on the phone

If you chose the tariff for making calls tofavorable conditions, and the Internet is expensive to use, then Wi-Fi can come to the rescue. If you install a router at home to distribute a wireless network, this does not mean that you can freely configure the connection. It is at such moments that the question is often born: why "Wi Fi" does not work on the phone. It is possible to easily fix this problem.

How the wireless connection is established

Why wi-fi does not work on the phone

The receiver is used to configure the communication channel.and transmitter. In this case, the Wi-Fi module of the phone is used as the receiving device, and the transmitter can be an ADSL modem, a device capable of creating an access point or a router that supports signal distribution.
There can be several reasons for the lack of an Internet connection:
• Failure of the Wi-Fi module due to poor build quality.
• Mechanical damage.
• Consequences of exposure to liquids.
• Software crashes.
• Incorrect settings.
First of all, when connecting via a router, ifYou had a question, why “Wi Fi” does not work on the phone, you need to check the availability of LAN. To do this, connect a computer or laptop using a cable to the router and, if the connection is not available, it means that you need to contact the operator or check the balance.
If there is a connection to the network, it is necessaryactivate or configure the distribution of Wi-Fi. Documentation attached to the router will help you to cope with this task. In particular, the service agreement describes in detail how it is possible to activate the distribution, or a password for “Wi-Fi” is specified, without which the connection will not work.
If the connection problems occurred at the time of trying to connect to the public network, then you need to configure Wi-Fi on your device.

How to set up "Wi Fi" on the phone with Android OC

how to set up wi-fi

First of all, make sure that the Wi-Fi on your phoneactive The item “Wireless networks” displays the full list of networks available for connection. We find the necessary among them (the identifier of the wireless network can be found in the service contract, and the data on connecting the public network is often placed in front of the visitors of the organization).
If the connection is active, but you cannot understandWhy "Wi Fi" does not work on the phone, you need to refer to the settings. Go to the menu options for the wireless connection. The most common problems are caused by incorrect IP address settings. Place a marker against the phrase: “Set static Wi-Fi”. After that, you will need to enter data from the documentation or obtained during activation and configuration of the router.

How to connect "Wi Fi" on your phone with IOS

In general, the configuration algorithm does not differ from that given for Android devices. The Wi-Fi module is activated using the phone settings, and among all the networks you need to select the right one.
In the absence of a connection, it is also necessaryenter the IP address and other settings. After you save them, restart your iPhone and router. Usually this procedure is sufficient to restore the connection.
Также при введении пароля проверьте, правильно ли you write letters. It is necessary to take into account not only the keyboard layout, but also the case of letters. This rule applies to any device, and the password must be entered regardless of the operating system.

What you need to pay attention to when the connection is poor with Wi-Fi

Wi-Fi password

Correct modem and module configuration is not alwayscan fix the problem when "Wi Fi" does not work on the phone. If the connection is not available, or the data transfer is malfunctioning, the reasons for this may be the following:
• Poor quality firmware.Often, users independently change the firmware to the one that will give additional advantages in using the device, for example, unlocks the use of SIM cards of any operator. It is possible to solve the firmware problem by installing the original version.
• In the modem settings, the MAC address protection is set; it can be removed by carefully checking the settings.
• Networking can be affected by various applications that run in the background. Before you configure "Wi Fi", check through the dispatcher all running programs and stop the extra ones.
If the measures described above did not help, then you can contact the service center, whose specialists will check the Wi-Fi module for operability.

Reset settings to restore data transfer over Wi-Fi

connect wi-fi on your phone

Before using last resort andcontact the service center, you can try another way. First, back up all data stored on the device. After that, using the debug menu, roll back the settings to the factory default or reinstall the system. Depending on the manufacturer, backup and reset is carried out in a certain way.
Подходит этот способ в тех случаях, когда при Buying Wi-Fi worked well without failures, and then eventually stopped connecting for no apparent reason. In any case, it makes sense to try to check not only the receiving device, but also the transmitter. Now you know why “Wai Fay” does not work on the phone and how to fix it.