/ / BSoD 0x0000000A blue screen: how to fix the problem?

BSoD 0x0000000A Blue Screen: How to fix the problem?

Blue screen when starting operating systemsWindows is a fairly common phenomenon. Now we will talk about the error BSoD 0x0000000A and others like it. As a rule, they all arise for similar reasons and are eliminated by similar methods. Depending on the situation, the methods proposed below can be applied.

BSoD 0x0000000A: causes of failures

If we talk about what exactly can causefailure to boot the system, then you should build on the error number and stop code in the description. In this case, consider the appearance of the BSoD 0x0000000A screen (IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL).

bsod 0x0000000a

First you need to understand the very nature of suchmalfunction. Without going into technical details, it can be noted that this error occurs when several devices or system programs access the same memory address. The description of the stop code indicates failures when using the so-called IRQ interrupts.

Roughly speaking, it is about trying to geta device or program accesses an invalid memory address, as a result of which the Diskdump.sys system component incorrectly sets the I / O value to zero. Thus, it is possible to solve the problem by eliminating conflicts at the hardware and software levels.

BSoD 0x0000000A (Windows 7): System Rollback

Let's start with the simplest.The appearance of errors BSoD 0x0000000A, 0x00000016, 0x00000002 and the like, you can try to eliminate by restoring the system. You can use automatic rollback by repeatedly restarting a computer device.

bsod 0x0000000a windows 7

В некоторых случаях помогает вызов специального the menu at the loading stage (F8), in which the start of the last successful configuration is selected. If the necessary points with working system parameters are absent on the computer, or for any reason they cannot be started, you can try to boot the system in Safe Mode by selecting it from the same starting list of options.

Troubleshoot device driver issues

But in most cases, the BSoD error is 0x0000000Aappears in connection with the arisen conflicts of "iron" equipment. And this mostly concerns not physical breakdowns, but the state of device drivers.

The most common cause of failure BSoD0x0000000A are graphics adapters, because when you start the system, access to them is activated first. But such situations do not necessarily occur due to the fault of the video cards. Any other hardware components of the system can also cause failures if their drivers are directly involved in the OS boot process.

bsod 0x0000000a irql not less or equal

Таким образом, первым делом необходимо загрузить system at least in the safe start mode, call the "Device Manager" and remove the drivers of the failed components, then restart the system in normal mode and reinstall the driver. If the failure appears again, in the safe start mode, you need to use the verifier / reset command (program execution console - Win + R), and then install again.

For ATI video cards there is a more efficient solution.which is to get rid of conflicts between old and new versions of drivers. For example, when installing an updated driver, the old configuration (atikmdag.sys object) may not be copied to the current settings folder, but directly to the system directory with drivers (Drivers), which is located in the System32 directory.

To fix the problem, first renameThe specified file with the addition to the name of old through the point. After that, in the ATI folder, which is usually located directly on drive C, find the atikmdag.sy_ file and copy it to any other location (preferably to the "Desktop"), then write the string chdir Desktop in the command console (cmd) . After that, enter the expand-r atikmdag.sy_ atikmdag.sys command. After completing the operation, move the new file to the folder with drivers (Drivers) and reboot the system.


If BSoD 0x0000000A crashes due to problemswith memory bars, in the simplest case, each of them should be removed from the corresponding slots in turn and the system should be restarted. When the OS starts to start normally, it will immediately become clear which bar should be replaced.

For professionals, the Memtest86 + RAM verification program is perfect, but an ordinary user is unlikely to figure it out.

Change BIOS settings

You can experiment with BIOS settings for troubleshooting. For a start, you can make a full reset to the factory state.

bsod error 0x0000000a

Если это не поможет, придется войти в параметры CMOS and disable caching of all levels (L1-L3), functions and Plug & Play devices, as well as all types of BIOS anti-virus protection, if any. If for some reason devices cannot be disconnected, everything that is not needed to start the system can be simply removed from the system by physical means (additional hard drives, optical drives, sound adapters, integrated modems, etc.).

На крайний случай для винчестера можно установить IDE mode of operation or manually reset the IDE disk jumper to the “Master” position, and then start. If the download occurs in the normal mode, then you can connect the devices one by one and look at the result. The latest option is a BIOS firmware update. But, as practice shows, such actions are required very rarely.

Software conflict

Finally, if a conflict occurs at the levelinstalled software using Safe Mode, you need to enter the computer management section, and in the utility section look at the notifications recorded in the event log.

bsod 0x0000000a 0x00000016 0x00000002

The failed application will be marked with a yellow triangle with an exclamation point. Exit - complete reinstallation of the detected failed program with subsequent system restart in normal mode.

The saddest thing is that such a conflictvery often causes avast antivirus free modification. But you need to delete it with the help of a special utility from the developer or use narrowly targeted uninstallers for this.