/ / System requirements. "Crisis 3" - an interactive benchmark or something more?

System requirements. "Crisis 3" - an interactive benchmark or something more?

Crysis 3 belongs to the most popular genrecomputer entertainment - shooters. Such games are always the first to move forward in terms of graphics. They are on top of technology. But Crysis is not just a shooter, its action takes place in a fantasy world, and the quality of special effects and their number for creating other worlds is always an order of magnitude higher than those that different games on a PC. System requirements are described similarly - faster, more powerful.

system requirements crisis 3

Excursion to the history

Лучший бенчмарк за всю историю видеоигр - такими In words, the game press described the first part of the trilogy. In it, the developers laid on their shoulders an impossible task - to put in one jug at the same time three drinks - an open world, an exciting plot, elegant graphics. Something turned out well, something - ugly, but for the disgusting graphics of Crytech, no one reproached.

The game became a reference sample, sharing shootersin two - before Crysis and after. The image painted almost photographic landscapes. Naturally, the game that raised the bar of quality, required maximum resources. On this topic, without hiding, joked the developers themselves shooter "Crisis." System requirements for playing at ultra-high quality were immensely high. At the time of its release, no user computer could provide the necessary configuration.

Computer hardware has long surpassed the maximumthose years, and the authors went ahead without fear. The standard is no more? The standard will be! Trying to take into account the mistakes of the past project, they presented to the public the Crysis 2 - a completely different game. Without an open world, but with interesting gameplay. And again they got a beautiful picture, to which many were equal, but did not get a good game. Excessive system requirements also forced gamers to break up piggy banks for an extraordinary upgrade, and not in vain - I wanted to admire the picture. Only ... I did not want to play.

Our days

game crisis 3 system requirements

In 2013, a new child appeared before the publicCrytech with the old name - the game "Crisis 3". System requirements again forced any top "hardware" to become obsolete before our eyes. Of course, again on the foreground came graphics, beginning with light and shadow and ending with the facial expressions of the characters. Everything is done at the highest level. Even the videos on the game engine fade in comparison with the gameplay. The picture, which draws CryEngine of the last generation, is admirable. Few will be able to take this bar in detail in 2015.

A good picture is not only bright colors

crisis 3 minimum system requirements

И все-таки тучи придется сгустить.The world inside the game is made of plastic. Incredibly beautiful grass, rain, high-resolution effects, high-quality lighting - all this is atmospheric, but only when they are from the scenery become the protagonists. It is worth dulling attention, leaving all these little things in the background, and Crysis begins to resemble a demonstration video about what is really achievable today. Advertising native engine, but not a ready product.

From words to numbers

Well, let's move on to the dry figures reflectingreality, not subject to deformation, depending on the degree of subjectivity of the author of the review of the game "Crisis 3". Minimum system requirements for a comfortable game are as follows:

  • Video card: 1 GB (mandatory support for DirectX 11).
  • Dual-core processor with a frequency of 2.4 GHz.
  • RAM: 2 GB.

Recommended computer settings:

  • Video card: 1 GB (mandatory support for DirectX 11).
  • A central processor with four cores.
  • RAM: 4 GB.

These are the system requirements."Crisis 3", however, in reality requires twice as much. Acquire the Intel Core i7 processor (or Bulldozer FX4150 if you are a fan of AMD). Suitable video card Nvidia GTX 680 (or Radeon HD7970 for AMD). 8 GB of RAM. Do not forget to stock up 20 GB of free space on the HDD, regardless of the quality settings.

HDD size matters

Someone will exclaim: "Twenty gigabytes!It's a lot, but without increasing the size of the final product, no one can cope today.Textures become more extensive, so they require more space.In models, the number of polygons increases, and the record about each vertex must be stored somewhere, the rules for their interaction must also be specified strictly.

crisis system requirements

Разработчики отказываются от сильного сжатия graphic materials, because the quality deteriorates as a result. Videos that connect chapters or levels are also now put into games without crushing in HD quality. The same ode can be sung to the sound. A few minutes of beautiful melody without compression take about a hundred megabytes.

Therefore, it turns out that the system requirements "Crisis 3" makes many times more than the first part. And this happens not only with this title.

Why so much?

Everything grows, everything develops. Grow and games.Over time, they evolve, and to feed the "combine" for the processing of textures, animations and effects (which is the game engine), more resources are required.

Naturally, every game has different system requirements for hardware. "Crisis 3" is much more capricious than competitors. How can this be explained?

games on pc system requirements

Specialists Crytech - not just game-maidens, theytime after time create a standard, for the graphic achievements of which many others are forced to chase a few more years. Such breakthroughs make fans flee to the store for a new video card for their laptop, engineers - develop better ways of processing information, developers - create better products. And the overstated system requirements of "Crisis 3" are worth it to follow. Such games give an opportunity to at least approximately glance into the future of computer entertainment.