/ / How to install a webcam - recommendations for "newbies" and not only

How to install a webcam - recommendations for "newbies" and not only

How to install a webcam on your PC -which we will consider today. Indeed, without this device in the modern world of communications, chat rooms, Skype and blogs you feel somehow not very comfortable. It seems that it is not an object of first necessity (you can communicate without it), but the absence of this device fine limits the range of possibilities. Videoconferences, webinars, training videos, just an opportunity to show a new hairstyle or your cat to a friend from another city - without a webcam, it's simply impossible.

There are other arguments that makeuse of the camera is very, very useful: for example, you can install a webcam at home, and in our absence it can perform the functions of a security guard. The camera will turn on when the motion sensor is triggered - the front door will open, someone will enter the apartment or exit it. These records can be viewed remotely by setting up access via the Internet. Thus, you can not particularly worry about the safety of your property - the camera will record changes in the apartment and give a signal to the mobile phone or send a message to the e-mail.

So, let's begin. How to install the webcam:

1.We buy this device in the nearest electronics store. The choice is desirable to stop on branded products from manufacturers with a good reputation. Practice shows that the masterpieces of "know-it" apart from a pleasant price do not represent anything good.

2. Included with the camera are always the drivers for the device, recorded on the disc.

3. You should make sure that your computer has a working sound card, speakers for playing sound and a working drive for reading / writing CDs.

4. Insert the drive that comes with your camera and run it.

5. Follow the instructions to help install the device in the system.

6. Reboot the PC.

7. After restarting the computer, you can safely use the device and have fun.

We looked at how to install a webcam withusing a special disc that comes with it. However, there are cases when (for various reasons) the installation disc is missing. Let's take a look at how to install a webcam on a computer if it is not there or is damaged:

1. Write down your webcam model.

2. Go to the manufacturer’s website and in the Support section find and download drivers for your device onto your computer.

3. Install them into the system.

4. Reboot the PC.

5. Connect the camera and make sure that it works (you can check the equipment operation using the Skype program).

6. If necessary, install additional software for recording video, sound or image processing.

What you want to draw your attention:If you are planning a “part-time job” for your webcam (security guard position), make sure that your model is suitable for this. There should be enough space on the hard disk of the computer to record video files. In addition, you will need to install special software that allows you to implement these specific tasks.

For starters, you can try "iSpy" - thisthe program will allow you to implement full control over your territory (apartment, house, garage, perimeter of the site, observation of the street, interior spaces). Of the amenities: support for the Russian language, the inclusion of recording by sound or movement, the ability to remote control, as well as broadcast and view images from the camera in real time.

There is another option that will allow youcontrol what is happening in the apartment, garage or in the yard of your house. Wireless webcams that transmit the image using Wi-Fi, greatly simplify the work of monitoring the objects of observation. Several devices can give a clear idea of ​​what is happening in different points of the protected area, and you will be able to see and warn in advance possible attacks on your private property.

Как установить веб-камеру, работающую по wireless protocol is a topic for a separate review. In a nutshell: it requires power and the availability of a Wi-Fi network over which the picture will be broadcast. The absence of wires will significantly improve the mobility of the device, it becomes possible to place the camera raggedly, and as a result - you get full control over what is happening.