/ / How to detach a camera in Dota 2: a description of the actions

How to detach a camera in Dota 2: a description of the actions

After Valve updated the game and moved iton a new game engine, it has more interesting features and chips, which until now very few people know, and experts are still studying loopholes and features of the game. Let's figure out how to detach the camera in Dota 2 by standard means, and whether this operation will be a cheat.

how to put the camera in dota 2

Why leave the camera?

Довольно большой процент игроков жалуется на too little camera review in Dota 2. Someone needs to see almost the entire card, and someone wants to detach the camera because of the features of the settings of their computer or monitor. In all cases, the player can use on the instructions one instruction on how to detach the camera in Dota 2, which is presented in this article. Consider several ways to distance the camera in order, but before this it is worth noting the following feature.

Removing the camera in Dota 2 - it's not cheating and not"superpower", allowing to see more than other players. The game character still remains with the standard radius of view, and the "fog of war" still closes most of the map, so you will remain on an equal footing with teammates and opponents. However, you will need less camera movement on the map.

how to put the camera in dota 2 reborn

Using a third-party program

The first way is to use the programNotepad ++. You can download it free of charge on the Internet from the official website of the developers. After downloading, turn on the program. Before you remove the camera in Dota 2, open the file Client.dll, which can be found by searching the root directory of the game. To find the desired line, press CTRL + F and enter the value 1134 (this number equals the distance of the camera in the game). If you find the line you want, change the value to a larger one (for example, to 1600) and save the changes. After each upgrade of the client "DotA 2" it is necessary to perform the described operation anew.

Using ArtMoney

Before detaching the camera in Dota 2 RebornSecondly, download and install ArtMoney on your computer. Next, run Dota 2 and roll it up. Go to ArtMoney and set the search to "Integer 4 bytes". Next, find the value 1134.

Now go to the game and enter in the consolecommand sv_cheats 1, and after it dota_camera_distance 1534. Instead of 1534 you can substitute any distance value that will be more comfortable for you in the game.

Now we again go to ArtMani and we clearvalues ​​1534. After you have found several values, move them to the right and freeze. Now you know how to detach the camera in Dota 2 with the console and the ArtMoney program. The only drawback of this method is that the operation will have to be done every time the game is started. And this, you see, is not very convenient.

how to move the camera to the dota 2 console

To whom it is useful?

In most cases, players usemonitors with a 16: 9 aspect ratio, so they do not have problems with the review. This chip is suitable for those who have a monitor aspect ratio of 4: 3, because of what on the screen almost nothing is displayed, except for the review of the character. In such situations, the remote camera can significantly simplify the gameplay.

If the camera is too high,then the review will not increase, but the convenience of viewing what is happening on the screen will decrease, since all objects will become substantially smaller. Therefore, it is recommended to test different distance values ​​before starting a match with other players.

Is there a risk of getting a ban?

One of the main questions that worries playersAfter the remote camera in Dota 2 turned out, it's a matter of punishment for using this chip. Since these changes do not affect the game process and do not give an advantage to one player over the other, you can not get a change for this change.

Now you know how to postpone the camera in Dota 2 andYou can adjust this parameter as you will be more familiar and convenient. Experiment in the distance until you get the optimal camera position.