/ / What if the computer slows down?

What should I do if the computer brakes?

The situation when the computer mercilessly brakes and givesfailure, unfamiliar except to those who did not find the glorious times of the development of the computer industry. Do you remember how valuable computer resources were at the time of Windows 98? Then even 64 MB of RAM was considered a luxury. In a word, then no one thought about why the computer brakes. Often this phenomenon was an inevitable evil, with which everyone had to put up.

COMP brakes
But even now, when no one is surprisedseveral tens of gigabytes of RAM, SSD and new high-speed data transmission standards, this phenomenon can not be called particularly rare. Even the top computer brakes what to do - you do not know! Then you forget about the achievements of modern technology, dreaming everything to smash to pieces.

So what to do when the computer brakes?First of all, check the compliance of your hardware with the requirements of the system that is installed on it. Yes, we talked about the power of modern computers, but not always it can be sufficient. For example, even today, it's not uncommon for laptops equipped with a weak Celeron processor (even the latest generation) and 2GB of RAM to manage to install Windows 7 in the maximum edition, equipping it with some kind of powerful and heavy antivirus. In such cases, it should not be surprising that the computer brakes.

Comp inhibits what to do
If, with the power of the components, everything is in order,pay attention to the software. In particular, on your browser. It is known that modern Internet browsers are characterized by a rare voracity, diverting a lot of computer resources. In the case of Chrome and Firefox, it could be even worse, because both of these browsers use extensions. Unfortunately, among them there are many such that cause a memory leak, provoking its shortage. Asking yourself about why the computer slows down, do not lose sight of the already mentioned antivirus.

why the computer brakes

Despite the fact that antivirus manufacturerssoftware in recent years do a lot to improve the performance of their creations, many of them to this day can significantly slow down the entire system. To test your suspicions, it is useful to remove the antivirus program from startup and look at the performance of your computer. If it has grown and all other programs "fly", it makes sense to think about replacing the antivirus application. But if even after that the computer slows down, what to do then?

And in this case, you can turn your eyes tolong-suffering antivirus. More precisely, its effectiveness. Find on the Internet treating utilities from Dr.Web or Kaspersky Lab, then check your computer for unwanted "guests". Perhaps your system has long been a part of some "zombie server" that sends spam all over the world. At the same time, the situation with instantly "burning" traffic will clear up. Especially the improvement should be felt by the owners of USB modems, where the connection speed and without any viruses is not very high.

Well, now you know about what are the reasons that the computer brakes.