/ / Troubleshooting Windows 7 errors with programs

Troubleshoot Windows 7 errors with programs

Despite all the efforts of software developersthe existing operating systems are still subject to various kinds of errors. To solve them, many auxiliary applications have been written, allowing you to automatically check the basic Windows settings and make the necessary changes.

Affordable variety

Some are distributed free of charge, others require payment. Moreover, this is not an indicator of efficiency at all. Also, the range of tasks is different.

troubleshooting windows 7
So, some are realsoftware combines, which "on the shoulders" eliminate errors in the registry of Windows 7, faults in dll, fonts, ActiveX elements, etc. Others are highly specialized and designed to solve only certain tasks. For example, they fix Windows 7 errors due to which the speed of work with the global network is falling or it is impossible to connect.

MS Fix It

A program created by Microsoft andcalled "Fix It", unfortunately, is not yet very popular, although its capabilities are quite enough to eliminate most of the most common mistakes. The program in the usual sense of the word can only be called with certain reservations. Microsoft FixIt is, rather, a tool that allows you to localize problems and get a solution to it. The user should choose the "Theme", which is most closely associated with the error, then refine, after branching, and download the corresponding utility from the Web by the received link (if it is issued). For example, if glitches occur while viewing multimedia files (video, audio, photo), then you need to select the theme "Windows". The second step is to indicate what the error is related to. And, finally, in the third paragraph it remains to make a choice in favor of one or another proposed solution. In this case, these can be "Errors while reading CDs", "Slow down work with external media", "Computer performance drop", etc.

error codes
The advantage of this solution is that you can fix Windows 7 errors for free and efficiently. Inadequate, however, you can specify the temporary inability to work with the new Win 8.

NetAdapter (Repair All In One)

This utility, as the name implies,performs troubleshooting of Windows 7 errors related to the network. It allows you to configure the network adapters, reset Winsock, remove unnecessary entries from the hosts file, clear the routing and DNS paths, and much more. The user must select the desired items in the left column of the program, ticking them and click the "Run All Selected" button. After that, it will remain to restart the computer. Use of this software solution is free of charge. It is recommended to have at least a general idea of ​​what is and what is noted in the list.

error repair program windows 7

PC Plus from the developer Anvisoft

Those who like MS Fix It, but for somethe reason for working with it is impossible (for example, using Win 8), it is recommended to pay attention to the alternative solution. The Anvisoft PC Plus program is very similar to the mentioned Microsoft problem solving center, but it works even in new versions of operating systems. The usage algorithm is exactly the same.
You need an active Internet connection to workto download missing files. The application is able to fix Windows 7 errors related to the lack of some DLL files, problems with running the Task Manager, etc. It should be noted that the program does not install any additional modules (usually unwanted ones). Of the shortcomings can be indicated only the lack of Russian in the interface and a relatively small number of tasks to be solved. However, the development of this application is still ongoing, new features are added to it. Perhaps, in a short time, developers will please users with Russian interface.

troubleshooting windows 7

The popular cleaner

Perhaps the most well-known program for eliminatingWindows 7 errors are Ccleaner. It not only cleans the registry and removes temporary system files, but it also can remove the extra from popular browsers. Troubleshooting Windows 7 makes it possible for the system to work faster, freeing up unnecessary files and records from loading. Completely free, has a Russian interface. To enable it after the initial startup, open Settings and change English to Russian.

In many cases it is possible to solve problems withOperation of the operating system by auditing entries in the registry. To do this, select the item with the appropriate name and click the "Find problems" button. If errors are found, then to fix them you need to use the "Fix" command. It will be suggested to save the current parameters, which is a very good idea. But the full cleaning should be activated selectively, not trusting the "automation", because otherwise, you can lose the addresses of visited pages in the browser, cache and some other data.

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Although the stability of modern operating systemsseveral times higher than that of their predecessors, sometimes there are unavoidable failures, leading to the appearance of the so-called "blue screen of death" - BSOD. Seeing the error codes that are displayed, you can conclude what the reason is. After that, it remains to choose the right solution - make changes to the system manually or use specialized programs. Of course, you need to know what error codes mean. However, if the DSBM has occurred, after a reboot, you can try to check the operating system for errors with the help of the above applications.