/ / Disk load 100% - Windows 10. Solving problems, recommendations and practical advice

Disk loading 100% - Windows 10. Solving problems, recommendations and practical advice

Вы увидели сообщение "Загрузка диска 100 (Windows 10) "? The solution to this problem is not so difficult. It is enough to know a few simple techniques to help you deal with this situation. If you see this message, there is no reason to panic. It is not as dangerous as it seems. You just can not You can install programs and games on your computer more comfortably. Also, new documents cannot be saved - the system will slow down a lot, but in general, Windows’s operability is not the worst message. So what to do if you have a 100 disk load (Windows 10) Solution to the problem consists of a few simple steps. It is easier to implement them than it seems.

boot disk 100 windows 10 solution

Eternal problems

Windows 10 - new operating system fromMicrosoft. It is installed by many users under compulsion. Oddly enough, but this operating system is still "raw." It has a lot of problems and problems. Some are eliminated, but some still remain so, while prosecuting users.

Do you have a disk load of 100 (Windows 10)?Many users are looking for a solution to this problem. Yes, this is not the worst thing that can happen, but after this message the computer starts to slow down. Because of this, it is sometimes simply impossible to work. What do users offer to fix the problem?

Check disk space

The first step is to make sure thatThe hard disk on the computer is really loaded. To do this, go to "My Computer". Look in the window that appears on the free space indicator. If it is red, then the message of fullness did not arise by chance.

В противном случае придется просто игнорировать bothering you window. These are all the bugs that Windows 10 is famous for. Therefore, there’s no way to solve the problem. Only accept and hope that the message itself will stop bothering you. That is what many users are advised to do. After all, the company "Microsoft" could not solve this problem with either Windows 8 or Windows 10.

in windows 10 100 disk loading


But do not despair.You can try to solve your problem yourself. Notice the message in Windows 10 "100% disk loading"? If in fact the space is all right, refer to the help of anti-virus systems.

Sometimes viruses cause this.posts. Finding them is not so difficult. After checking antivirus everything becomes clear. Found potentially dangerous objects are treated and then removed (those that can not be "healed"). After the error should disappear. Not? Then it’s just a system crash that you’ll have to get used to before Microsoft came up with how to fix the problem.

Clearing programs

How to remove the boot disk at 100 (Windows 10)?If we are talking about a real shortage of space, there will be no difficulty in solving the problem. After all, everyone has long known how the release of space takes place.

boot disk 100 on windows 10

It is about removing installed on the computerprograms and games. Perhaps the best way to free up space. See what you are no longer using, and then through the Control Panel, delete the selected applications. Taking into account how much programs and games now weigh, a few GB of memory will definitely be released. And then you will no longer popping the annoying message that there is not enough hard disk space.

Registry cleanup

But the following technique is not known to everyone.What to do if the disk is loaded on 100 (Windows 10)? To do this, you need to clean the registry of your computer. It is best to do this automatically, with the help of special utilities. They do not weigh too much.

Ideal for cleaning the registry is suitable CCleaner.You will need to run the application and click on the "Analysis" button. After a few seconds, you will see a field called "Cleaning." Just one click on this button, and the registry will be cleared.

As practice shows, a problem called"disk loading on 100 (on Windows 10 and not only)" is eliminated. During the scan and cleaning of the computer Ccleaner, you can free up quite a lot of space. This method is especially effective when the user is actively watching movies and videos on the Internet. After all, when they are loaded, the space on the hard disk decreases.

how to remove the boot disk on 100 windows 10


What else can you do if you have on Windows10 disc loaded at 100 percent? Work with processes running on the computer will help here. To do this, press Ctrl + Alt + Del, then call the "Task Manager".

Здесь на вкладке "Процессы" посмотрите на все, what is running at the moment in the operating system. It is necessary to clean the list that appears. Pay attention to the processes that take up too much volume. Most likely, they are the main source of our current problem.

Highlight all unnecessary, suspicious and extraprocesses, then click on the "End Process" button. Such an action will have to be repeated with each deleted task. As soon as you finish, the disk space will be free, and the computer will stop braking. Its speed will increase.

windows 10 drive loaded 100 percent


You still have Windows 10 100disk loading? None of the above helped? If the message does not interfere with your work, you do not need to do anything. But then, when the operating system slows down, and the warning seriously affects the operations performed, it is necessary to go to extreme measures.

This is a complete reinstallation of the computer.More precisely, the operating system. Users recommend not installing Windows 10 again. Replace it with a more stable and proven operating system. Do not forget to completely format the disk before the idea comes to life.

In principle, you can also hope for the “Ten”.Only the probability of eliminating the problem with constantly disturbing messages about the fullness of the hard disk in this case is small. Windows 10, as already mentioned, so far its stability is no different.


The last thing users can offer forSolving the problem is reinstalling the drivers on the computer. More precisely, update them. Sometimes it gets rid of the message "Disk loading 100 (Windows 10)". The solution is relevant when in reality everything is fine with the space on the computer.

Especially hope for the success of this technique is not worth it.It only helps in exceptional cases. Users note that if you receive a message about disk fullness for no apparent reason, the probability of success is too low. This failure has not yet been eliminated.

what to do if the disk is loaded on 100 windows 10

As you can see, there are many solutions to the problem.But none of them gives a 100% guarantee. Full success awaits only when the hard disk is really full. Simply free up space through the methods described above, and then enjoy the result. Try not to "litter" the computer with programs and from time to time to clean the registry. So it turns out all the time to have free space on your hard disk.