/ / Just about the complex: how does the computer work?

Just about the complex: how does the computer work?

I believe that since you are already reading this article from an Internet resource, it means that you are familiar with such a device as a computer, saw it and imagine what it looks like.

Have you ever thought about howdoes the computer work? After all, besides such, of course, important components, like a monitor, a system unit, a keyboard and a mouse, there are also components that can be seen only by looking inside. This video card, RAM, hard drive and processor.

Although if you do not have the necessary baggageknowledge, then I would not advise you to open the lid of your system unit or unwind the monitor. Firstly, it is possible to break something irreparably, and secondly, you will not understand anything anyway.

I propose to start with a purely theoretical knowledge.

Section 1. How does a computer work? Imagination, gentlemen, imagination!

So, I think we have already decided that no one will try to loosen and crush the system unit for now, in order to become better acquainted with its contents.

How else?

I propose to imagine a picture.Not some masterpiece of world painting, but rather something like children's doodles. A desk with sliding shelves on which our computer stands, consisting of a monitor, a system unit, a keyboard, a mouse, and, perhaps, we will add a couple of columns. Well, as presented? Now, next to all this, portray a man, in this case, yourself. Is it done?

Now I will reveal to you the secret:this little man is actually a very, very powerful dual-core processor like INTEL (well, or ATLON). Although it is quite possible that it is not at all dual-core ... In this case, it is not so important. There is quite a logical question about why the processor is Yes because this device, like the brain of a modern person, is able to calculate in advance thousands of different operations. This is a kind of brain, and how to work with a computer without a brain? No

Go ahead.The monitor depicted in our virtual figure will be a video card. The surface of the writing desk will be turned into RAM, but the desk drawers will replace the hard drive, also called the hard drive. Now let's “connect” everything to the motherboard (well, in our case with you to the bottom of the table). Is it done?

This is the principle of connection device works.

Section 2. How the computer works as a whole and each of the component parts separately.

We return to our drawing: you are sitting at the table, i.e. Imagine a processor inserted into the motherboard, and your room is nothing more than a system unit.

Enough of imagination?

Imagine a situation when a typical average user arrives, presses the power button. The processor (i.e. in this case, to you) receives a signal, and it comes into operation.

Если пользователю захочется посмотреть фильм или open any desired document, it will send “you” the appropriate signal. You climb into the desk drawer (i.e., the hard drive) and dig out everything you need there.

RAM runs thousands of times fasterthan the processor, it speeds up the search for this or that information. It really resembles the surface of the table and allows you to keep everything you need in plain sight, rather than climbing every time into the drawers of the table, thus wasting time and energy.

It seems to me that now everyone who aspires to find out how a computer works will rightly ask, then why do you need a hard drive if you can get material out of it for a very long time.

The thing is that a hard drive that hassignificant volume can be considered as a kind of storage. Think about yourself what is the surface of the table compared to all the free space that the drawers contain? In addition, the RAM can not work without a constant power supply, so you should just disconnect the computer from the network, as all the stored information will move again to the hard drive.

Section 3. How does a computer work? Conclusion

Теперь подведем итоги.So, the processor manages everything inside the computer, it processes all the data necessary for work stored here. RAM is needed in order to speed up the processor. Winchester is a kind of information repository.

Graphics card as you probably already haveguessed, it is necessary for the user to see everything happening on the monitor. The better and higher its parameters, the, accordingly, and the picture quality will be better.

Sound card that is on our virtualThe figure was represented by columns, responsible for all sounds on the PC, thereby freeing up processor time to process other data. It must be said that now in most cases it is already built into the motherboard.

How to learn to work on a computer person, notknowing all of the above. We breathe and live, although not everyone knows how the lungs or the heart work. Here and from the PC. Can. That's just for some, perhaps boring.