Avast Antivirus - software,performing all its functions as efficiently as possible with minimal use of computer resources. Even the free version keeps at the level of its competitors, and sometimes surpasses them. However, like any antivirus program, Avast can create problems even when installing licensed software, so sometimes it needs to be deactivated. To learn how to disable Avast Antivirus, read the article.
Deactivating antivirus software using standard tools
The application interface is minimalistic, turning off the anti-virus screens is done in just a few clicks.
To deactivate the antivirus, follow the instructions below:
- In the tray (the right part of the toolbar) find the antivirus icon. To do this, you may need to click on the arrow that opens the list of applications running in the background.
- Right-click on the icon to open the context menu.
- Move the cursor to the line that says "Manage Screens".
- Select the period of the deactivation of the anti-virus in the list that opens. The choice of the user is given off for an hour, 10 minutes, before rebooting or forever.
- After clicking on any of the items Avast will requireconfirmation of the operation. If you do not click the "Yes" button for a minute, the question window closes and the antivirus continues its operation in normal mode.
Now Avast will not monitor the system, andYou can perform any actions that he interfered with. Before disconnecting Avast for a time or forever, it is advisable to break the connection to the Internet, since most viruses penetrate the computer from the global network. And in any case, you should not run suspicious programs with deactivated antivirus software. At this time, the computer is most vulnerable to any viruses and trojans.
Enable Antivirus
Antivirus activates self protection afterreboot or at the end of the selected period. If you want to enable Avast manually, call the same menu that you need to open for deactivation, and select "Turn on all screens".
You can also enable screens by opening the main antivirus window. To do this, double-click the program's shortcut on the desktop. In the window that appears, click on "Remove All".
How to disable Avast antivirus for an individual program?
Часто для пользователя не требуется отключать все screens, making the system as vulnerable as possible to threats. It is enough to add to the exceptions those programs or web pages that cause false positives of Avast.
To add files and directories to the white list:
- Open the main program window by double-clicking on the antivirus icon in the tray or on the desktop.
- Click on the words "Settings" in the left column of the menu.
- Click on "Exceptions".
- Open the tab titled "File Path".
- Click on the inscription "Overview".
- In the dialog that opens, select those directories and files that should not be scanned by the anti-virus application.
- Click on "OK". After this, the path to the file or directory that the antivirus ignores is displayed in the "Exceptions" section.
Before you disable Avast for programs downloaded from the Internet, make sure that they do not harm your computer.
To disable anti-virus checking of a website:
- In the "Exceptions" section, expand the "URL" tab.
- Go to the browser window with the blocked site and copy its address from the address bar.
- Go back to the antivirus window, right-click in it and select the item with the caption "Paste".
- Click on "OK".
Installing another antivirus
How to disable "Avast" to install anotherantivirus? Disable avast antivirus completely impossible. Really only deactivate its screens. However, if you need to install another antivirus on your computer, this method of disabling Avast is not recommended, as usually software of this type conflicts with each other. To disable Avast Antivirus in this case, you will need to completely remove it, following the instructions.
Before you disable Avast forever, download the avastclear utility from the official website.
- Reboot the computer.
- Even before starting the operating system, often press the "F8" key until the menu of special boot parameters opens.
- In the menu, use the arrows to select the "Safe Mode" option.
- Click on "ENTER" on your keyboard.
- After loading the OS, run the previously downloaded utility.
- Click on the caption "Delete" in the window that opens.
- After completing the operation, restart the computer.
Before disabling Avast in this way, provided that after the instruction has been completed, another antivirus will not be installed, be sure to perform a full computer scan for viruses.
Use this method of disabling antivirus only if you are going to install other software of this type.