/ / Autorun in Windows 7: basic steps for disabling and adding items

Autostart in Windows 7: Basic actions for disabling and adding items

Most users know or atat least, it is understood that when the operating system starts, not only its own services, but also some additional applications can be loaded with it. And not always they can be found in the standard autorun section. We take Windows 7 as an example and consider what actions can be performed with such settings and why, in fact, all this is necessary.

What applications and autorun are used for?

So, we begin the consideration of the main issue withexpediency of disabling the automatic start of services and programs, affecting both system and user applets. Apparently, you do not need to be a rocket scientist to guess that, the more applications are presented in Windows 7 autorun, the longer the system loads when the computer is turned on or restarted. Accordingly, the automatically loaded at startup programs remain active, unless you use the completion of their processes in the "Task Manager". But some applications can have a significant impact on the consumption of system resources. Thus, it is possible and necessary to disable the components automatically starting with the system. However, you should know exactly what can be disabled.

Windows 7 Startup Section

If you pay attention to the section itself, usually init contains anti-virus services, various kinds of clients that monitor the release of new versions of the installed software, as well as some system components, the deactivation of which will be discussed separately.

Access to the Windows 7 autorun section in the classic way

To enter the Startup section, you must use the standard “Run” menu in which you enter the msconfig system configurator command.

Call system configuration

In the window that appears, you just need to go tothe autoload tab, where most of the processes that are launched immediately upon the start of the operating system will be presented. Most, but not all. For now, let's start from the standard method and see what can be removed from the autostart list completely painlessly.

How to remove startup programs in Windows 7 and what can be disabled?

So, if you have doubts aboutdisable any of the presented elements, for a start it should be clear that, in principle, you can turn off everything (of course, except for the antivirus, because the system will not allow you to do this). To do this, simply remove the checkboxes from unnecessary elements, and after saving the changes, agree with the suggestion to immediately restart.

However, let's see for which applets inWindows 7 disable autorun can be without consequences for the system. First of all, you should get rid of all sorts of updates. When there is an urgent need to install some important updates for programs of a specific developer, you already know about it. Then you can deactivate all sorts of clients control the sound and video systems of the computer. Laptops can also turn off Touchpad services. In general, ideally, in order to improve the operating system speed in Windows 7 autorun, everything should be removed, except for only two components - antivirus and ctfmon service, which is responsible for changing the language and keyboard layouts, displaying the panel icon in the system tray. If you turn it off, switching from one language to another or changing the layout will become inconvenient.

Additional actions

As already mentioned, not everything is automatic.elements that start with the system are shown in the standard section. Some system services disable this method will not work. In such a situation, go to the programs and components section and call the section for switching on and off Windows components. Remove from the list, all that is not needed.

Disable components of Windows 7

Например, если у вас нет принтера, можно disable print service. If you do not plan to install virtual machines, deactivate the Hyper-V module, if you don’t use Internet Explorer, disable it and so on.

Now a few words about how to remove autorun in Windows 7 through the registry. Call the editor (regedit in the "Run" console) and set the search (Ctrl + F) of the Run and RunOnce folders.

Disable startup in the registry

They may contain autostart keys,which are not shown in the standard section. Unnecessary keys should be deleted. But remember that changes are saved automatically and cannot be undone. Therefore, just in case, first make a backup copy of the registry, using the export function.

Finally, elements of some programs that startalong with Windows, you can exclusively in their own settings. Just check them and uncheck the automatic start points when booting Windows.

Adding an application to the autostart section

As for adding programs to autorunWindows 7, you must first create a shortcut for the executable file of the application and place it in the startup section, using the usual "Explorer" for this.

Adding items to autoload

To not search for the desired folder for a long time, you can immediatelyuse the "Run" console and enter the shell: startup command in it, after which the necessary section will be called. You can, of course, add keys to the registry, but the proposed method is much simpler.

Third-party utilities

Наконец, иногда имеет смысл применять optimizer programs that also have autostart control modules with a wider range of features. In such applications, you can even disable the loading of additional add-ons or panels of Internet browsers, not to mention the main system or user components. As tools, you can use packages like Advanced SystemCare, CCleaner, Windows 7 Manager and others.