/ / How to delete a page in classmates

How to delete a page in classmates

A few years ago, a boom of social networks began,and practically all of them had accounts in "Odnoklassniki" - at that time the most popular and developed Russian network. Since then, a lot has changed, and for one reason or another, now a huge number of users want to delete their profile. This is due to the fact that many of the services on the site Classmates became paid, which greatly complicates the use of the site, andin general, many users have already cooled to social networks and believe that nothing, except the time spent and unwanted dissemination of information about themselves, communication in them does not. Now few people are willing to share personal information with the entire Russian-speaking Internet community, besides, many employers have become interested in the accounts of their subordinates, and sometimes we appear in them quite unexpectedly for the authorities of the party. This led to a huge number of people beginning to wonder how to delete the page in Classmates. Previously, it was easy: in the "Settings" menu there was a special button "Delete your profile". But, apparently, noticing that the audience is rapidly declining, the administration decided to remove this button. You can try to write to the administration of a letter asking you to remove your account-suddenly you're lucky, but, as practice shows, it's absolutely nothing.

This led to a number of frauds:some smart citizens began to offer for money to share information on how to delete a profile in Odnoklassniki, or offer to do it for a reward - do not resort to these services, everything is much simpler.

So how to retire from Classmates?Previously, there was another way, and now nothing has changed here, it is checked: you need to go to your page and in the address bar of the browser to what is already written (that is, to the address of your page) add at the end & st.layer.cmd = PopLayerDeleteUserProfile, just in this form, just insert and nothingdo not change. As a result, a window pops up warning that all data will be permanently deleted, with a question, are you sure that you want this. If you are sure - press "Delete", and all - in the number of Classmates we are no more.

And what happened to that button?After all, the site administration should give users the opportunity to dispose of their profile and their personal information on their own. It gives, but only now it is not easy to find this opportunity: independent search can take more than one hour, and their outcome is not predictable - it's too cunning to do everything, and now you can not guess how to delete the page in Odnoklassniki. And you can do it like this: at the very bottom of the page on the right there is a link "Rules", when you click it, a page with their list opens, and at the very end of it, a little above the advertisement from Yandex, there are three buttons "Contact Support", "Problem with payment for the service via SMS "," Refuse services ". We need the latter: we press "Renounce services", and before us appears the same window with a warning about the irreversibility of the action, in which we press "Delete", and the world is free from another Odnoklassnik.

Whatever the reasons you are looking forinformation on how to delete the page in Classmates, no one has the right to hide this information, even the site owners - to dispose of personal data - your legal right. As you can see, there is a way, and not one, but for some reason they forgot to inform us about this. By the way, if you want to restore your data - it's possible, but it's already paid, so at first it's worth considering everything, preferably on a sober head. There are no terms for restoration and meditation, as on other sites, there is not, so you need to act for sure and before deleting the page in Odnoklassniki, it's good to think. Yes, information from the server is still not deleted, and therefore recovery is possible, but for a substantial fee. Finally, to erase all the data is unrealistic, and you should not indulge in paranoia - who needs them? You did not leave your passport number and CVV credit card in social network, but what you told Marina about Seryozha does not interest anyone.