The fifth arena in Clash Royale is a kind ofA filter that filters out lazy and inexperienced players. If you are reluctant to think through tactics, monitor the opponent's cards and just try to win, then you probably will not go any further. People who play for pleasure prefer to stop at this stage.
The first thing you should understand is howCollect a deck for the 5 Clash Royale Arena. Maps are not important. You can assemble a digestible deck from almost any army, the main thing is that they have a high level of pumping. Without the fulfillment of this condition, you can not rush with a set of cups.
The second mandatory condition by whichgoing to the deck for the 5 arena Clash Royale - epic and legendary maps. Since you are preparing to enter the world of experienced and skilled players, you must have a "weapon" with which it is not terrible to go into battle.
The first set of decks includes the best decks for ClashRoyale (arena 5), designed to play from a tough defense. This tactic is good for those who do not pursue a rating and prefer to play a match in a draw, rather than lose. Conditionally, due to the low attack potential, you will end up with zero result more fights than an aggressive player, but at the same time lose less often where others quickly flew into the pipe.
- "Crossbow". One of the most effective and powerful cards. Attacks with a machine gun burst everything that moves. Being placed on "your" half of the map can attack even the enemy's tower.
- For the defense it is good to use the "Wizard", "Horde of minions" and "Goblin-spearmen". Be repulsed by a huge crowd of creatures, and let them immediately counterattack.
- Also for protection it is good to use "Arrows" and "Tesla". The first easily kill groups of opponents, and the second does a good job of armored single targets.
- For the attack and pressure on the opponent, use the "Crypt" and the "Army of Skeletons".
The deck for the Clash Royalehas an average mana cost of 4 units. This is a lot, so it's worthwhile to play with caution. You just do not have enough of an elixir to put enough troops at the same time.
What else is worth considering in the Clash Royale deckfor the 5 arena? Attacking assembly is well suited for players who do not like to tighten fights. It's all clear - you either quickly destroy the enemy, or he fights and destroys your castle.
- "Horseman on a wild boar" - the basis of the attacking deck. Very "fat", due to which, with the launch of several shooters, you can easily carry at least one enemy tower.
- "ZAP" and "Lightning" are excellent at coping with groups of weak opponents. A stun can help finish off enemy buildings that are on low-hp.
- "Arrows" / "Fireball" is completely interchangeable. They can be used both to damage enemy buildings, and to destroy waves of enemies.
- As a striking force, use the "Goblins", "Archers" and "Goblin Spearmen." Let them follow the "Horseman", and you will be pleasantly surprised by the result.
The best decks for Clash Royale (arena 5) are based on these cards.
This deck for 5 arena Clash Royale morebalanced than the previous ones. It is aimed at monitoring the battlefield throughout the match. Therefore, if you lose with it, it means that the victory of the enemy is your fault.
- As the main striking forces are used immediately 3 cards: "Giant", "mini PEKKA" and "Magician". Yes, these are three epic cards, but no one said it would be easy.
- To destroy large concentrations of enemies, use the "Little Dragon" or "The Witch". They do good mass damage and will protect your castle without problems.
- As support troops are already familiar "Goblins", "Minions" and "Spearmen."
As you can see, this deck for the 5 arena ClashRoyale does not use buildings and spells. This means that the "direct" hands have not been canceled, and you will have to think quickly and well before every action. However, this is good. Climbing the rank ladder will be much easier if you get used to using the brain now.
This card is unique and allows you to re-enteruse the last used card. Thanks to this feature, you can collect a special deck, the main strength of which is based on this skill. Apart from him, the following cards can be in the deck.
- "Witch". Even alone, "rustles" in the ranks of the enemy. And what happens if you let two in a row?
- "Rider on a wild boar" is able to completely miss one of the bridges. With the help of "Mirror" you can start from each side one by one.
- "Barrel with a goblin" is very effective to finish off the enemy tower. Usually, after using it, your opponent uses the troops to defend. Wait until they go away, and use the barrel again.
- "Horde of minions" and "Army of Skeletons" will serve well to protect your structures.
- From spells it is not bad to use ZAP and "Fireball". They, by the way, are also copied by the "Mirror", which not only helps to repel attacks, but also simultaneously damage two enemy towers.
Obviously, a deck for the 5th Clash Royale with"Mirror" is quite workable with many other cards. This item fits perfectly into any attacking deck, allowing simultaneous strikes on both fronts.