/ / "Mortal Kombat", Sab Ziro: description and characterization of the character

"Mortal Kombat", Sab Ziro: description and characterization of the character

Mortal Kombat is an incredibly successful series.fighting game, which goes to this day. What is the secret of the popularity of this game? Everything is very simple. First, Mortal Kombat is one of the most brutal and bloody fights. It is for this reason that the game appealed to both adults and adolescents. In addition, MK has a lot of advantages. Simple control, modern motion capture, harmonious gameplay, a huge number of easter eggs, secrets - all this is here. Well, perhaps the main feature of the game is fatality. Fatality - this is a special and very spectacular finishing, which allows you to destroy the enemy with particular cruelty.

Characters of the series "Mortal Kombat"

Mortal Kombat Sub Zero

The first game in the series "Mortal Kombat" was released inthe distant 1992, and the last - quite recently, in the summer of 2014. For more than twenty years of history in MK a huge number of characters lit up. Among them were both ordinary people (Sonya, Jax, Kano), and cyborgs (Cyrex), deities (Raiden), inhabitants of the Outer World (Baraka, Milina, etc.). In addition, various crossovers (intersection of the Universes) often occur in games. Thus, popular characters from other games, films and other mass culture products appeared in some parts of the MC. For example, in Mortal Kombat 9 it was possible to play for Kratos (the main character of God of War) and Freddy Krueger (character from the movie "A Nightmare on Elm Street"). And in 2008, Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe, in which you can play not only for the heroes of MK, but also for the popular comic book characters (Batman, Superman, etc.).

Characters in MK is not just animated.model with a set of techniques. Each character is a real person who has a unique history, position in life, etc. In addition, the characters constantly interact with each other, build friendly or hostile relations. In general, they do not stand still and develop. In this article we will talk about one of the most popular hero - Sub Zero. "Mortal Kombat" would not be so interesting and exciting without this character. What is so special about him? The answer to this question lies in this article.

Character Origin

Sub Ziro appeared in every game of the Mortal seriesCombat ", starting from the debut in 1992. Why? Everything is very simple. The concept of the ice ninja fell in love with many gamers, for this reason, the developers decided to leave it and use it in subsequent games of the series, other media products (for example, serials and film on MK franchise).

Sub Zero

Light on the history of the creation of Sub Ziro shed one ofdevelopers Mortal Kombat - John Tobias. According to his statements, this character was originally called Ninja and was the representative of Lin Quay (the legendary Chinese clan). John Tobias, in his Twitter account, mentioned that inspiration came during the reading of The Chinese Ninja Connection, which postulated historically accurate facts about the existence of Lin Quay and their influence on the appearance of Japanese ninjas. At the development stage, the hero received a suit with a blue color palette and a new name - Tundra. However, the character was again decided to rename after one of the developers saw the film “Running Man,” in which Subzero is a professional killer who attacked Ben Richards (the hero of Arnold Schwarzenegger).

Store line

As mentioned above, each character in the universe MK has its own history. Sab Ziro is no exception. In this article we will consider in detail the storyline of this character.

Sub Zero mask for MK put onA lot of people. But the original Sub Ziro is considered to be Bi Han and Qui Liang brothers. Both are consanguineous. Their father is a legendary Chinese cryomancer, secret agent Lin Quay, and his mother is an ordinary American woman. The brothers were born in America, but as a child, the father took them to China against the will of his wife. There Bi Han and Qui Liang are trained and become full members of the clan Lin Quay.

Senior Sub Zero

Sub Zero Mortal

Sab Zero (Mortal Kombat 1 - debut for himgame), under the mask of which was an older brother named Bi Han, took part in the "Mortal Kombat". In the story, the Grandmaster of the clan, Lin Quay, ordered the ice ninja to kill Shang Zong (the host of the tournament) and take away his treasures. However, the eldest Sub Ziro could not fulfill his mission, as he died at the hands of the ghost of Scorpio, who decided to take revenge on Bi Chania for having brutally killed him a couple of years ago. However, the story of Bi Han does not end there. Having accepted death, the eldest Sub Ziro went to hell. There, through the efforts of Shinnok and Quan Chi, he was turned into a dark demon named Noob Saibot.

Junior Sub Zero

After the events of the first part, Bi Chania took the placehis younger brother is Quai Liang. Sub Ziro again sent to the "Mortal Kombat" in order to complete the task. Qui Liang, combining his forces with a ninja named Smokey, tried to kill Shang Zong, but they did not succeed. Also during the tournament, the younger Sub Ziro met with Scorpio. The second was interested in who is hiding under the mask. All this resulted in an epic battle, the victor out of which was Sub Ziro. Despite his thirst for revenge, Qui Liang spared the defeated enemy and saved his life. Scorpio, in turn, vowed not to harm the younger Sub Zero as payment for the murder of his brother.

Events "Mortal Kombat 3"

After the "Mortal Kombat" Qui Liang and Smokereturned to Lin Quay. However, as it turned out, the clan has undergone changes. Thanks to rapid technical progress, cyborg was made from ordinary people. This made it possible to create kibernindzya, which had incredible power. Two clan members (Cyrex and Sector) were the first volunteers, and the experiment was successful. It was decided that the next candidates for transformation should be Sub Ziro and Smoke. However, they did not like it, and the ninja tried to escape. But only Qui Liang managed to get out of the headquarters. The elders of the clan decided not to let the traitor go and sent Cyrex, the Sector and the convert Cyborg Smoke behind his head. Throughout the MK3, Sub Zero fights with his former clan members. In addition, Qui Liang received knowledge from Raiden and joined the team, which was supposed to repel a new threat from the Outer World.

Participation in resistance

Scorpio vs Sub Zero

В четвертой части "Мортал Комбат" Саб Зиро takes part in the battle against the Elder God Shinok, who intends to destroy the Earth Kingdom. As the game progresses, Qui Liang fights again with Scorpio, who learned from Quan Chi that the ice ninja had killed his family. This time in a fierce battle scorpion wins. However, he does not kill the younger Sub Ziro, because in the course of the battle he realizes that Quan Chi is actually responsible for the death of his child and wife.

In Deadly Alliance, Qui Liang defeats Sector andtakes control of the clan in their hands. In addition, he meets his schoolgirl named Frost. Together they unite with the resistance of the earthly kingdom and defeat Kuang Chi and Shang Zong.

During the Deception event, Sub Zero entersSyujinku group to repel a new global threat in the face of Onagi. During the game, Qui Liang arranges family fights with his revived brother, who is now plowing the world in the guise of Noob Saibot.

В Armageddon младший Саб Зиро сталкивается с Teyvenom, who unceremoniously invaded the clan temple. The heroes converge in a fight, but later unite in order to repel the invasion of the forces of the Outer World. In the fierce battle of Teyven and Sub Zero against Smoke and Nuba Saibot, who tried to seize the temple, the former win. After defeating the invaders, Sub Zero remains with his defeated brother in the hope of saving him.

Fatality Sab Ziro

The fate of Sub Zero

In the crossover called "DS Universe againstMortal Kombat Sub Zero is one of the key characters in the war between the fictional universes. Ice Ninja won even his own story chapter. As the game progresses, Sub Zero quite often runs into Batman. Ed Boone (one of the game developers) explained this by the fact that the characters are very similar to each other (both characters are very dark, mysterious and thoughtful) and in order to show this, it was decided to push them in a fight. Towards the end of the game, Sub Ziro realizes that he is no longer the killer that was before. As a result, the ice ninja leaves the clan Lin Quay and becomes a superhero. Qui Liang wears a new suit, the main feature of which is a long, dark blue raincoat. Now Sub Ziro intends to do good to save the innocent, but he still does not know that Cyborg Killer Sector, Smoke and Cyrex, who still managed to survive the events of the previous parts, are following in his footsteps.

Reaction to Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe

Fans responded to such a sharp change of image.pretty ambiguous. Some liked the idea of ​​making Sub Zero a superhero. But most fans were indignant, as this is completely contrary to the concept of "Mortal Kombat". Fortunately (or not), this concept did not last long, and already in 2011 a new game of the series came out, which completely reset the universe. We will talk about it in the next part of the article.

"Mortal Kombat 9"

Sab Zero against

As you know, the MK9 drastically changes somecanonical events. Thus, in Mortal Kombat 9, Sub Ziro and the storyline were slightly modified. During the escape from the headquarters, the cyborg are not captured by Smokey, but by Quai Liang. As a result, a new killer robot called Cyber ​​Sub Zero is being born. Ice Cyborg has a lot of new techniques that were not available for the classic Sub Zero. So, for example, a robot can teleport, dividing into several parts and gathering elsewhere. In addition, Cyber ​​Sub Zero is capable of releasing from the chest bombs that freeze the enemy.

Sub Zero in terms of gameplay

As you know, MK is not only a game, but also a whole cybersport discipline. In this part of the article we will look at Sub Zero as a game character, talk about its features, etc.

Even in the first part of the game Sub Zero likedto many gamers due to their cold manipulations. This character is able to freeze the enemy, so that he can not move and attack. This gives a huge springboard for further attacks, combinations. Once under the freeze of a professional player, winning the round is unlikely to succeed. It is also worth noting that most of the capabilities of Sub Ziro are aimed at protecting and effective counterattack. Thanks to this, with proper skill, you can defeat the enemy without attacking him. Perhaps the main disadvantage of this Zero Zero as a game character is speed. All strokes and special techniques require quite a lot of time for successful application. Therefore, if the enemy will behave cautiously and not fall under the freeze, then it will be difficult to overcome it. Sub-Zero can be played by both mid-level players and professionals.

Also it is necessary to say a few words about finishing moves. Fatality Sab Zero is very spectacular and does not require memorization of complex combinations.

Scorpio vs Sub Zero

The series "Mortal Kombat" successfully existsmore than 20 years. During this rather long term, this project managed to cause a lot of controversy and controversy in the gaming environment. One of the most popular questions that are regularly discussed in the fan circle: "In the combination of Scorpio vs. Sub Zero, who will win?" In this part of the article we will try to answer this question.

Combat Sub Zero

Throughout the MK series, Scorpio and Sub Zerorepeatedly fought among themselves. However, there was never an unequivocal outcome, and the conditions cannot be called equal (the characters were in different emotional states, were injured, exhausted, etc.). In addition, much depends on the place of the battle. For example, if the battle takes place in hell, then it is safe to say that Scorpio will win. Conversely, if the battle takes place in a cold, snowy place, then Sub Zero will have more chances. That is, the one on which side the surrounding conditions will win.

But what about the game?Indeed, at MK, factors such as the weather are not taken into account. If we talk about Scorpio and Sub Zero as video game characters, then the second has much more potential. Scorpio is a very aggressive hero who is quite easy to manage. It is great for beginners, but, unfortunately, has no potential. In Sub Ziro in this regard, things are better. This character is not as simple as it may seem at first glance. A huge number of disables, defensive techniques and counterattacks will help him to pacify any aggressor.