/ / Description of the gamepad for Xbox 360

Description of the gamepad for Xbox 360

The gamepad for the Xbox 360 is a unique device,intended, first of all, for games. However, it is also suitable for use as a control panel for opening access to multimedia products of the console of the same name. Given the fact that the Xbox is made by Microsoft, it's no surprise that the controller (it's also a controller) is freely connected to personal computers with the operating system installed from the same creator.

Completion of the gamepad for Xbox 360

The device comes in a relatively smalla cardboard box, the middle part of which is made of transparent plastic, and takes the form of a controller. There he is. This is very convenient, because you can, without even unpacking the product, immediately evaluate its appearance. Well, in the event of damage, it is better to return it to the seller under warranty immediately in its original form. The box is made in white-green tones, the information on it is minimal. There is only the name of the gamepad for the Xbox 360. Inside, depending on the model chosen, there will be either a wire or a charger. Now it is almost the same thing. Simply on models, initially oriented to connect without cables, it can be turned off, but in others - not. There is also an instruction written in several languages. In principle, there is no special need for it, since everything is intuitively understandable, however, some features of the device are still not too obvious, so you need to read this document. Well, the last one is a guarantee. If the product suddenly fails for no apparent reason, you can always use this coupon and return the money. Or change to another, a new controller.

gamepad for xbox 360


The device, like most other gamepads,there are 2 joysticks. They are responsible for the management of all 4 axes. To perform some actions, 10 keys are used, and one more, silver, which is located in the middle, is used both for turning on / off the power of the console, and for running Games for Windows Live (if using a connection to a PC). Also, the wired and wireless Xbox 360 gamepad has four triggers and by default the vibrating function is active. It is especially useful, because it fully immerses the user in the world of entertainment. For example, it conditionally displays the kickback when firing, pulling out the steering wheel during races and so on. In the same games where there are not so active elements, vibration helps to attract the gamer's attention to certain events. The shape of the controller is very convenient for both adults and children's hands. All controls can be accessed without much effort. Do not forget about the design. At first it may seem somewhat unusual, however, in fact, the used joystick location option helps to control the process much better than the classic one.

When controlling the position of the sight, for example, sometimes,especially in the heat of battle, the player does not always knowingly can discern what is responsible for this or that control element. And if the joysticks are located in different ways, it immediately becomes clear what each of them is responsible for. Separately, I want to mention the wire. If you do not take a wireless model, then the length of the cable will be almost 3 meters. It's really serious, so you do not have to sit right in front of the screen. You can freely settle on the couch and play for fun. The plastic controller is rough. Not so much that it really felt and gave discomfort, but enough to ensure that the product does not slip out of the hands. Weight is also optimally selected. You can not call the gamepad easy, it is quite weighty. On the one hand, such a mass is not enough to make your hands tired. On the other hand, there is a feeling of retention of something, and this is very important for the correct statement of commands.

xbox 360 pc gamepad


If you take the gamepad Xbox 360 PC in hand, then underright are 4 control keys marked with the letters A, B, X and Y. There is also one of the joysticks. On the left is a cross control. A little higher and to the left is another joystick. All the controls are made of quality materials and feel very comfortable under your fingers. In the center of the device panel there are three more buttons: "Start", "Back" and the proprietary key, which is responsible for powering the console. From the bottom of the gamepad there are connectors, in which you can connect additional accessories. On the reverse side there are four more keys.

xbox 360 wireless controller

Connecting a gamepad for the Xbox 360

As already mentioned above, the controller caninteract with both consoles and desktop computers. With prefixes and so everything is clear, there are special connectors designed specifically for this device. By the way, the cable has a built-in protection system, so that the user could not accidentally touch the cord, turn the console. Connecting the Xbox 360 PC controller to a desktop computer is also very simple, via a standard USB connector. Immediately after the activation of Windows, you will find the driver you need. You can do this right during the game, but you do not need to reboot or perform any additional actions.

emulator of the xbox 360 gamepad


Many entertainment industry projects significantlybetter perceived with the help of controllers, not the mouse and keyboard. By the way, some games without such an adaptation or even an emulator of the Xbox 360 gamepad do not work at all.