/ / Fallout Shelter: weapons to help

Fallout Shelter: A weapon to help

Fallout Shelter is a game that has becomea kind of business card for the fourth part of Fallout on the PC. After the presentation of the mobile version, very little time passed, and the toy became the most popular among smartphone users.

Game process

Так как это мобильная версия, то не стоит ждать from her incredible storylines and any adventures. The main task of the gamer is to build a shelter. In addition, it is necessary to look after the residents who come here, for resources that support life, and for raids that destroy everything around.

The game does not require an Internet connection, andalmost free. Here it is meant that you can download and play without attachments, but if you want to build and pump faster, you can invest money.

fallout shelter weapons

To get all the necessary resources, you needto guide people. To do this, each resident has his own characteristics in character. They can be developed by sending a little man to this or that room, which will improve a certain skill. For example, in the room for electricity generation it is better to work "strongmen". Therefore, to work there, choose residents with a high rate of strength. This will also help develop their skills.

If suddenly some skills are not enough, in due course will be available gyms that improve this or that ability.

The power is there - no need

Когда вы немного обустроитесь, необходимо Send a resident to the wasteland of the game Fallout Shelter. Weapons for this will need the most powerful, and it is also better to stock up anti-radians and stimulants. The better the hero is equipped, the more he will bring useful things to the bunker.

In general, in time you realize that in the game FalloutShelter weapons are the most important. Therefore, when a sufficient number of guns and pistols are assembled in the warehouse, it is necessary to equip them with each resident.

fallout shelter best weapon

In general, use the most powerful weapon in theFallout Shelter is also necessary because it is often necessary to beat off attacks of cockroaches, raiders, rats and other villains. If at the initial stage even pistols with an attack of 1-2 are useful, then later, automatic weapons with a force of 10 will become necessary.


The game has a lot of guns.Most of them are not original, but met already in different parts of Fallout. Each of them does not have any special abilities and type of damage. It, as well as residents, can be determined by parameters - SPECIAL. But there is another category by which you can divide into Fallout Shelter weapons. It is a rarity. So, the level of quality can be ordinary, rare or legendary.

But it is worth remembering that if we take an improveda legendary air rifle, then it can by force yield to an ordinary plasma rifle. With each level you will find more and more powerful and powerful weapons.

Dragon to the rescue

To not walk around the bush, in FalloutShelter's best weapon is the "Mouth of Darkon." This legendary plasmatometer can destroy anyone and turn it into a handful of ashes. Everyone who dreams of this weapon is tired of the constant raids of terrible monsters. Therefore, we now find out where to get this power.

fallout shelter how to create weapons

Итак, в Fallout Shelter как создать оружие, мало who guessed. All because at the initial stage of the game about the craft is not at all. But you will understand everything when one day a resident comes from the Wasteland and brings you a drawing of the Dragon's Maw.

The manufacturing itself takes place in the weaponsA workshop whose level must be at least three. In addition, you will need 22,500 covers to complete. Among other things, you need to collect the necessary materials to make a legendary weapon. We collect three military electrical circuits, globes and sets of chemist.

Кстати, то, что оружие невозможно получить нигде, except how to assemble it yourself, very rightly. If it could be purchased in a gaming shop or it fell out of lunchboxes, it would not be interesting.

Where to find?

By the way, in the game Fallout Shelter weapons are practicallyany kind can be created in the workshop. This requires workers with a high level of strength, a heap of rubbish, which will necessarily bring a resident from the Wasteland, the lid and, of course, the recipe. The weapons fall out of the lunchboxes, it is brought from hikes, and also collected from the corpses of raiders.

The most powerful weapon in fallout shelter

It is best that every resident has with himan extra gun. Cockroaches first appear in one of the rooms, if the workers do not cope with them, they begin to spread across all other premises. Fists can be killed, but only at first.