/ / How to connect the router to the router via cable? Network "router router"

How to connect a router to a router via cable? Network "router router"

It often happens that the range of Wi-Fi operationsorely lacking. Users find strange solutions - buying a more powerful router or locating a weak one somewhere under the ceiling, but this does not always help, unless we are talking about Cisco or Zyxel equipment. To solve this problem, this article was created, which tells how to connect the router to the router via cable in order to significantly increase the coverage area of ​​Wi-Fi for ease of use.

Preparation for work

To create a network where wiredrouter, it is recommended to use the same device, and it's not just the compatibility of the available technologies. Setting up and connecting identical routers is very convenient. Those who wish to save on the purchase of experts recommend the acquisition of the router and the cheapest access point without the possibility of routing, because the task of the latter is to relay the signal.

how to connect the router to the router via cable

Network "router-router" is possible in two versions- wired and wireless channel. Naturally, the cable connection is not only more reliable, but also allows you to significantly expand the coverage range, up to 100 meters. The wireless channel is limited by the signal power and the overlap of the walls - no more than 10 meters for a good signal. Therefore, to organize the connection, you will need a twisted pair cable, crimped from both sides with connectors of the required length.

Knowledge is not superfluous

Very often even advanced users havea number of problems associated with configuring a network device. The whole problem is due to inconsistency between the manufacturers of routers. Therefore, many IT professionals recommend that before any settings of the equipment to study in detail the instruction manual. It’s not worth hoping for a setup wizard that will help you make changes to the router, sometimes there is not enough information to launch the equipment correctly.

how to connect a TP-LINK router

Before connecting a TP-LINK router orD-Link to a computer or laptop for configuration, it is recommended to first apply power to them and wait for the full load (20-45 seconds), otherwise, as often happens, the equipment may not notice that some device is connected to the LAN .

Organization of access to settings

Catching the question:“How to connect a router to a router via cable?” - many users may encounter a problem when connecting to a router to make changes from a computer or laptop. Regardless of the operating system or hardware manufacturer, there is only one requirement - to configure the connected devices must be on the same network. There are only two possible solutions:

  1. In the factory setting, the router has an enabled DHCP server. Ideal for all users, requiring only give the command to the computer to get the IP address automatically.
  2. But the disabled DHCP server in some modelsrouters will force the user to work with his hands and head. There is nothing complicated in this, but detailed instructions on how to make an authorized login to the router will not hurt.

network router router

Setting the dynamic address of the computer

In the case of the included DHCP server onthe router and the inability to enter the settings of the access point need to give the computer a command to obtain a dynamic network address. To do this on a PC, you must perform the following sequence of actions:

  1. “Control Panel” - “Main Network Management Center”. In some systems, this sequence of actions includes the “Network and Internet” item.
  2. "Change adapter settings".
  3. Click the alternative mouse button on the active connection and select "Properties".
  4. Find the line containing TCP / IPv4 characters and click "Properties".
  5. Check the boxes in the two fields opposite the “Get automatically” lines. Save and exit.

Before changing the settings in the fifth paragraphIt is recommended to save the set values ​​in a notebook or take a screenshot - perhaps there are settings for the Internet that need to be restored after the two routers are configured.

home router

Set statics computer to connect to the router

Router for home can have a disabled serverDHCP. Therefore, you will have to study the instructions that come with the device and find the IP address of the router. For example, the address found is 100.333.24.15, and the mask is The user must register the corresponding network settings in the computer. The difference should be only in the last digit of the IP address, instead of 15, set 16, for example. After completing the procedure described in the previous chapter, the settings are made manually in the fifth paragraph.

  1. Set checkboxes next to “Use” lines.
  2. IP Address 100.333.24.16.
  3. Mask
  4. Gateway 100.333.24.15.
  5. Preferred DNS is 100.333.24.15.
  6. Alternative DNS can be left blank.
  7. Save and exit.

Physical connection

Before connecting the router to the Internet,you need to decide which device will be the router and which device will be the repeater. The network cable is connected with one connector to the LAN port of the router, and the second connector to the WAN (Internet) repeater. For convenience of configuration, both devices should stand next to each other, be included in the electrical network and reset to the factory settings, unless the router is configured for the provider.

entrance to the router

Very often, administrators from the provider whensetting up the router protect their own settings with a password. There is nothing terrible in this; the main thing is that the Internet can be easily accessed via the LAN port on the router, otherwise you cannot do without a full reset.

Related settings

Having figured out how to connect the router to the routerthrough the cable at the physical level, you need to fine-tune the software part. A DHCP server must be enabled on the router, a setting that automatically assigns a network address to a new device upon connection. If a laptop or smartphone is connected to the router without difficulty, it means that the IP address distribution server is working. Otherwise, you need to go to the router's setup menu, find and open a bookmark with the inscription DHCP, and check the box next to the “Enable” label. At the end of the settings, restart the router.

But the repeater in any case requiresuser intervention. You need to go to its settings and find the “Network” tab. Once on the WAN menu, you need to select the “Dynamic IP Address” connection type. Then you can proceed to setting up a Wi-Fi network.

how to connect the router to the internet

Another option with a wired interface

This option is relevant only in those caseswhen the WAN (Internet) is logging into a router on one of the devices in an idle state. Then the cable connection is made between the LAN ports of the two routers. The problem with this connection is that there will be two devices on the network with the same network address, which will conflict with each other. Therefore, you need to disable the DHCP server on the repeater by going to the router's menu of the same name. After that, without leaving the settings, you need to find the LAN tab and set the static address to the repeater in the same range in which the router works, but with a difference in the final numbers. Many experts recommend changing the subnet in general to increase connections from 250 devices to 500, but the router for the house is unlikely to reach more than ten connections.

Example for configuring routers

In addition to how to connect the router to the router via cable, to make it easier for the user to understand how to configure, we offer you to familiarize yourself with the example.

Settings for a router that is directly connected to the Internet:

  1. IP address
  2. Network mask
  3. DHCP server "Enable".
  4. LED - Home.
  5. Wireless Channel = 12.
  6. Wireless Security Mode - WPA2.
  7. Cipher Type AES.
  8. PSK / EAP –PSK.

Repeater Settings:

  1. IP address
  2. Network mask
  3. DHCP server "Shut down".
  4. SSID - Retranslator.
  5. Wireless Channel = 1.
  6. Wireless Security Mode - WPA2.
  7. Cipher Type AES.
  8. PSK / EAP - PSK.

In these settings, different channels of broadcasting.This is done so that the access points do not interfere with each other. Such settings will be useful to users who need the Internet in various places of the organized network, for example in different rooms. In the process of moving, the mobile device will automatically switch between routers, and this will not noticeably affect the work of the Internet.

wired router

TP-LINK to help

But the owners of TP-LINK routers are very luckyAfter all, the manufacturer worried about the end user and supplied all its devices with the technology of expanding the coverage area called WDS. It remains only to explain how to connect the TP-LINK router to a similar device via Wi-Fi. On the repeater you need to go to the “Wireless mode” settings menu and find the “Enable WSD” item in the list of suggested settings. Then you can enter the SSID name of the router or use the “Search” button if the exact name of the router is unknown. Repeater will find all Wi-Fi devices in range and provide a complete list with names, MAC addresses and encryption type. It remains only to select the desired router and click the "Connect" button. The connection will automatically transfer the user to the Wi-Fi settings, where it will be offered to register the name of the access point upon detection, as well as set a password and encryption type.


As you can see from the review, the router router network is notsimple as it seems at first glance. A lot of settings and all kinds of pitfalls that can be prepared by the network equipment manufacturer or provider. In any case, before setting up a wireless network at home or at work, it is worth starting the task with reading all the instructions. Understanding the material part and the principle of operation of devices will greatly simplify the configuration of any user, and this article will only help determine the type of connection.

Cable connection is not necessary to neglectAfter all, this class of data transmission in terms of reliability, durability and compatibility with other equipment is much higher than the wireless interface. And Wi-Fi data transmission speed is still lagging behind Ethernet.