/ / How to use BlueStacks - detailed description

How to use BlueStacks - detailed description

BlueStacks is an application emulator programfor devices on "Android". Simply put, this kind of software will allow you to run the game from the phone on a computer running the operating system "Windows". Let's take a closer look at how to use BlueStacks and what the features of the utility are. I would like to note that at present the software is on beta testing, that's why there are different "jambs". But in most cases the work of the program is quite stable, although at times it is slow.

how to use bluestacks

How to use the BlueStacks App Player: the first launch

To get started, you need to download the application fromthe official website of the developer. Further everything is extremely simple. Run the downloaded file with the extension .exe and install the App Player. Note that you will need NET. framevork 3.5. If you do not have it, the installer will offer to download the latest version from the Internet. After the installation, you can enjoy the program's features. Application processing is available both from "Android Market" and from 1mobile market. Since every owner of "Android" can use the Bluestacks program, you can set up just a few clicks. The only thing you need to pay attention to is the English interface, but as practice shows, there are no problems here.

start bluestacks how to use

A little about configuring the utility

Once you have completed the first launch, youyou need to configure everything. The program will ask you if you own a phone running the Android platform, which you need to answer "Yes." The next step is to enter an email address, if it does not exist, then you need to create one. In addition, you will need your phone, it is entered with the code of the country in which you live. In a few minutes, a message from support should come to your box, in which there will be all the necessary information for work. This is the data on the synchronization of the phone with the application, as well as a detailed instruction with the setting. If the message on the mobile phone does not come, then it's okay, it happens. Look at the mail, for sure there is everything you need. In particular, you will be required to enter the necessary data of your "Android" device. Everything will take about five minutes to complete, after which you will be able to run applications.

How to use BlueStacks: download and launch applications

how to use bluestacks on your computer

After you have performed the full setupprogram, you can proceed to the next stage. There are several applications that will be immediately available to you, they do not need to be downloaded, they are installed with the program. Among such utilities are Fruit Ninja, Documents To Go and others. To start, just click on the corresponding icon. If you want to go to the main menu of the program, you need to find the BlueStacks icon in the navigation bar. As for the search for new applications, there is a special line for this, which is located immediately under the existing games or programs. As practice has shown, you can install almost everything, except for messengers that refuse to work on the emulator. It should be noted that downloading is done from Google Play, but this is by default. As noted above, you can choose another store, such as the App Store, etc. At the top of the program screen, you can see several icons with stores, if you select one of them, the application will be downloaded from there. The utility itself is launched using a shortcut from the desktop or control panel "Start" of BlueStacks. How to use the program, we sorted out a little, let's go further.

A little more about setting up Android

At any time, you can take advantage of allapplications that are installed on your device running Android. Another interesting option is that, if desired, it is possible to receive SMS messages to the computer. However, for this you need to download an additional application from the Google Cloud Connect. A message with a secret code will arrive on the previously registered mailbox, it must be entered in the appropriate box in the Cloud Connect program. Synchronization of the device with the computer is performed in one click, just click the sync icon. In principle, on this, any settings can be considered finished. Please note that such information as login, password and settings is not saved, you will have to constantly enter this information. In principle, we almost figured out how to use BlueStacks. The utility is installed on the computer fairly quickly and practically does not load the system, so it is suitable for use even on old technology.

how to use bluestacks

A little about using on "Windows 8"

It is worth paying attention to the fact that in the presentthe program is actively used under the control of the operating system Win 8. Sometimes it happens that none of the several online stores do not have the application I want to go to. In this case, it can be downloaded directly through the App Player using the operating system "Windows 8". As noted at the very beginning of the article, this is just a beta-Persian program, but after testing any comments on the work on the OS Win 8, it was not noticed. The program worked slowly enough, but it is stable, so you can safely download it yourself and start using it. One can not help but highlight such an important point that BlueStacks has the ability to add applications to exceptions. This should be done with the program Punto Switcher, due to the fact that the utility hangs when typing characters from the keyboard.

how to use bluestacks app player


Here we are, in principle, completely understood that,how to use BlueStacks. You probably noticed that there is nothing complicated here. It is enough to connect "Android" to the computer and synchronize it, this is in case you want to use existing applications. Very soon a full version will be released, which promises to be stable and fast. In some cases, games may have artifacts and flicker. Eliminate this defect with the help of changing the video card in the settings ("Control Panel"). Here, in principle, and everything on this topic. What else can be said about the BlueStacks program is that the utility is really useful. Only in this way you can enjoy your favorite games on your computer absolutely free of charge.