/ / How do I install Google Play?

How do I install Google Play?

Google after the creation of its famousoperating system "Android" has organized for its users a convenient and centralized storage of applications. The first name was Android Market, but then it was renamed to Google Play. The reasons for installing Google Play on the device are few, because every new device in most cases already contains an application store "out of the box."

What is Google Play for and what does it consist of?

The Google Play store is an ordinaryAn application that allows the device to connect to a huge database of ready paid and free software products. For its work, you must have an account in Google, with which you authorize. Google Play automatically ranks available applications for this version of "Android" and shows only that content that will really be possible to run on this device.

install google play

There can be several reasons for the installation.For example, if you installed a third-party firmware on your phone that does not already have Google Play ready. Or there is a need to use the application for "Android" on a personal computer. Or it may be that the owner of the smartphone accidentally deleted the store after obtaining the superuser rights and now left without access to the applications.

Install Google Play on your computer

You can install Google Play on your computerin several ways and for different purposes. Developers of applications for "Android" actively use for their testing emulators that can reproduce a copy of the operating system "Android" on the PC. You can also use applications such as Instagram or Whatsapp. One of the popular emulators is Bluestacks. Therefore, you must first install it.

install google play market

On the main page of the official website of BluestacksThere is a large blue button that allows you to download the latest version of this product. After downloading with simple steps, the program will automatically install and start automatically.

В первом окне появятся уже установленные в application program. In order to replenish them with new ones, you need to enter the search in the search and select the one that is needed. The first installation of a new application may require the data of a Google account or create a fresh one. In any case, after entering all the information on the computer, a program will appear that can download and install applications from the official Google Play store.

Genymotion Emulator

Данный эмулятор также позволяет запустить the operating system "Android" on the computer and use all available applications. However, unlike Bluestacks Genymotion is more narrowly specialized, and it is mainly used by application developers to test them. The program is free for non-commercial use and has already finished images of "Android" systems of different versions. The very installation of Genymotion is not difficult, since it differs little from installing other simple programs. Genymotion has versions for Windows, Linux and MacOS.

how to install google play on android

The only thing that has to be done is to installGoogle Play, as it is not included in the regular version. It is assumed that Genymotion already has a ready image of one of the versions of Android, for example, 5.0. Then it remains to run it and download a couple of applications. The first is Genymotion ARM Translation, which can be found on the web. You need to download it from the PC browser. Then just drag the archive into the open Genymotion window and confirm the action. When the installation of this file is completed, you need to restart the emulator.

Install Google Play on Genymotion

Дальше остаётся найти комплект так называемых Gapps, applications that include Google Play services for their version. They are both on the 4PDA forum and on many other profile resources. Also, by analogy, the whole archive is dragged into the emulator window, confirmed and installed.

The first run may produce errors, but thisis due to the fact that Google Play is simply obsolete and needing to be updated. To do this, go to it and find the desired item. After the upgrade, you can try to run the store, enter your Google account information and start using it fully.

Install Google Play on your phone or tablet

In some recent versions of devices on "Android" there are no pre-installed Google Play services and their components. It is assumed that you must install Google Play manually.

First you need to prepare the device:in the settings you need to go to the section "Security" and remove for a while the tick "Unknown sources". The fact is that by default the "Android" system prohibits installing applications not from Google Play for security purposes. But in fact it while is not present. To break this vicious circle, it is necessary for a while to break this rule and take advantage of third-party development. In various versions and proprietary shells of manufacturers, the item "Unknown sources" may be in other places, but it is.

 install google play on your computer

Now you need to download Google Play, suitableunder the version of the "Android" of the current device. Do it better on one of the authoritative sites, for example - 4PDA. Here you can find and install Google Play for a specific device. There are even special versions of which unnecessary functionality has been removed, or a new one has been added. You can download from your computer, and then transfer to your mobile device or directly from your tablet and phone.

To install Google Play Market afteras it will be on the carrier of the device, you will have to use the file manager, which is likely to be full-time. In any case, you need to find a saved Google Play file. The extension of this file is usually apk. Just click on it for installation.

how to install google play services

When you first sign in to Google Play, the system will ask you to identify the owner. You need to use the data of an existing user account. Or you can create a new one directly from the menu.


В этой статье было подробно изложено, как Install Google Play services and, in fact, the app store itself. Depending on the needs of the user, different approaches and techniques can be applied. To test applications it is better to install an emulator like Genymotion. To use the most popular programs for "Android" on your computer, you can apply Bluestacks. Well, if the phone initially did not contain a store, the way to install Google Play on the "Android" device was described in detail above. The main thing is not to forget about security and use trusted sources, ideally only Google Play. If there was a need to download something from an unknown resource, it would be nice to go through the anti-virus file, which was released for the "Android" system.