/ / How to strengthen the WiFi antenna. How to boost the WiFi antenna signal?

How to strengthen the WiFi antenna. How to strengthen the signal of the WiFi antenna?

Convenience when using wirelesstechnology led to the proliferation of gadgets that integrate WiFi. Of course, traditional LAN ports do not lose their relevance, but as a secondary means of accessing the network. Moreover, on the street or in a public place this port is not required at all. However, the use of wireless tools to access the Internet has its drawbacks in the form of interference or insufficient coverage. Consequently, the question arises about the means by which you can strengthen the WiFi-antenna for its more efficient operation.

Users primarily turn toequipment manufacturers who point out the dependence of reception quality on such factors as the network coverage, the type of access point, and the characteristics of the antennas themselves. Of course, these factors directly affect the quality of the signal, but if they do not allow to achieve the required quality of communication, then you should not despair - there are many ways to solve this problem.

Correct device location

Before interfering with the settings andTo experiment with upgrading devices, it is worth analyzing the very location of the device in terms of optimal reception. First of all, it is necessary to take into account that the access point should provide the maximum possible coverage of the potentially used area - for example, in an office or apartment.

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Also in the answer to the question of how to strengthenthe antenna, the WiFi router signal and the overall reception quality, the importance of free space for the passage of radio waves should be noted. That is, interior partitions act as a rather serious barrier and can impede the signal transmission. And this applies to modern cellular concrete walls with plasterboard finish, and especially brick-reinforced structures. You can solve the problem by choosing a point for the location of the router so that it can be easily accessed.

Channel frequency matching - what to do?

Software methods of signal amplification,Unfortunately, the least popular with users, while much depends on the settings. To begin improving the performance of wireless devices at the program level, it is necessary to analyze the frequencies at which the equipment operates. For example, if there are 10-15 networks in the house, then it is obvious that you will have to forget about good quality, since the signals are more likely to intersect and interfere with each other.

how to increase the power of the antenna wifi router

If you choose the right broadcast channelradio waves, then all questions regarding how to strengthen the antenna of the WiFi router will disappear by themselves. But to select a channel, you need a special program - for example, you can use the InSSIDer system. Use this software is necessary in parallel with the WiFi-adapter. The InSSIDer program installed on the computer will display data on all available channels, identifying the occupied and free ones. In accordance with the information received, it remains only to reconfigure the mode of operation of the adapter to the appropriate frequency.

Increase the power of the router

Poor device reception signalmay be due to the fact that the settings themselves impose restrictions on it. Actually, this is an elementary way to improve the quality of work in the network. To understand how to increase the power of the WiFi router antenna, it is necessary to understand the settings of a specific device model. Typically, power control is present in the “Advanced Settings”, on which network parameters depend.

In one of the tabs should be an inscription withmention transmission power. For example, in English, this could be the Wireless Transmit Power string. The adjustment indicator itself can be presented in different ways, in percentages or levels such as “Low”, “High”, etc. Thus, in order to get high power of the router and strengthen the WiFi antenna, you should set the maximum value of this parameter. However, in the SOHO-level modifications such settings may be absent, and then only special firmware will help, for the integration of which it is desirable to turn to professionals.

Adjustment by standard and range

Опять же, многие пользователи не знакомы со standard on which their device works. At the same time today there are two network standards: 802.111ac and 802.111n. The first is not yet available to a wide range of consumers, and the second is considered one of the most powerful. If you plan to strengthen the WiFi antenna due to the fact that the device does not perceive the signal at all, then it is possible that the equipment just works on another standard.

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Translation of the gadget to the 802.11n format usuallyperformed in the basic settings - in essence, this is the choice of operating mode parameters. Here it is worth mentioning the frequency range of 5 GHz, which is operated by devices that support the 802.11n standard. In contrast to the more common 2.4 GHz band, the 5 GHz channels are still more or less free and not littered, therefore the quality of work in this format is much higher.

Disable power saving mode

When using modern computers issuespower savings have become particularly relevant. This mainly refers to portable devices that have to work without charge for a long time. Unfortunately, only with improved performance, you can enhance the reception of WiFi on the tablet.

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The antenna will work with minimum settings.power, if the device is switched to the mode of economical power consumption. This does not mean that it is necessary to establish the maximum productive format of the computer, but the minimum level of power supply should be avoided. The best option is to use a balanced mode that will not interfere with the full operation of WiFi.

Antenna upgrade

This is a favorite way to improve reception.different antennas from craftsmen. Its essence lies in the fact that the work item reception is additionally equipped with metal devices in the form of pieces of foil, tin elements and cans. Since it is possible to strengthen the WiFi antenna yourself using such a scheme without harming the device itself, it makes sense to experiment with different designs. Although some users note a good effect from such improvements, you should not expect a serious result. At least, this way of solving the problem is essentially losing the elementary replacement of the antenna with a more powerful model. However, the coverage area should increase when using metal additions.

how to increase the antenna signal wifi router

Repeater application

To direct amplification of signal powerleads and the installation of a WiFi repeater. The principle of operation of this device is that it is included in the network as an ordinary client, but later plays the role of a distributor of the received signal, expanding the coverage in accordance with the capabilities of its antenna already. The size of the repeater is identical to the standard power supply, so do not take up much space. Also, its acquisition is beneficial in terms of simple settings and maintenance in general.

how to strengthen the antenna wifi router

With the help of a repeater, you can not only amplify the signalWiFi antennas, but also perform coverage extension on WDS technology. That is, the device will allow you to combine different access points without the need for wired contacts. The cost of budget models of repeaters varies on average from 700 to 1000 rubles. More productive and reliable devices with advanced functionality can cost up to 2000-3000 rubles.

Extension cords for adapters

To rid yourself of problems with signal receptionvia WiFi, it is recommended to initially purchase powerful adapters and, most importantly, with an external antenna. In this respect, receiver models integrated in tablets and laptops are less effective. Nevertheless, for such devices it would not be superfluous to provide an extension cord. With it, you can move the modem in search of the optimal place for reception. If there is a question about how to strengthen the WiFi antenna on a laptop, then this option will be even more advantageous, since the mobility of the device itself will expand the possibilities for finding the best location point. By the way, the cable length for USB devices can be up to 3 m.

amplify wifi antenna signal


It is rarely possible to significantly improve the quality.receive a WiFi signal by using one or even two methods. The fact is that the implementation of all recommendations can be nullified if, for example, the minimum power level is indicated in the device settings. And vice versa, if all the program parameters are oriented to the optimal operating mode of the equipment, then the interference in the form of an interior partition will also spoil the potentially high reception quality. Therefore, it is possible to significantly enhance the WiFi antenna only with an integrated approach to analyzing its settings and assessing the location. As practice shows, the most effective solution in terms of gaining power of reception is still the purchase of more sophisticated modern equipment. In particular, the latest models open up opportunities to work in new frequency ranges, providing high and stable data transfer.