/ / The most popular American search system in the world

The most popular American search system in the world

American search engine with the name Googlewas developed by the company of the same name from the USA. The initial goal of the search engine is the collection and cataloging of all kinds of information from the Internet to make it more accessible and easier to search for users.

American search engine

This American search engine indexestrillions of pages. Most of the information is stored on the company's servers in a simplified form. Caching is used for this. Therefore, even remote sites and pages are stored for a long time by the search engine. To date, this American search engine is the first in popularity and handles 77% of search requests in the world. Its name came from a distorted form of the numerological googol, equal to 10 in the one hundredth degree.

History of creation

The considered American search enginewas created by Sergei Brin and Larry Page in 1996. Originally it was a student project, when its founders were trained at Stanford University. It was based on the idea that a mathematical algorithm for analyzing user relationships with websites would be more practical than a conventional text search. The result of the student project was the creation of Google Inc in 1998. Her headquarters were in the state of California (Menlo Park). Soon after, the American Internet search engine Google with the same name of its site appeared on the Internet.

American search engine Google

In February 1999, the company headquarters wasmoved to Palo Alto, California. Given the growing interest in finding information and increasing profits from contextual advertising on the Internet, the founders were able to hire a professional team of employees. The new headquarters began to be called Googleplex. At the initial stage, Google's main competitor was Microsoft's search engine.

American search engine Bing

This search engine was submitted by Steve Balmer(Microsoft CEO) in 1998. Then this search engine was called MSN Search. In 2006, it was renamed into Windows Live Search, and in 2007 the name was shortened to Live Search. In 2009, the search engine received its current current name - Bing. By popularity, it ranks second in the world.

The appearance of Yahoo!

In early 2004, Google controlled about 80% of the search market, using leased from Yahoo! and AOL technology and power. However, soon Yahoo! They refused to renew the contract, starting work on creating their own search engine. His appearance somewhat reduced the share of Google's search queries, but the US Internet search engines were still in the lead.

American search engines


The most important technology that waspatented by Google, is PageRank. It is a mathematical algorithm for ranking pages for each search query. PageRank site and each individual page is based on the number of links to them from external resources. The logic of this method is that the more the site is referenced, the more authority, popularity and utility it has.

Search robots

Google's robots are indexingweb pages. Day and night they plow the expanses of the world network in search of new sites and updates of information on existing ones. Robots read the contents of web pages, analyze it and send it to the main server, where they are cached. As a rule, the same pages are dispensed by Google-bot at regular intervals. The frequency depends on the frequency of the website updates.


This American search engineis adapted for most large countries. Each geographic region is served by its server, and the search engine site is registered on the national domain. To search in Russia, google.com is used, in Ukraine -google.com.ua, in Poland - google.pl, etc.


American search engine Bing
A very popular theory is the "principlesandboxes ". Its essence lies in the fact that websites with new domain names, with frequent changes of their servers or owners, are located in the sandbox (exclusion zone). There they are until the algorithm Google does not consider the site ready for "free swimming". There is also an inverse theory - a "beginner bonus". According to her, with the initial indexing of a new site with unique content and with several references to it from authoritative resources, the site immediately gets on good places in the issue with the appropriation of high PR. However, after a while privileges are lifted, and the website is assigned its real indicators. One can only guess how accurate the theory is, because the above-mentioned American search engine does not disclose the secrets of its algorithms.