/ / Details on how to add a program to startup

Details on how to add a program to startup

Very often, users ask the question "howadd the program to autoload ". Actually, there is nothing complicated in it, but if you make mistakes, then many problems will arise that can interfere with the computer. I just want to note that you only need to add programs to autoload that you really need , and you use them all the time, for example, if you add ten or more applications, they can significantly slow down the system, respectively, the OS will not fully function due to high load.

how to add a program to autoload

Work with labels

You can add the program to autoload withusing one of several methods that we now analyze in detail. If you carefully read the proposed options, then in the future you should not have any difficulties, and all the points will be executed by you correctly.

Первый способ является самым простым, им, кстати, enjoys the greatest number of people. In this method we will add the shortcuts we need to the startup folder. This directory is located at “C: ... StartUp”. In order to perform all actions in this way, you first need to select those programs that will be added for autoloading. Naturally, before you set everything up, you must carefully consider which applications really should be in this mode. How to add the program to autoload, you probably already guessed. Select labels and place them in the appropriate folder (the address is shown above). After restarting the operating system, you will be able to see that the applications have started up on their own (after the system is fully loaded).

add program to autoload


So, with the first way we figured out, let'sWe now turn to the second. Just want to say that this method is also quite simple and does not require special skills. The most important thing is to pay due attention to avoid mistakes. In the method below, you will learn how to put the program into autoload easily and quickly. We will add the application chosen by you using the registry. Remember that you will need to edit the system file; accordingly, it will be problematic to return it to its previous state.


First you need to create a specialstring parameter in the registry itself, do not worry, this is done very quickly and simply, the main thing is to follow our recommendations. For example, let's look at how to add an FTP client to automatic download. You need to go to the "Start" menu and click on the "Run" tab. Next, enter the special combination “regedit” and confirm your request. If you did everything correctly, in this case a new window should open, which is the registry.

Теперь вам нужно определиться с параметрами (для which users the program will be active in startup), more precisely, you can set the settings for the current account, under which you are logged in or for all. In fact, if you are not the only owner of a personal computer and have your own personal account, in this case we recommend adding programs to the autoload under your data so that your settings do not interfere with other users.

how to put the program in autoload


If you need to find a section in the registry forone account, then go to the "HKEY_CURRENT_USER ... Run" section, and for all users - to "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE ... Run". After moving to the desired section, you need to click the right mouse button and select "Create". Next, you will be offered several options for setting parameters, but we select the string. How to enable the program to autorun using the registry, you almost know. You will need to choose a name for the item. It is recommended to call it the same way as the program, so that later (in case of need for removal) you can find it quickly. In principle, you can give him any other name, you have to define it yourself.

In order to decide how to addthe program in autoload, you also need to specify the path to the desired application. This is done with the right mouse button: select the "Edit" item. Then everything is simple, after the introduction of the correct location, you must save and reboot the system.

how to enable the program in autoload


Now you know two ways to addprogram in autoload. As you can see, there are no difficulties here. There are also other options, but a lot depends on the operating system. For example, you can use the Task Scheduler. After running this tool, you must select the item "Create Task". Specify the name of the task and, if necessary, run as administrator, select the corresponding check box. Go to the tab "Triggers", click "Create", indicating that you should perform the task during the login.