What is the Phoenix BIOS? What kinds it is and what is it for? Not every user imagines how a computer starts and how various errors may occur.
The concept of
Что такое BIOS Phoenix и БИОС сам по себе?BSVV- basic input-output system, in English, sounding as the Basic Input-Output System (BIOS), is a collection of small firmware that are part of the mandatory software of a personal computer. Usually in Russian they use not the abbreviation BSVV, but BIOS.

BIOS systems, unlike operating systems,have different manufacturers who release them in the form of chips installed on motherboards. They are fully compatible with any version of Windows up to the "seven" inclusive. The most famous brands of BIOS: Phoenix, Award, AMI.
The BIOS system allows you to perform the initial and basic configuration of the computer. For example, Phoenix BIOS, the setting of which allows you to control the following parameters of a personal computer:
- Debugging of the old periphery, used until 2000.
- Ability to reset to factory settings and change the mode of operation of the equipment.
- Manage system time and date.
- The ability to set a password on a personal computer.
- Enable and disable the built-in motherboard hardware.
- System copy protection.
- Acceleration of loading of an operating system.
- Set the order of media for loading the operating system.

When setting up BIOS, it is important to remember that thisThe chip has a volatile memory. Therefore, if you remove a tablet battery for at least a second from the motherboard, all settings will be reset. This, by the way, is a simple way to bypass the password set using BIOS.
The need for an update
Sometimes there are situations where it is impossibledo without updating the software of the personal computer. Since BIOS and, in particular, BIOS Phoenix - is a set of monitoring programs, their update is vital for your personal computer. The need for it can be due to two main reasons:
- According to the manufacturer. This option works when a new product is released. He may also have "raw" software that requires patching some "holes."
- If you decide to upgrade equipment on yourpersonal computer. When buying, for example, a new processor, it is important to clarify whether your motherboard and BIOS support it. If not, then you need to go to the website of the manufacturer of the laptop or to the website of the manufacturer of the PC motherboard (you can read on the motherboard itself) and find out if there are suitable updates.

In any case, the user must be awarerisks of self-update BIOS. When improperly handling update utilities, you risk putting your motherboard in a completely inactive state.
So, if you decide on an independentupdate BIOS, you, first of all, need to download updates to your computer. On the Phoenix BIOS website, you can find either a driver or a special utility to update the BIOS. This program installs on your computer just like any other application. Then, when it starts, it will prompt you to select the update source. This can be either a file you have already downloaded, or the Internet (indicated as a source). In the latter case, the program will automatically detect and load the necessary drivers.

Another option is to update the Phoenix BIOS,used if installed on a laptop. The fact is that laptop manufacturers do not release their BIOS systems. They install ready-made solutions on the gadget. Therefore, if you want to update the BIOS on a laptop, then just go into it and find the pre-installed special application. For example, ASUS will have this Easy Flash. After launch, you will need to find the firmware file, which you must first download from the manufacturer’s website.
This is a special program adapted forwork with the equipment installed on your personal computer. With it, you can not only find out the version of your BIOS without opening the system unit, but also update it.
After installing the program in the window that openson the left, select the sub-item "Summary information". In the right window we find the line "Motherboard", click and in the dialog box that appears, select the BIOS update.
Or, you can also expand the "Motherboard" tab in the left window of the program, select the BIOS and go to the required site in the "BIOS Update" line to the right.

Restoring the system
Sometimes it happens that you need to reinstalloperating system, but the computer does not have a drive. In this case, you must use a bootable USB flash drive. In order for the computer to work with it, you need to do a few simple operations:
- We insert the necessary USB stick into the turned-off computer and we start it.
- We enter the Phoenix BIOS Setup utility, booting from the USB flash drive is set in the "Advanced" tab. But before you do this, you may need something else.
- Turn on the USB controller in the "Peripherals" tab("External devices"). And we activate all possible controllers, both regular and 2.0. After this, a reboot may be required. Remember to save your changes.
- After the reboot, you can perform step 2.
What else you need to know about Phoenix BIOS?Different laptop manufacturers can have different buttons assigned to enter BIOS. These are usually F1-F12 buttons, but there may also be variants with Esc and Del. If you think that phoenix is installed on your computer, and when you enter the BIOS, the inscription Phoenix-Award Bios appears, do not worry. The fact is that the company Award was bought by Phoenix.