/ / Skyrim. The Alduin Wall

Skyrim. The Alduin Wall

The wall of Alduin is a bas-relief, the plot of which revolves around the eternal confrontation of dragons and all living things that Tamriel inhabits.

alduin wall


The plot, carved on the bas-relief, depicts the phenomenon of Alduin, from the fiery breath of which the world was created. According to legend, at the end of time the dragon will return to devour the world and create a new one.

When the world was young, the dragons ruled all living, instilling fear and terror. People did not seem able to somehow resist the power of these creatures, and they began to honor the dragons as gods.

The wall of Alduin also says that there were three brave souls who found a way to resist the World Eater. They managed to knock him from the sky and drive him out of his world.

Nevertheless, the bas-relief broadcasts also about the sequence of events inthe appearance of natural disasters, internecine wars, interrupted ruling dynasties, the theft of artifacts, and the imbalance of worlds that led to the Oblivion Crisis, when Merunés Dagon tried to enter the world of people in his true guise. All this is a prerequisite for the return of the World Eater, who will bring dragons with him.

But the Wall of Alduin also tells about a hero who is able to resist Alduin. And about the Order of Blades, which for centuries protected these heroes.

alduin wall

"The Wall of Alduin": passage and clues

The story will begin with a meeting with Dolphin - in sighta simple girl from the tavern "Sleeping Giant". She will give Dovakin the assignment to find Esbern in the Riften (if in more detail, then in the Rat Nora). During the passage of the quest, the protagonist becomes aware that the Talmor spies hunt for the old man.

We need to escort him to Riverwood, and after hearing his story about the Talmorians, the Concordat of White Gold and the fate of the Blades.

Next, you will need to follow along with Delphine and Esbern to the Temple of Heavenly Harbor - the place where the Wall of Alduin is located.

Skyrim. The Paarthurnax Dilemma

The way to the Wall is not very complicated, but on itthere will be many opponents. Even dragons can attack. It should be noted the usefulness of Esburn as a magician - the old man knows how to call atronachs - elemental elementals, which manifest themselves very well in combat.

After a short digression into history, the old man Esbern will give out a task that involves learning a special scream.

It should be noted that screaming is a special kind of magic ingame. These are words in dragon's language, the pronunciation of which has a special kind of consequences. Whether it's pushing away with the force of objects, or moving quickly, or even belching out the flames (like a dragon) are all words in a dragon dialect.

alduin wall skyrim

But now, Dovakin must learn the scream, which was invented not by dragons, but by humans. To do this, go to the Throat of the World - to the gray-bearded.

Actually, Parturnaks in the end and tell you thatthe cry of the Dragonbear, capable of knocking the dragon from the sky, was coined by the three Masters of the Voice, who are now in Sovngarde. Later Dolphin and Esbern, realizing that the gray-bearded headed the dragon, would give the order to kill him.

And here Dovakin faces a choice:to dissuade from this venture Blades or all to obey. Alas, this right of choice, known as the Parturnax Dilemma, is only available when the mod is installed. In the original game, the protagonist will simply have to go and kill a good dragon, or simply postpone the quest (not to go to a deal with the conscience).


Actually, this quest is part of the mainstoryline that will lead to a journey to the House of the World Eater - Skuldafnu. Then, Dovakin will visit Sovnngard to meet the Masters of the Voice. And in the end - a dizzying battle with Alduin at the top of the Throat of Peace. The main character will also be assisted by the Parturnax.

But this game does not end, because there is stilla mass of not less interesting minor quests that will help the player to reveal the full map of Skyrim and realize the scale of those events that were the prerequisites for the appearance of Alduin.