In the lexicon of modern people, a solid placetook the word "portfolio". What is it and who needs it, not everyone knows. The name comes from the English language, where it stands for the folder with the documents. In principle, it really is, only depending on who owns this "folder", its content is different. This can be like real sheets of paper, for example, photographs or design projects, and a set of texts created on the Web, if it is a copywriter.

Every self-respecting creative person is obligedacquire own portfolio. What this will ultimately depend on the sphere of human activity. So, the photographer must have a large number of pictures with different subjects, the architect - show their implemented or planned projects, the artist - pictures and so on. In this case, the portfolio serves as a kind of business card, which will tell more than any words about the owner.
Creating a portfolio, as a rule, is a long processand thorough. Select the material you need so that it was of high quality and demonstrated all the talents and skills of its owner. Sometimes it takes years, and the folder with the work is constantly replenished. At the good professional of the business the size and contents of a portfolio are impressive. But you can not always create it yourself. It's about models, actors, make-up artists who, without quality photos, will not be able to find a decent job. Nobody will even want to talk with those who came without their pictures. In this case it is important to find an excellent photographer, this will determine the greater part of the success during the casting.

Very often the first thing that the applicant requiresposition or role - portfolio. "What is this?" - this is the question that will make all further attempts to prove their professional suitability vain. It is possible, of course, that the director will see an extraordinary talent and want to be his pioneer, and will close his eyes to such a circumstance, but it is necessary to have truly outstanding opportunities for this to happen.

It can be concluded that the types of portfoliodiffer among themselves mainly in the sphere to which their owner belongs. Therefore, there is a portfolio of actor, model, make-up artist, hairdresser, stylist, artist, designer, copywriter and others. If everything is clear with the first, then it's necessary to stay on the copywriter in more detail. This relatively new and growing popularity profession also requires a portfolio. What is it and why is it so important? In this case, the portfolio represents examples of ready-made texts that the author wrote on his own initiative or on an order.
It is believed that those who want to achieve success in thethis area, you need to devote a certain amount of time to writing articles for the portfolio. You can work without it, but the payment will be much lower, and the level of trust is not so high. The customer, having looked at the work, will be able to assess the skills and abilities of the author and decide whether to trust him with a large and important order. Obviously, well-written texts will attract a large number of clients.