/ / Summary of "The Old Genius" N. Leskov

Summary of the "Old Genius" N. Leskov

Outstanding prose writer Nikolai Semenovich Leskov inAt the very beginning of his creative career, he was better known as Stebnitsky. It was his literary pseudonym. A brief summary of the "Old Genius" will present the reader with another famous work by this author. It was written in 1884.

What does people do to help?

How often did many people hear the phrase:"Do not do good - you will not get evil." This happened in this work Leskov. It is from this case that the brief content of the "Old Genius" begins. An elderly landowner laid her dwelling to borrow money from a certain high-society dandy.

At the person of this at first sight wasimpeccable reputation. He worn one of the most famous surnames, occupied an excellent position in society and had a good rank with a considerable salary. Moreover, the woman knew the mother of this dandy very well. This was the last valid reason that prompted the landlord to lend him money.


Return money or stay homeless

Having received a considerable sum, the debtor left for Petersburg.But when it came time to return the money borrowed, he began to hide from an elderly landowner. The unhappy woman tried in every possible way to return the borrowed amount, but all to no avail. It was time to redeem the house, which she laid, but there was nothing to do it for.

Together with the old landowner lived her daughter,who was disabled, and granddaughter. And all this family was now in danger of being left without a roof over their heads. Money, to buy back their own, built-in stupidity, the house, they certainly did not have. And the debtor himself continued to hide. So begins his work Leskov N. S. "Old genius" is a story describing the behavior and actions of people, which can often be found in everyday life.

a short summary of the old genius

Where to find justice, or a trip to St. Petersburg

To stay out of the open, poorthe old woman had to go to Petersburg in search of her debtor. For her sick daughter and granddaughter, she asked to look after a neighbor. Arriving in the city, she immediately went to court. At first everything turned out very well. The decision was made in her favor, and the old woman was glad that she would soon receive back her money. But from this moment the next difficulties began.

In order to enforce the decisioncourt, it was necessary to force the debtor to sign on some official paper. And since he had great connections, no one could do this. And everyone explained that it was better for the old landlord to forget about this duty altogether. As it turned out, the unfortunate grandmother was not the first victim who fell into the clever networks of this swindler. But she did not believe these stories, thinking that in fact her debtor - a good man. It's just that circumstances have developed in his life. What next will describe the summary of the "Old Genius"?

Time is running out, or meeting with a genius

Grandmother did not lose hope and continued to upholsterthresholds of other instances. But all told her the same thing: catch your debtor, give him a paper, and the matter will be decided. But how to do that? And this is where the new character appears. He will further describe the summary.

Leskov, whose old genius is a certain IvanIvanovich, begins to talk about him rather superficially. This man offered grandmother for five hundred rubles to solve her problem, that is, to force the swindler to sign a paper. And who he is, where he works and what position he occupies, while the reader is not aware. He himself considered himself a genius, and an elderly landowner believed him. But still decided to wait a little longer.

woodland with an old genius

Time is up, or Help a stranger

The summary of the "Old Genius" continuesdescribe the tortures of the old woman, who has no time left. She found out that her house was being put up for sale. Once she caught her debtor, but it did not lead to anything. He did not sign the paper. But the landlord was informed that the next day this dandy goes abroad with his girlfriend. The woman had no choice but to pay for help to Ivan Ivanovich.

What events describes the following short summary?Leskov, whose old genius invented a clever plan, did not leave the poor old woman without a penny in his pocket. Ivan Ivanovich and the elderly landowner went in search of some mysterious assistant. Ostensibly without his help it was impossible to manage in this case.

The old woman could not understand anything at first and simplytrusted the old genius. Carefully having traveled several places where the person he needed could be found, Ivan Ivanovich finally found a suitable candidate and sent him to the bathhouse. A tired old woman sent a rest.

full of old genius of woods

What is the end of the full content? "Old genius" (Leskov NS): the last pages of the work

Проснувшись следующим утром, старый гений напоил found assistant vodka. And after a while the three of them went to the station, from where the swindler, who had deceived the old woman, was supposed to leave. Soon the landowner saw how he appeared with his girlfriend and with pleasure began to drink tea. The old genius (a summary of the chapters will describe this fragment in as much detail as possible) ordered his assistant to act.

This man began to walk about drinking teaswindler. First forward, then come back. And so several times. Finally, stopping beside the debtor of the old woman, he rudely asked him why he looked so strangely. At this rascal very calmly said that he was just busy drinking tea. But the assistant did not lag behind, diligently trying to provoke a scandal. And then, quite unexpectedly, he slapped three unlucky dandies with three slaps.

old genius chapters

Naturally, they called the police, and thensubmitted to this fraudster, who deceived the unfortunate landowner, the paper, which he had to sign. The debtor needed to go abroad, and with such a debt he would not be released. Therefore, he chose to pay immediately.

So restored in his workjustice N. Leskov. The old genius who invented such a cunning plan in a seemingly hopeless situation can rightly cause admiration. And not only the old landowner, but also any reader who closely followed the narration.