/ / "The Mother of Man": an analysis of Zakrutkin's work

"The Mother of Man": an analysis of Zakrutkin's work

Many books have been written about the Great Patriotic War.We bow to the heroism of the soldiers who defended our Motherland. But we must not forget about the civilian population - workers, peasants, who made their contribution to the victory.

About a simple woman tells Vitaly Zakrutkin in his novel "The Mother of Man." The analysis of this work will help the reader to understand what deep meaning the author has invested in his creation.

Prehistory of writing the story

mother of human analysis

Vitaly Aleksandrovich Zakrutkin begins hisA book with a story about a woman. He says that she suffered a lot of trials, but she overcame them and was able to keep her soul clean. Her kind character has remained so.

Next, the author tells what kind of casepushed him to write the story. At the request of his old friend, he went to Prykarpattya. Every day, even before sunrise, went for a walk, went up to the Princely Mountain. When Vitaly Alexandrovich sat down to rest on a bench, he saw a niche in which stood a statue - Madonna held the baby in her arms.

Размышляя о божьей матери, писатель вспомнил о earthly woman, who also lost her son, about how much she had experienced. And he decided that he had to tell people about it. Analysis of the work "Mother of Man" Zakrutkina will help us understand that the Russian Maria is the same Madonna. Earthly woman is also worthy of honor and respect.

Maria loses everything

The events of the work "The Mother of Man"begin in September 1942. At night explosions rattled, everything was blazing around - there was a fierce battle. Maria hid from this horror in corn and lay down in a deep furrow on her stomach. But for a long time to be in this position, the woman was hard, because she was in the first months of pregnancy. Then the peasant woman turned sideways.

Maria asked the god of death, said that moreso she can not live. Why did the future mother of man decide this desperate step? The analysis of the next episode of the book will help to understand this.

Previously, a woman had a family - a beloved husband and sonVasyatka, but the Germans hanged both, and without them Maria did not know how to live. From a desperate step she was saved by the fact that she was waiting for the child and could not take his life.

Khutorian hijacked to Germany

mother of man

A lot of troubles were committed by fascists in the village - they blew upa new barn, burned all the houses. Now they forcibly drove to Germany those who were still alive. From her hiding place in corn, the woman saw how old people were supporting each other, women were carrying infants. As soon as someone began to cry, it was tempting to read how the German ran up and beat the rifle with the butt.

Несмотря на это Саня Зименкова – пятнадцатилетняя a girl, "she cried loudly, that she would not go to Germany and would not be a farm laborer there. Her mother tried to persuade her daughter not to make noise, so that the Germans did not kill, but the bold girl said that she would not remain silent.

Раздалась автоматная очередь, и девочка упала.When the procession went far ahead, Maria withdrew from the shelter and rushed to Sanka. She was still alive, but the Germans mortally wounded her. In the morning the girl was gone. She was buried by Mary - the Mother of Man. The analysis of the book will help to understand why Vitaly Aleksandrovich so called a simple Russian woman.

The collective farm field

What are the best words you can choose,speaking of this peasant woman, who blew hard earth with her bleeding fingers to dig a grave for the girl, not to leave her nezaronennoy ... Yes, this Madonna - the Mother of Man. The analysis of subsequent events will help to make sure of this more than once.

Then Maria snatched corn leaves, lay down onthem and forgot a heavy sleep. She did not know that during these 3 hours the Germans burned all the surrounding farmsteads, the surviving inhabitants were driven to Germany. Therefore, the woman remained alone in a huge scorched territory.

Гонимая голодом и жаждой, она пошла к полям, на which the farmers planted beets, potatoes and other vegetables. Further, the author describes a young woman. She was not tall, brown-eyed, with freckles on her nose. Agree, it is completely not similar to the great heroine. But it’s not for nothing that the simple peasant woman gave the name Zakrutkin the Mother of Man. An analysis of her deeds and actions will clarify the opinion of the author.

Mary's Memories

Lying on a potato field, looking at the sky, womanremembered all her life. From an early age she drank grief. When she was seven, the White Guards shot a communist father. At 16, she buried her mother. Maria from her youth was a laborer - she was able to finish only 4 classes, because she needed to work, work on the housework in order to feed herself. Her future husband, Ivan, also studied only 4 years for the same reason. However, both were accepted into the Komsomol and the collective farm. So, the villagers respected the young.

The young man and the girl got married, a year later, their son Vasya was born. The girl worked in the third brigade as a milkmaid, her husband - in the same place, a chauffeur.

When the war began, Ivan went to the front, but returned without a hand. Maria comforted him as best she could. Together with other compatriots, she went to dig trenches for Soviet soldiers in order to help them in this way.

Then the Germans came to the village.At first they did not touch the residents, but when someone blew up their car with the officers and took valuable documents, the fascists began to revenge - they hung Ivan, Fenya, who stood up for him, and her son Maria. The last woman covered her mouth with her hands so that she would not scream, because then the punitive would have killed her too.

Then the villagers hid the unfortunate inmaize, punished not to go until everything subsides. Therefore, Mary remained alive. So, fate was pleased that this woman - the Mother of Man - did not die. After all, who would have saved so many living souls, tried to cure a seriously wounded enemy? Not to revenge him, but to show compassion and mercy. She could make it - Mother of man. Analysis of the work will tell about the tragedy of the following events.

Dog and cow

In the evening, when the peasant woman went to the beetrootfield, she heard the crunch of dry branches, frightened and ran. When the woman looked back, she saw that the once angry dog ​​of the shepherd Gerasim and 4 cows were rushing after her, from whose udder milk was dripping. Animals sought salvation near man. It was very hard for unleavened cows. Mary decided to help them. After all, she was very kind, this Mother of Man.

Zakrutkin mother human analysis

First, the woman gave the milk directly to the ground, but then realized that it would help her to satisfy her hunger and thirst. She gave her milk and a dog, who gladly accepted the treat, because she was hungry.

Maria said goodbye to the animals and went againto hide in the corn, but the creatures of God followed her, for now only the Mother of Man Mary could save them. So they went to sleep: A friend was attached to the woman, and the cows - a little distance. Later, she shelters chickens and sheep, who also came to her in search of warmth, food and care. But not only animals will be saved by the Mother of Man. Analysis of the work will show how mentally she reacted to people.

Werner Bracht

Мария вспомнила, что они с мужем вырыли надежный the cellar, which was well reinforced and even plastered the walls with clay. It was a tunnel for storing potatoes in the winter. She decided to settle with the animals there, but when they got closer, the dog barked heart-rendingly. The woman took the pitchfork and went inside. There she saw a German soldier who, without blinking, looked at her.

Сначала женщину охватила ненависть, но, нужно To pay tribute to her, Maria was able to cope with emotions and did not kill the German for the fact that other such soldiers had taken away her most precious thing - her husband and son. An analysis of the work “The Mother of Man” by Zakrutkin testifies to how generous and compassion the peasant woman was distinguished. But these qualities of her awakened only when the German shouted in Russian: "Mom." This cry pierced her heart and saved the wounded soldier, who was still quite a boy.

mother human work analysis

Он был ранен в грудь.The woman tied up a soldier, gave him milk. However, despite all her efforts, he died a few days later. The woman buried this young man who did not want to fight and disappear like that in a foreign land.

Maria acquires a household

October came, with him came the cold.The woman knew that she needed to prepare for the frost. She began to walk on abandoned German dugouts and collect everything that is useful. Here she found a lamp, soap, and most importantly - a stove.

No wonder Zakrutkin called her the Mother of Man.An analysis of this moment shows that in order to survive, to save livestock and the unborn child in such conditions, everything must be provided. Without a stove, a woman would simply perish from the cold of the winter cold, and with her - other living souls for whom she was now in charge. Therefore, Maria took off her boots from a dead German, took her overcoat. Before that, she walked only in a light chintz dress, which had already turned into rags.

Maria took care of the dogs too (by the time theythere were already two). The second - the Lady, an animal executed by the enemies of Feni. The woman freshened the carcass with a dead German horse shell, cleaned the meat in reserve, sprinkled salt on it thickly, and the dogs gnawed on the bones, which saved them from starvation.

analysis of the work of the mother human zakrutkina

The harness removed from the horse also went into action. Maria put it on the cow Dawn, because transporting things in this way was much easier.

Hardworking woman

There was only one well on the farm;the fascists threw the corpses of dead animals. Of course, it was impossible to drink such water, and it is impossible to live without it. Therefore, Maria cleaned the well. Helped her in this harnessed Dawn. Maria climbed into the well. She tied the wire to each animal's corpse, then screamed at the cow to go, and the obedient Zorka did so. Then the woman drew the bad water and cleaned out the bottom.

Later, she will re-equip part of the barn for four cows, but 3 horses, chickens, and sheep will also live there, which the compassionate farmer will also shelter.

Here she is so smart, economic, hardworking - a simple Russian peasant. An analysis of Zakrutkin’s story “The Mother of Man” will help to find more and more evidence of this.

She invented and made some wire.like a needle, sewed a dress from bags found in the trenches. Maria took any thing she found — socks, a shirt, a tunic, washed all this in the river, dried it and put it in reserve. If a woman knew how these things will be useful to the children she finds.

"Mother of Man" - analysis. Children that Maria saves lives

analysis of the human mother

Further study of the story proves that there is no limit to human capabilities. Mary, so that the work of the collective farmers of the third brigade did not disappear, every day went to pick up corn, sunflowers, and vegetables.

On one of those winter days already, a woman heardvoices in a pile of hay and saw seven children. They walked for many days, eating raw potatoes, which they found in the fields. These were children from a bombed train that was carrying evacuees from besieged Leningrad. Of the 160 people survived only 7. Mary left the children. At first she took them home, washed them, gave milk, washed things, then began to sew them new ones that she had previously found in the trenches.

mother human analysis children

The older girls began to help the woman harvest the harvest of the third brigade.

New life

Analysis of the story "Mother of Man" canfinish a very meaningful moment. When the time came, Mary gave birth to a son. She decided to call him the same as the one who died - Vasya, so that the human race and her family could continue in order to somehow fill the bitterness of the loss.

Correct author says that when a womanproduced a son, she thought that she, too, had given birth to those children whom she had saved from cold and hunger. Now it became finally clear why Vitaly Zakrutkin called her the Mother of Man. Analysis of the story proves that this is a real female heroine, before whom I want to kneel down and remember the most kind and beautiful words!