/ / "The book that does not exist": feedback from readers

"A book that does not exist": feedback from readers

To date, there are many books andtraining programs for personal growth and self-improvement. All of them are good in that they allow you to find emotional balance, to return inner integrity and harmony.

Известным автором, принадлежащим к категории psychologists, is Alex Nowak. "The book that does not exist," the reviews are pleasantly surprised, makes a person think, analyze their situation, strive for a concrete result. Consider the responses of people who were able to apply a simple but curious theory, which the author told.

"The book that does not exist": the reviews will not leave you indifferent

Alex Nowak offers us for a few hoursstop and understand where we are going. Are we getting closer to our dream or are we diligently moving away from it? It's amazing, but most people are really afraid to live by their own rules and do not even suspect their desires that could help them to qualitatively change their lives.

book of which there are no reviews

The tremendous popularity of the book is conditioned bythe fact that many people today want to become successful, strive for prosperity. They have a desire to fully express their essence, to maximize the potential inherent in nature.

Известно, что это на самом деле не так легко, как it seems. It is necessary to be able to separate the important from the secondary, to be extremely organized, to cultivate self-sufficiency in oneself. And some people for years can not budge. And the readers of this remarkable book claim that she helped them in the most difficult moments of life, when it seemed that nothing could be done to correct anything.

Child Consciousness

The author emphasizes the idea that it is very important not toto destroy within oneself the sacred gift given by God. Readers of this text, from their own experience, were able to make sure that in their childhood everything turns out freely and easily, and in adulthood it becomes more difficult to learn something.

The reason is in the mind:the child is more open to the comprehension of the external world, everything is interesting to him. The adult often lives, obeying the stereotypes accepted in the society and seldom hears his inner voice. Growing up, we, unfortunately, forget about what we dreamed of before, and henceforth we are afraid to build grandiose plans.

book which does not have readers feedback

Note that a small child always knows,what he wants. He will not get confused in his own reasoning and will not adjust to the opinions of others. In childhood, anyone dreams easily, because there is a belief in an unchanging flow of well-being. It is only necessary to observe the children around, as it becomes clear that they live their own fantasies and for them they are more real than reality itself. Having reached maturity, very few of us can boast to a great extent not the stereotyped thinking.

Available in large numbers on the publication "The Book,which does not exist, "the reviews confirm that the thinking reader, as a result, will be able to form an individual opinion and deal with his own perspectives.

Acceptance of responsibility

Those who have already met this magicaltext, note that the action takes place gradually, almost imperceptibly. It's just that at some point you begin to notice that you react differently to habitual stimuli, not at all like before. And the opportunity to look at yourself differently and change your own thinking was presented to the world by Novak Alex.

"A book that does not exist," reviews about which we cite in the article, our newthe method of influencing fate brought great interest to a thinking audience. In fact, many people would like to get a guaranteed effective way to change life for the better. The information contained in this text contributes to this.

Alex Novak book which does not have reviews

О том, как важно оставаться самим собой, вам will already tell the preface. "The book that does not exist" (reviews about it served as the material of this article) confirms that there is nothing more expensive in the world than to be able to defend one's own position. And readers agree that most of us, unfortunately, live simply by inertia, not thinking about anything high, not wanting to take responsibility for their own destiny.

Time thieves

If people were aware of what they were spendingtheir best years, they would simply marvel at their own irresponsibility and stupidity. Readers note that they have largely opened their eyes to this after reading the text. Is it not absurd, having all the resources for achievements, to spend long months and years on useless pursuits, which are so tight that there is no free time for creative self-realization.

Alex Book of which there are no reviews

Among the main thieves of time are:TV, the Internet, endless sleep, the pursuit of money, excessive concentration on material values. With this approach, the inner desire to achieve individual success is gradually erased, turning into passivity and laziness, which is confirmed by the "Book that does not exist."

Reviews of her, by the way, to an extremely truthful publication, aimed at the inner search for a person's own truth.

Preservation of creative energy

Здесь речь идет о том, чтобы научиться правильно spend your energy resource and maintain it in perfect order. Preservation of creative energy assumes that a person should be able to distribute his forces so that there is time for rest and for personal development. Otherwise, at some point, there may simply not be a desire to act.

Undoubtedly, one of the most powerful contemporary works of popular literature is the "Book that does not exist." Reviews readers confirm its relevance. Already many people have been able to change their lives for the better. The main thing, perhaps, is the desire to change.

The method "So what?"

When something does not work out in life, the very firstreaction is to succumb to weakness and to drop your hands. We are so often upset over trifles that we do not have time to live, build new plans and strive for their achievements. If in your life something really unpleasant has happened, you should catch your breath, say aloud the phrase "So what" and continue to deal with everyday affairs.

The preface of which is not a book

Thus, you seem to devalue what has happened,reduce its value in your own eyes. Do not be afraid to reduce the importance of failures, so you quickly pull into your life something really useful and valuable.

Readers note that they learned the most important things.the acquisition of this text - were able to learn not to react with tears to failure, but to continue to act aggressively and bravely. Even the reviews available on the publication “A Book That Doesn't Have” are able to arouse interest in a thinking person.

Energy Vampires

It's no secret that we are surrounded not onlynice and decent people. There are those who are able to replenish their energy reserves at the expense of others. Such personalities degrade themselves and devastate others. Separate yourself from energy vampires. Do not allow to be used as a battery for a battery.

reviews about the book the book is not

Не общайтесь с неприятными людьми, после interactions with which you feel tired and weak. This will help you maintain inner peace and confidence. You will feel how the internal forces are strengthening and growing. This will also tell the "Book, which is not." Reviews of grateful readers who have managed to change their lives are multiplying every day.

Positive attitude

Whatever you do, it’s crucial in everythingbe able to maintain peace of mind. Otherwise, you will very quickly run out of breath and will not be able to continue your journey. How many people give up at the beginning of the journey, without trying various options, without even taking the first step.

the author has no reviews

Let a good mood accompany you in everything!This will help to deal with temporary difficulties and overcome significant obstacles. In addition, with a positive attitude is much easier to go through life, you can avoid many disappointments.

Readers note the usefulness of the information presented, write reviews about the book. "The book, which is not" - at the moment remains popular and popular.

Thus, it is better to begin acquaintance with her, understanding that you expect from her. Only in this case, reading will bring pleasure and give the greatest benefit.