The author of "Pinocchio" - a fairy tale known throughoutworld, was born in Italy on November 24, 1826. The boy's name was Carlo Lorenzini. The pseudonym Collodi Carlo picked up later when he began writing fairy tales for children (this was the name of the village where his mother was from). Initially, these were free translations of fairy tales by another, equally well-known storyteller - Charles Perrault. And the author of Pinocchio began composing his main fairy tale in life when he was 55 years old, at a rather mature age!

The Tale of "The Adventures of Pinocchio"
Write a book for children offered to the storytellereditor of the Detskaya Gazeta, which was published in Rome in those years. Inspired by the idea to describe the adventures of Pinocchio, the author composed the first story from a book in one night! And in the print, the first chapter appears on July 7, 1881. Then, in each issue of the publication, stories from the life of a wooden boy are printed, which are of overwhelming success with young readers.
The author of "Pinocchio" wanted to complete histhe work by the fact that the main character should be hanged, but the children readers wrote to the editorial board of Detskaya Gazeta so many letters with requests for continuation that the storyteller had to continue publishing. And in 1883 a separate book was published in Florence, where all the chapters previously printed in the Detskaya Gazeta were collected. It was published by the publisher Felicio Paji. And he painted Pinocchio, a wooden man, a compatriot of the storyteller Enrico Matsanti, an artist who determined the appearance of the heroes of the fairy tale for many years to come.
A happy ending

The story ends with the fact that Pinocchio(in Italian "pine nut", from "pino" - pine) from wooden Pinocchio (in Italian "puppet doll") turns into a person. The author of Pinocchio, at the request of his readers, deliberately changed the end of the work from negatively instructive to positive, and thus won the tale considerably. By the beginning of the twentieth century, the book in Italy alone has withstood about 500 editions, has become popular in other countries. The author of Pinocchio, a fairy tale with a happy ending, has long died, and his wonderful work is still loved by children and adults all over the world!
Thanks to Carlo Collodi and the wooden manThe town of Collodi was also famous: here is a monument to Pinocchio with an inscription of gratitude from admired readers. Moreover, the age of these readers is treated in the range of four to seventy years!
Pinocchio and Pinocchio
Among the young readers of "Pinocchio" was once andAlyosha Tolstoy, in the future Russian writer-storyteller. Many years passed, and he decided to retell the book Collodi, but in his own way. So the fairy tale “Golden Key”, familiar to us from childhood, saw the light of day. So was born another wooden boy - Pinocchio, restless, terribly curious, funny.

The tale "The Adventures of Buratino" was printed into the newspaper Pionerskaya Pravda in 1935. And in 1936 it was published as a separate book in Russia. Since then, the book has withstood many editions and screen versions. It remains popular to this day.
And that and another story about wooden boysThey start the same way: an old master once cut out a doll from a wonderful talking log. After that ... But we will not retell the plots, it is better to take books and read it yourself!