/ / Galina Kravchenko: biography and career of the Soviet actress

Galina Kravchenko: biography and the creative path of the Soviet actress

Galina Kravchenko is a silent film star, a famous actress, a spokeswoman for the first release of the State College of Cinematography (VGIK).

The beginning of the acting career

Galina was born on February 11, 1905 in Kazan.Later she moved with her mother to Moscow, where she was noticed by novice director Vladimir Pudovkin. Fascinated by the immediacy and beauty of the girl, he persuaded Galina to try herself as an actor. Considering her his goddaughter, Pudovkin over the years, closely watched the career of an actress, helping in difficult times with a kind word and necessary advice.

Galina Kravchenko

In 1921, Galina graduated from the Moscow Theater and Choreography School and for two years she was a soloist with the ballet at S. M. Zimin opera.

In 1922, Kravchenko entered the Statetechnical school of cinematography at the acting department, having successfully passed the examinations to the director and one of its organizers, Gardin Vladimir Rostislavovich. In it, the girl studied for 5 years. Mentor of the famous first release was Lev Vladimirovich Kuleshov - a famous teacher, film theorist and director. Together with Galina, the school (now VGIK) graduated from Nina Shaternikova, Yevgeny Chernyakov, Andrei Veit, Ada Voitsik. In parallel with her studies from 1922 to 1924, Galina was the ballerina of the experimental theater.

The first steps in the movie

In the movies, Galina Kravchenko began filmingstudent years. The film school regularly sent its students to the crowd, giving the opportunity to express themselves from the practical side. For the first time Galina starred in the film “Aelita”. It was a small episode that gave a talented girl a great start in the world of cinema. Further, there were roles in the film “The Gang of Batka Knysh” by A. Razumny and “The Cigarette Case from Mosselprom” by Y. Zhelyabuzhsky.

Galina Kravchenko actress

The first significant role of Galina Kravchenko played inthe film "In the Fat of NEP" (1924) by director Boris Svetozarov. The picture told about the moral decay of a business executive who came under the influence of the NEP entourage. 18-year-old actress was invited to the role of 40-year-old woman. To the puzzled question of the girl about why she gets such an overgrown image and whether she can play it, the director said that the actor’s ability to transform is a real art. With these words, he gave a huge push from which Galina Kravchenko grew up - an actress!

Biography, roles, films of Galina Kravchenko

In 1925, Galina was invited to the studio.Belgoskino. Directed by Yuri Tarich filmed "Forest Profit" on the work of Mikhas Charota "Swineherd" about the confrontation in 1920 of the Belarusian partisans to Polish troops. Galina was approved for the role of the daughter of the Polish landowner Wanda.

galina kravchenko movies soviet actresses

At the end of her studies, Galina Kravchenko was acceptedin the staff of the film studio “Mezhrabpom-Rus”, which for many years became her home. The actress became the brightest star of this film factory: in the 1920-1930s, posters with her portraits were present in all Soviet cities. But nothing is permanent, everything in life is changing. The fashion for movie characters has also changed. Vigorous Komsomol members smiled from the screens into the auditorium, the standards of which Kravchenko did not fit. Probably, the actress, as well as her colleagues of a similar role, would have been forgotten, if not for Kuleshov.

In 1933, the director invited Galina to the roleAnabel Adams in the sound picture "The Great Comforter", based on the stories of O. Henry. This picture has become a kind of confession maestro cinema, pierced through with piercing longing for the bright days of silent movies. Kravchenko wittily and gracefully played a parody of the movie hero of the 20s, that is, on herself.

Galina Kravchenko: Filmography

Soviet actresses of the 20s have long remained inoblivion at that time. But this did not affect our heroine. Galina Kravchenko was actively shot until the 1980s. True, the roles were completely different (elderly mothers, etc.).

From 1942 to 1943, Galina was an actress of RussianDrama Theater in Tbilisi, and then - Theater actor's studio. Career actress continued during the Khrushchev thaw. True, she now played the role of aging secular women and Soviet mothers.

Kravchenko was shot until the very beginning of the 1980s.Good roles and even episodes were not, but the actress always remained in plain sight. For her, even found a new hypostasis: the living history of Soviet cinema. She got this role by right, and Galina Kravchenko played it with dignity and brilliance for almost 40 years. She wrote a book of memoirs, spoke a lot on television, in the evenings in the House of Cinema, was in demand and full to the end of her days.

Galina Kravchenko actress biography role films

In 1980, Galina Kravchenko was awarded the title of Honored Artist of the RSFSR.

Galina Kravchenko's personal life

In the life of Galina Kravchenko there were three marriages.The first, with actor Andre Fayt, did not last long and ended in divorce. In 1930, Galina married the military pilot Alexander Kamenev, the son of a famous political figure Lev Kamenev. A young family settled in the house of the father-in-law; Galina began to communicate with famous people of that time - Alexandra Kollontai, Sergey Kirov, Leonid Utesov, Sergey Eisenstein. In 1931, the son Vitaly was born. Lev Borisovich was shot in 1936, Alexander in 1937, mother-in-law Olga Kameneva in 1941. For Galina, kinship with Kamenev turned into a ban on filming a movie.

In 1939, the actress was married to Georgian director Nikolai Sanishvili, from whom she bore a daughter Karina.

Сын Галины Кравченко в 1949 году был арестован и 25 years exiled to Karaganda. Vitali was rehabilitated in the mid-50s, allowing him to return home. Link strongly undermined the health of the young man, and he died in 1966. After the Kamenevs were repressed, the road to the big movie for Galina was closed.

March 5, 1996 - the day Galina diedKravchenko, an actress with a capital letter, who managed under the influence of the changes to change correctly, to become the legend of Soviet cinema in life.