/ / Summary of "Children of Captain Grant"

Summary of "Children of Captain Grant"

There are works in the world literature thatover the years do not lose their relevance or demand. Among them are the "Adventures of Tom Sawyer" and "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn", and, of course, "Children of Captain Grant." This book is written by the famous French science fiction writer Jules Verne. This novel, which is part of the famous trilogy, along with the narration of Captain Nemo and the submarine Nautilus, as well as The Mysterious Island, has been a reference book for teenagers for more than 150 years.

Despite the fact that Jules Verne is officiallyconsidered to be science fiction, in the book “Children of Captain Grant,” a brief summary of which we will now attempt to state, there are no flights to the moon, no descent to the center of the earth, no militant newcomers from space. And what is there? And there are noble sailors, sincere people, courageous women and generous men.

Of course, you can feel the full charm of the novel.only when reading it, since no retelling will replace personal impressions, but a summary of the main direction of the book will give a general idea of ​​it. So, let's begin…

Summary. "Children of Captain Grant" by classic French literature - Monsieur Jules Verne

summary of the children of the captain of the grant

В конце июля 1864 г.Duncan's owner, Lord Glenarvan, and his young wife Helen are preparing for their honeymoon. During the tests of the ride quality of the yacht, they catch a shark in the Irish Sea, inside which they find a bottle with a note. In those days, there were no mobile phones, satellite communications and the Internet, and a note sealed in a bottle was often the only chance for the unfortunate shipwreck away from civilized places to be saved. And there were plenty of such places on the globe.

captain grant children summary
Having examined the contents of the bottle, Glenarvan saw thatit contains three texts written in different languages ​​and duplicating each other. The notes told that a certain captain Grant and his two sailors were waiting for help at the 37th degree south parallel.

Unfortunately, water penetrated into the bottle and washed away part of the message, moreover, the one that indicated the longitude and the name of the island.

It seemed like nothing to help the unfortunate victimsshipwreck is impossible, this was directly told to Glenarvan in the admiralty. But the Glenarvan spouses decide otherwise. Under the influence of the tears of the children of Captain Grant - sixteen-year-old Mary and Robert, who are four years younger than their sister, they decide on their “Duncan” to go around the globe along the 37th parallel and find the unfortunates.

Naturally, they go on an expeditionfour. Major McNabbs willingly joins them, as well as the entire crew of the yacht, led by the young captain John Mangles. At the very beginning of the journey, they find another companion. Ironically, it turns out to be the famous geographer Jacques Paganel, who fell on the Duncan due to its dispersion, the fame of which goes hand in hand along with its fame as a scientist. It was Paganel who, after studying the document, expressed confidence that, most likely, Captain Grant was in South America. And you need to look for it in Patagonia, this is the name of the territory belonging today to Chile.

We will not retell everything in detail.adventures in which members of the expedition participated, since they can be known only after reading the novel itself, and not its summary. Children of Captain Grant, together with their friends, visited Patagonia, Australia, and Tristan da Cunha, and even New Zealand. But each expedition along these lands turned out to be fruitless. The sea water damaged the document so cunningly, the scraps of words turned out to be so chaotically washed away that with each new reading it, the new version expressed by Paganel was completely indisputable. By the way, finding out the shipwreck will be interesting to lovers of cryptograms, since the process itself is a bit like solving the mystery of dancing little men. But, alas, in order to find out in what ways the geographer came to the conclusion that every time you need to look in a new place, you need to read the book itself, and its summary.

The children of Captain Grant - Mary and Robert - proved that they deserve their father, a brave Scottish sailor.

captain grant children book
After the expedition members went round37 parallels almost the entire globe, their hands began to fall, since the hope to save the victims of the shipwreck was almost gone. But the children did not want to accept failure. They believed that their father was alive and waiting for help. Glenarvan promised them that another expedition would be organized a little later, and now we need to return. It remains only to do one thing, not a very pleasant thing - to land a criminal Ayrton on the first uninhabited island. Who is Ayrton and where did he come from? And this is written in the novel. You did not forget that you are not reading a book, but its very brief content.

Children of Captain Grant at night suddenly hear a voicecalling for help. It seems to them that this is the voice of their father. But where did he come from? After all, the ship is quite far from the unremarkable island of Tabor, on which it was decided to land Ayrton. But you need to check, and Glenarvan sends a boat to the island.

The fact that it was on this island and waited for salvationCaptain Grant, no need to tell. The children finally find their father, and at the same time the Destiny. Mary gets engaged to the brave John Mangles. And Robert does not think of his future existence without sea travel. But Jules Verne does not seek to part with his heroes, and the reader will be able to meet familiar names in a book called The Mysterious Island.