/ / Vasnetsov, the painting "Carpet-plane": a description and composition of the picture

Vasnetsov, "Carpet-Plane" painting: description and composition of the painting

During his life a lot of scenic paintings paintingscreated by Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov. The painting "Carpet-plane" was painted by him in 1880. This is the artist's second work (after “The Knight at the Crossroads”), in which he turned to a fabulous subject.

Brief biography of the artist

Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov was born inLopyal village, which was located in the Vyatka province of the Russian Empire. This event, significant not only for his family, but also for many future fans of the master, occurred on May 15, 1848.

Vasnetsov picture carpet airplane

The boy's father was a church priest.Having graduated first from the Vyatka Theological School, then from the Theological Seminary, the young man left to enter the Academy of Arts of St. Petersburg. He began to exhibit his work while still a student, from 1869. In 1878, Vasnetsov became a member of the Association of the Wanderers, visited France, Italy. In 1893 he became a full member of the Academy of Fine Arts.

First, the creator drew for magazines, inexpensivepopular publications. In the 1870s, he painted a series of paintings, where he showed the life of officials, small merchants, and the urban poor. In 1879, the artist left this genre painting and turned to folk tales, epic stories. Among his most famous canvases on fabulous themes: “Alyonushka”, “Ivan Tsarevich on the Gray Wolf”, “The Bogatyrs”, “The Snow Maiden”.

One of the first works that marked his transition to the folk fairytale theme of Vasnetsov was the painting “Carpet-Plane”.

The history of the canvas

Who knows, would see the picture, which becamesubsequently so famous, the light, if not for Savva Ivanovich Mamonov - patron of art and a major industrialist. It was he who ordered Vasnetsov a picture on this subject, saying that it was necessary to draw 3 canvases, with which it was necessary to decorate the office of the Donetsk railway, which was under construction at that time. But first he talked with Viktor Mikhailovich and found out what he wanted to portray on canvas. It must be said that Mamontov in every possible way promoted the advancement and unification of talented people, he gave Vasnetsov the opportunity to shift his creative desires onto the canvas.

As expected, the board did not agree.to hang pictures on such subjects in his office, but Vasnetsov’s work was not in vain - his canvas, like the second, was bought by Mamontov himself, and the third was bought by the patron’s brother.

Vasnetsov, painting "Carpet-plane". Brief description of the picture

Vasnetsov picture carpet airplane description of the picture

In his creation, the artist captured the people's dream of flying. In those days, airplanes were not yet invented, but many wanted to soar into the sky, to the height of a bird's flight.

For this, even in ancient times, people didwings, then hang-gliders, balloons. This dream was also reflected in old folk tales in which heroes can move like this, as Viktor Vasnetsov showed.

The painting "Carpet-plane" is multidimensional.In its center, we see a carpet that spread its corners-wings like a bird. He is confidently standing beautifully dressed hero of the tale. He holds the cage in which the Firebird is held with one hand.

painting carpet airplane composition

Continued brief description

The carpet soared even higher than the birds, you can see how the owls are surprised to see a strange means of transportation.

Vasnetsov picture carpet airplane short description of the picture

In the background, the artist depicted the boundlessRussian open spaces. In a light predawn fog the river merges, the field with the boundless sky. To create the mood of waiting for a miracle, Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov selected very true colors. The painting "Carpet-plane" creates a complacent mood in the viewer. There are no annoying spots, all shades and colors are very harmoniously combined with each other. Contemplation of this canvas contributes to calm, wake up dreams and dive into the world of dreams.

A detailed description of the details of the masterpiece - the beginning

Now the name of the artist and his creation formany have become almost synonymous, it is enough to say: “Vasnetsov - the painting“ Carpet-Plane ”- the description of the picture and the image of its creator immediately pop up in memory. This will help to better remember the author and develop associative thinking. To the canvas for a long time remained in memory, it is necessary to pay attention to its smallest details.

Vasnetsov picture carpet airplane composition

The sky is white and in some places pink.The sun glows from the sun. It is reflected in the river extending below. The height is calm, it is these shades that helped to see it. On this background, the main characters of the canvas look great.

Continuing the detailed description of the details of the masterpiece

When schoolchildren, students of grades 5-6, will be givenwrite a work on the theme "Vasnetsov," Carpet-Plane ", an essay, you can start with a story about the writer and continue with a description of the details of the picture. Speaking about the carpet, you need to point out that the corners of the weaving product play the role of its two wings. Diagonally, at almost the same distance from them, the canvas slightly curved upward. This part is similar to the back of a bird. It can be easily imagined under the carpet. It is the shape of a large bird that has the outline of a carpet.

On it stands the hero of a fairy tale. He fulfilled the order of the king - got in the faraway lands a wonderful Firebird. The young man put her in a cage to get to her destination.

Three owls, depicted on the left side of the canvas, stillin wide openness, with amazement, their already big eyes. Indeed, not every day they manage to see a man flying on the carpet in the sky. All this was very reliably able to convey Vasnetsov.

The painting "Carpet-plane", an essay

His creative work in literature studentscan also begin with a description of the canvas itself, its details. If the teacher offers to come up with her own story on this fabulous theme, you can write the following. In one city lived a clever young man named Ivan. When he grew up, he went to study, then work.

Somehow the guy saw the princess through the walls of the fenceand decided to marry her. But the father of the girl came up with various tests for the groom. The brave Ivan coped with all of them, after one of them got the carpet-plane. The last task was to bring the bird. And it turned out the young man on the shoulder. Now he flies towards his dream and his illumined face illuminates the brilliance emanating from the magical creature in the cage.