/ / Types of guitars: from classical to electric guitar

Types of guitars: from classical to electric guitar

Guitar is one of the most popularmusical instruments. You can hear the sound of a guitar in many songs, at concerts and even in the courtyard. This musical instrument has gone a long way of development, which has led to the fact that today it has many kinds. Each type of guitar has its own characteristics, purpose and produces a different melody.

Classification of guitars

All existing can be divided into two categories:

  • acoustic;
  • non-acoustic.

Sometimes in a separate category belongsemi-acoustic guitars to which the amplifier can be connected, thanks to the presence of a thermal block. A vivid example of such a guitar can be called a jazz guitar that combines an acoustic and an electric guitar. If you want to play lyrical songs by the fire or in the evenings in the yard, then You have to buy a classic guitar.

Acoustic Guitars

Guitars with a neck and body and frameddecks, called acoustic. The sound is amplified by the wooden case. Acoustic guitars also have several classifications. In the first place, singing variety and classical guitars. The first are for concerts, as well as pretty loud music that is born thanks to metal strings. Classic guitars in most cases have nylon strings and are designed for soft classical or melodic music.

In addition, acoustic guitars cannumber of different strings, namely 6, 7 or 12. Depending on the size of the deck or fretboard, the guitar can be used to play different music:

  • blues;
  • country;
  • folk and so on.

Non-acoustic guitars

Guitars that do not have a resonator are called non-acoustic.

The electric guitar is essentially different fromacoustic guitar. For this type of guitar is a characteristic one-piece case. In addition, the main feature of the electric guitar is that it is impossible to play it without an amplifier, since it is it that forms the sound and reproduces it. Playing an electric guitar also differs significantly from a classical guitar.

Electric guitars can differ in the shape of the body,length and thickness of the neck. In addition, the melody is also influenced by the combo. The same melody on different electric guitars will sound different. Most electric guitars have 6 strings, although there are also variants with 12 strings.


Разновидность электрогитары, не являющаяся an independent musical instrument. The bass guitar sets the rhythm of any music along with percussion instruments, so its importance in the performance of any composition can not be underestimated.