/ / The silent charm of the dead nature, or what is still life

The silent charm of the dead nature, or what is still life

At its core, still life, if we talk aboutLiterally translated from the language of the French, has two roots and means "dead nature." Although, in fairness, it is worth noting that the language does not turn to call all this juicy, bright magnificence such a phrase. But the fact is a fact.

what is still life

О том, что такое натюрморт, было известно еще в ancient greece. Already in the writings of Pliny there is a description of the picture of Zeuskis, which depicts a bunch of grapes. During the excavations of Pompeii, many images of this genre were also found. Later still life goes into the shadows, and portraits and iconography will come to the first place.

If we talk about what is still life inthe classical understanding of this genre, first of all it must be said that this is a type of fine art (in particular, easel painting), conveying the features of inanimate objects that are placed in a single environment and are grouped together. It is this group organization that is the main condition of the still life; it distinguishes it from portraits, landscapes, and battleistic images.

Relation of still life to easel paintingis caused by the organization of the motive, or, in a different way, by staging, without which the drawing will not be perceived holistically. It is not true that this genre consists in describing only edible and inanimate objects. Although, at first glance, what is still life without them? But in the picture may be present and images of people, animals, elements of the landscape. True, they act as additional motives.

Our understanding of what is still life will be incomplete, if we keep silent about its varieties. Depending on what is the basis for differentiation, there are several types:

  1. The plot component of the picture allows you to selectone-view (image of objects of one type, for example, only fruit), mixed (objects of different types - vegetables, dishes, flowers) and subject (images of people, including elements of the landscape) still lifes.
    watercolor still life
  2. The coloring of the image suggests the division into warm (predominance of yellow, orange, red hues) and cold (blue, green, purple) varieties.
  3. By location there are still lifes in the interior and landscape.
  4. The temporary category is embodied in short-term (regular sketches) and long-term (many hours of setting) images.
  5. Depending on the task of the artist, you can select realistic (objects are reproduced as accurately as possible) and decorative (image in the form of lines, shapes, application method) paintings.

Still, the most important criterion is the technique of the image - watercolor, pencil, oil, pastel.

still life oil paintings
Still life with watercolor transparent and air, paintthey are blurred, color transitions are carried out unnoticed. Such a technique, despite its apparent lightness, is very complex, since corrections in the drawing are almost impossible. But then this is the best technique for transmitting the elusiveness of the moment with all its static character, as well as the emotional state of the artist.

Still life oil paintings, as a rule, are multi-layered; they convey the volume of the depicted objects, create the illusion of space.

Regardless of the technique of writing, such pictures successfully decorate not only the interior of the dwelling, but also any gallery. Our love for the beautiful is impossible without admiring the still lifes.