Types and genres of art

Art is a multifaceted concept, it reflectsspiritual and practical sphere of human activity, aimed at the artistic comprehension and development of the world. His goal is to recreate the world around him through various forms of human sensuality. Art genres characterize the content properties and features of works of art. They unite them in certain groups, depending on the characteristic features.

Art forms are creative forms.activities that convey with the help of artistic images certain content and differ in the method of its material embodiment (in music - sound, in literature - the word, in the ISO - materials). They are usually divided into several groups. The first are plastic or spatial arts. They exist in several dimensions: graphics, painting, architecture, DPI, photography. The second category includes dynamic or temporary views. This can include music and literature. The composition of these works unfolds in time. The third group includes spatio-temporal varieties - theater and cinema, choreography. Modern trends - video graphics and design - are synthetic art forms. Each group has its own special language and means of expression. Music embodies the artistic image through sounds, ballet - gestures, plastics, literature - words.

Within the species there are genres of art.They are quite diverse and varied. So, for example, in painting, genres differ in the subject and subject of the image: landscape (surrounding reality), portrait (person), still life (objects of inanimate nature). In the cinema and theater - the nature of the events (detective, comedy, drama, fantasy). In fiction, the main genres of art are the epic (narrative), the drama (a work with a certain plot, written in colloquial form) and the lyrics (a poem). All of them develop according to their own laws, using special expressive means.

Types and genres of painting

Works of this art form are accepted.divided into two types: easel and monumental. The second type is closely related to architecture: this includes the painting of ceilings and walls of buildings, decoration with mosaics, and stained-glass windows. The easel paintings are more compact and can easily be transferred from one room to another.

There are the following art genres in painting:plot work, landscape, still life, portrait, etc. In art canvases there are reflected separate aspects of life. For example, a portrait paints the appearance of a certain person, revealing his inner world, character. Landscapes depict the life of nature, while conveying the experiences and worldview of the artist (Levitan “Vladimirka”, Savrasov “The Rooks Have Arrived”). Still life translates from French as "dead nature." The artists, working in this genre, draw vegetables, flowers, fruits, furnishings, reflecting their ideas about beauty, mood and thoughts.

Animalistic paintings depict animals.This genre first appeared in primitive artists. On the rock paintings you can see scenes of hunting for bison, mammoths and deer. Historical paintings convey the lives of people of the past or a certain significant event (“The Last Day of Pompeii”). Mythological drawings were discovered in ancient Greece. Such paintings depict scenes described in ancient myths (Botticelli, Vrubel, Vasnetsov). The basis of religious paintings are biblical scenes. Artists painted walls in monasteries and temples, decorated religious buildings with ornaments, painted miniatures in church folios (Rublev, Leonardo do Vinci).

Thus, the types and genres of art transmit and reflect certain conditions and events of the surrounding reality.