/ / Writer Alice Klever and the features of her work

Writer Alice Clover and features of her work

Today we will tell who Alice Klever is.The biography and work of this Russian writer will be discussed below. First of all, she is known as the author of a series of three books called “Two Months and Three Days”. She was nicknamed the Russian answer to "50 shades of gray."


alice clover
Алиса Клевер – имя вымышленное, это псевдоним.Hiding behind him is a popular author, whose books have already managed to catch the fancy of many readers. The author claims that sensual, frank trilogy is a bold experiment. Taboo for writers is always a challenge. Alice Klever admits that working on this trilogy for her was an attempt to look into the heart of a hurricane, uncontrollable elements and describe everything that was seen. The books of the writer tell about the incredibly complex, full of suffering and passion relations between the modest Arina Krylova and the son of the oligarch Maxim Korshunov. The life of the latter is devoted to the study of pleasure in all its manifestations. The story, which began as an unremarkable passion, turned into really strong feelings. To confront them, young people simply can not. Alice Klever is a writer who claims that her secret is that she always prefers to do wrong and therefore knows the difference between fun rides and the real chasm. When the author was asked why she preferred to work under the mask, she ironically remarked that there is a possibility that it is precisely in erotic works that her true face is revealed. After she clarified that the publication of works under a pseudonym is similar to the Venice Carnival.

List of books

alice clover biography
Now you know who Alice is a clover.The bibliography of the writer will be discussed below. At the moment, the author has released one series, consisting of three books that can be attributed to modern love stories with an erotic slant. Peru writers belong to the following works: "Two months and three days," "Fifteenth Paradise", "Four cardinal points and one woman." We will discuss in more detail.

"Two months and three days"

alice clover bibliography
Alice Clover in this book tells the storythe life of Maxim Korshunov - a scandalous photographer and the only son of a Russian oligarch. He spends his life in the eternal exploration of pleasure. For Korshunov, the body is the only instrument with which one can measure eternity. At the same time, intimate relations, in his own opinion, bring him closer to immortality. This man denies shame. For all kinds of pleasure can be experienced only outside it.

The main heroine of the novel is Arina Krylova.For her, the body is only a vessel for the soul. Intimate relationships girl perceives as the highest point of the manifestation of love. In turn, she considers shame to be the category of morality that is capable of protecting the fair sex. The heroine is a provincial student who survives in this world with difficulty and tries to defend herself from meanness, vulgarity and depravity. There is nothing in common between Arina and Maxim. They are representatives of different worlds. However, the feeling that flared between them instantly sweeps away the differences, and then deprives the ability to make the right decisions.

"Four sides of the world and one woman"

alice clover photo
In the second book of the series, Alice Clover continuesshare the life story of Maxim Korshunov. In his pursuit of eternal pleasure, he almost lost his beloved Arina. She is an innocent, sweet, soul dependent woman. Not wanting to fall into the abyss of low passions, she fled from him. This turn of events radically changed Maxim. Now he is ready for anything to return his beloved, without which he can not live. At the same time, the passionate love of Arina and Maxim interferes with his father’s plan. If a despotic, cruel oligarch Korshunov decided that he would separate lovers, nothing could stop him.

"Fifteenth Paradise"

In the final third book of the series, the authorshows that there are no more lovers who complement each other more harmoniously than Maxim and Arina. Probably, to be together they will never get bored, because their feelings are true. All of them would have been fine, but happiness is hampered by meanness, envy and fears of the people around them. Such love is difficult to realize. Maxim's father, who is a rich man who never knew refusal and was accustomed to manipulating people, cunning and deceiving kidnaps Arina. Maxim from what happened in horror. He comes to the aid of those people whom he did not even hope. Maxim and Arina reveal secrets that kept many souls in suspense.


alice clover writer
Opinions about the author’s books are very diverse, andNow we will try to understand them. About the second book it is often said that it turned out better than the first. The author managed to achieve such an effect by adding a detective line. According to readers, the fact that the characters are doing well, already in the middle of the plot, suggests that everything will change soon, and does not allow them to take their eyes off the story. Most people who have read the book claim to have not regretted it. There are also critical statements in which it is noted that the theme of the powerful and cruel protagonist appears too often in the love literature, and from these positions this story is no different from the others. However, it must be admitted that such subjects have always been among the most discussed in their own circle. There is also an opinion that the popularity of such books can be explained by the fact that men today are tired of surprising their ladies. Now you know who Alice Klever is. Photos of the writer attached to the material.