Do you know what a dyatlin is?A red porridge or kukushkin bread? Do not know and have not seen? Why, this is all the red clover so much loved by the people, and it is also called the clover of the meadow. The application of this plant is diverse. It possesses the mass of properties useful to us and is used in the most various branches of our life.
Since ancient times, clover has been used todyeing cloth, baking bread, dressing soups and other dishes. Due to its wide distribution, the clover of the meadow has become incredibly popular among the people. Application in folk medicine is also wide. This plant belongs to the legume family. All its above-ground part is used, but most often it is the flowers that are collected at the very beginning of their flowering. Very carefully dried, not allowing drying, and stored in a cool place for no more than two years.
Astringent, wound healing, hemostatic,Meadow clover has a choleretic, diuretic, analgesic, expectorant, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect. Its use is so great, because it includes just a mass of nutrients. These are tyrosine, hypoxanthin, xanthine and asparagine, which are in the leaves. Palmitic, oleic and leonic acids. Many coloring and tannins. Fat and essential oil. And also resins, biochanin, saponins, organic acids, carotene, steroids, pratenzol, hydroquinone, glycosides and flavonoids. In addition, there is a whole set of vitamins: B, K, E and C.
In scientific medicine do not use clovermeadow, the use of which among the people, on the contrary, is very many-sided. In addition, it is an excellent honey plant and feed for livestock, since ancient times it has cured such serious diseases as pneumonia, bronchitis, various colds, asthma, anemia, scrofula and rheumatism. Meadow clover is an indispensable tool for boils, burns and other types of inflamed and festering wounds. The treatment is carried out with the help of an infusion produced from its above-ground part and necessarily colors. It is very simple to make it: you need to fill in the required amount of dry grass with boiling water and let it brew for an hour. Many healers recommend taking meadow clover instead of tea.
Treatment for swelling or inflammation of the ovariescarried out with the help of a decoction made from its roots. We take the crushed roots (one part) and fill them with boiling water (ten parts). Keep in a water bath for half an hour and filter, add the required amount of boiled water to get the initial volume. Reception should be done every three to four hours, one spoonful until all symptoms of inflammation disappear. In case of atherosclerosis, anemia and headache, you can drink broth instead of tea no more than three times a day. It is also good for cleansing the blood. It is best to drink broth for half an hour - an hour before meals, with the addition of a spoonful of natural honey. With heavy menstruation, bleeding, and hemorrhoids, this is the first remedy. For lotions and wrappings also use a decoction, but you can also take fresh, washed leaves, which are periodically replaced with new ones. They can be collected from mid-spring to autumn. Many people use them in salads, pickled, boiled water and consumed instead of spinach.
Nursing women to increase the amountmilk clover is also useful. Contraindications he is practically absent. But still it is not recommended to use it at the time of pregnancy, during the exacerbation of gastric diseases, with pains in the heart and with diarrhea. Experts do not recommend it to people with oncology in an estrogen-dependent form. In all other cases, it is very useful, easily accessible and as effective as possible.