Artists are creative people who paintanytime and anywhere. And no matter what exactly will be at hand. It can be brushes and paints, and there can be glue and coffee beans. It seems to you that it is difficult to create with such a set? So you have not seen pictures of coffee beans. Some of the works of artists in this style really deserve respect. Today we will tell how to do something similar.
World map

Картины из кофейных зерен можно создавать на any surface. It can be both a dense cardboard, and fabric. But here sheets a la "Snow Maiden" is not recommended to take. Why? The fact is that the glue will lead them, and the thin paper is deformed. Therefore, if you want to create something thin, you should stick or stretch the material on the subframe.
How to create a picture of a map of the world?It is necessary to print a prototype picture and study it carefully. Now you need to put on a sketch map outline, and then fill it with glue. It should be used PVA or any other glue that does not dry out in minutes. Now you need to carefully stick one grain. And why not pour some more immediately? Grains will not be able to evenly distribute themselves, which means that the drawing will not have clear boundaries. By the same principle, we fill the contours of all the continents and islands.
Mona lisa

Интересные картины из кофейных зерен получаются on canvas. Such a painting is well known to any artist, and he knows how to properly prepare it for work. But in the case of coffee art, the canvas should not be too actively primed, otherwise the grains will be worse to stick.
Первым делом нужно нарисовать набросок.It is he who will form the basis of the work. Now you should think about how to fill the image of the young lady. Hair and pupils will consist of whole coffee beans, but the facial features themselves - from finely ground coffee. We make podmalevka. Use freshly brewed coffee, not paint. We darken the cheekbones, put a shadow on the frontal depressions and eyes. And when all this dries out well, you can begin to fill the contour with glue. Now you need to fill the facial features with ground coffee, and lay out the hair grains.
Marilyn Monroe

Want to create a portrait of a famous film star, but notcan you draw? You will definitely be able to create a picture of coffee beans with the face of Marilyn Monroe. How to do it? First you need to draw a face outline. But do not go into details. It will be enough just to outline the eyes, nose, lips and curls. After that, you should fill the resulting sketch with glue and begin to lay out the coffee beans. They should not be glued in a chaotic manner, but according to the contour, that is, in shape. In this case, the coffee beans act as strokes. The first step is to lay out the face, and then proceed to the hair. Do not forget to paste the famous mole, which helped Marilyn Monroe to become the most recognizable woman in the world.
A cup of coffee

This theme is one of the most popular in thistechnology. And this is not surprising. How to make a picture of the coffee beans with your own hands? First you need to pick up materials. Select identical whole grains and find a suitable fabric. The basis of the picture should be rough, it is desirable to take the burlap. It will advantageously complement the coffee beans. Now you need to draw the silhouette of the cup and steam above it. Then we fill the contour with glue and in a chaotic order place the grains. You can decorate such a picture in a frame and put it in a room. In addition to the decoration, this decor will be a good room fragrance.
A heart

Photo pictures of coffee beans you can seeabove. This decor can be an interesting detail of the bedroom or living room. And this craft can be presented to your soul mate. The girl will be pleased to receive a gift that her boyfriend will do with his own hands. How to make a picture in a similar technique? This will require hard paperboard and wrinkled paper. Cut out blanks of the same size and glue them on each other. Mark the border of the frame with a pencil, and draw a heart in the center. Now we fill the contours with glue and spread coffee beans one by one. They should fit snugly together. Complement such an crafts can be cinnamon sticks or any other fragrant spices. You can also decorate the resulting frame with coarse thread, from which you should lay out various curlicues.
Teapot with a cup

Such a photo of a picture of coffee beanshands represented above. It will not be difficult to make it, but you should first assemble a subframe. It will consist of bamboo sticks. Cut off blanks of the same length and connect them with a rectangle. Now you should cut the canvas of a suitable size and tie it to the frame with the help of threads. It is desirable to make uniform indents, as the rope will act as a decor. Getting down to making the picture. We draw on canvas the silhouette of a teapot and a cup. It should depict a complex outline. That is, the kettle should have a lid, the cup can stand on a saucer, and do not forget to draw steam. Now alternately fill the contours with glue and attach coffee beans. They should fit snugly together so that no gaps are formed.

This noble animal is not very portrayed.simply. But even a schoolboy will cope with the task with due skill. Here the main thing - to draw a nice outline. To facilitate your task, you can exaggerate the image. That is, to draw not a realistic picture, but a stylized one. Draw on thick paper with a pencil sketch. But now how to make a picture of coffee beans? You should fill the space between the pencil lines with glue. Now you need to lay out coffee beans one by one in strict accordance with the pattern. That is, if the animal's nostrils bend, then the grains should be placed in a semicircle, if the mane comes in a wave, try to achieve the same effect with the help of grains, because they act as strokes.

Make a picture of coffee beans with your own handsnot difficult. The main thing is to choose the original sketch. The contour should be simple and as recognizable as possible. For example, you can take the image of a stretching cat. This picture will require an appropriate frame. Here we will begin with its manufacturing. From thick cardboard need to cut the frame. Now we take the thread and wind the workpiece. When this stage is completed, paste a thick cardboard box into the resulting frame. Now you can go to the direct image of a cat. Draw the outline of the animal. You need to have it so that it occupies all the free space of the picture. Then fill the contour with glue and spread it with coffee beans.

Thinking about a picture of coffee beans for the kitchen?Photos of one of the examples you can see above. This is a picture of a ship, quite minimalistic, but at the same time it evokes thoughts about distant countries and travels. But it is precisely such thoughts that should inspire a person in the morning. It will be especially pleasant to admire a picture that exudes a pleasant invigorating scent. It is not necessary to hang the ship on the wall, it can be put on the dining table. How to make such a craft? You should take the canvas and pull it on the frame. Now in the center of the canvas you need to draw a sketch of the ship. It should be extremely simplified, so as not to have to think about how to work out small details. When the contour is ready, it can be filled with glue and then laid out with coffee beans. The same should be done with the corners. You need to draw a corner or any other frame and glue it with fragrant grains.
Mother with baby

Such a picture would be appropriate to give lucky girlwho recently became a mom. Moreover, such a gift can be made by girlfriends or relatives, and the husband of the woman who gave him a child. All young mothers are very sentimental, so they will definitely be delighted with such a gift. But it must be borne in mind that the picture will exude a pleasant, but rather sharp smell, so placing it in the bedroom is undesirable. It is possible to hang a gift in the kitchen or in the hall.
Как изготовить картину "Мама и младенец"?The first thing you need to decide on what material will be placed coffee beans, on paper or on canvas. Now you should buy a suitable size frame and insert the selected material there. And after that you can move on to the creative part of the work. First you should draw a sketch of mom and baby. Then alternately fill the figures first with glue, and then coffee beans. If desired, the picture can be supplemented with decor. What could it be? Shells, strings, wooden beads and other natural materials.