/ The Twilight Saga. Edward and Bella: description of characters and photos

The Twilight Saga. Edward and Bella: a description of the characters and photos

Among all the films about vampires special placetakes a fantastic melodrama "Twilight". Edward and Bella are names known to all fans of the romantic film saga. The story, telling about the love of a vampire for an ordinary girl, for several years, forced to freeze at the screen of a different age audience. So, what is known about these characters and actors who have performed well?

Edward from Twilight: Character Story

Человек, которому предстояло стать вампиром, was born in 1901. Chicago is the hometown of the protagonist of the fantastic melodrama "Twilight". Edward Anthony Mason during the first 17 years after birth was no different from his peers, lived a life typical of that time. Everything changed when the young man picked up the Spaniard - a serious illness from which many of his contemporaries died.

twilight edward

The fateful meeting of the guy with Carlisle took place.in the hospital where he was put. Edward lost his father before the illness, but he still had a mother, who was also not in the way of an epidemic. Shortly before her death, the woman took the word from the mysterious doctor to help her son at any cost. Carlisle did not allow the boy to die, turning him into a vampire, it happened in 1918.

That the Cullens are not typicalvampire family, known to all fans of the fantastic saga "Twilight". Edward was "adopted" by Carlyle on one condition, the doctor demanded that the boy not harm people and feed on the blood of animals. For several years, the newly converted vampire could not refuse human blood, during these years maniacs and murderers became his victims, whom he calculated thanks to his ability to read minds. However, gradually, Edward was able to become a "vegetarian."

Character of the hero

Of course, the audience is interested in howcharacter has one of the central characters of the film "Twilight". Edward, if you trust the description of Bella, is distinguished by such qualities as selflessness, caring, kindness, generosity. However, this does not prevent the vampire from being quick-tempered, prone to sarcasm. Despite the fact that Cullen looks to be 17 years old, he had long left teenagers behind the throwings, having lived for over 100 years by the time he met with the love of his life. He is distinguished by the ability to look at the world without rose-colored glasses, which is facilitated by the ability to read other people's thoughts.

Edward from Twilight

You can't say Edward loves being alonehowever, he is forced to shun people, avoid close relationships. Also, the vampire was not completely able to get rid of the thirst for blood, although he perfectly controls his desires. This problem significantly complicates his relationship with Bella.


The interest of fans cause and abilityendowed by Edward from Twilight. The vampire has all the features typical of the representatives of his species. He is much stronger than any person, able to move with great speed. His hearing, sight and smell are aggravated. Of course, the younger Cullen is immortal, not subject to aging. However, he is forbidden to appear in society on sunny days, as his skin begins to glow.

twilight bella and edward

Edward has a unique gift - the abilitypenetrate the thoughts of others. The only person whose thoughts remain hidden from him is Bella, a schoolgirl at first glance. This is one of the main reasons why a girl attracts his attention.


Edward is curious by nature, seeks to find out howYou can spend more time reading. The vampire, who lived a long life, managed to get an excellent education, even to be a student of the famous Harvard. He plays the piano excellently, this is one of his favorite activities, and he also enjoys composing music. The surrounding young man seems too polite, a little old-fashioned, as in his speech often slip phrases from the beginning of the 20th century.

twilight from the face of edward

Edward from Twilight has extremehobbies. For example, he can not imagine life without driving at high speed, drives an expensive car. He also enjoys playing sports with other members of the Cullen clan.

Who played it

What is the name "Edward" of "Twilight"?This role was given to the talented British actor Robert Pattinson, who bypassed many other applicants, including his childhood friend Thomas Sturridge. The future "vampire Cullen" was born in London, there was a joyful event in 1986. Robert's parents were not actors, the mother enjoyed fame as a model, the father was a businessman specializing in car sales.

edward twilight actor

Interestingly, the first famous character,which Pattinson played, was not a vampire Edward (Twilight). The actor announced himself a few years before the release of a fantastic film epic, having received the role of Cedric Diggory in the film Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. However, he became a superstar precisely because of the romance of Cullen, in love with Bella.

Robert himself claims that at the Twilight castingIt turned out to be by chance, it was brought there by the desire to meet Kristen Stewart, who had already managed to get the role of schoolgirl Swan. The character, whom he was offered to play in a fantastic drama, initially seemed ridiculous to Pattinson, even ridiculous. However, this did not prevent him from perfectly cope with the creation of the image that gave him an army of fans. By the way, Robert, like his hero, plays the piano remarkably well.

The Bella Swan Story

A romance between a vampire and a simplegirl, - the main intrigue of the fantasy film "Twilight". Bella and Edward after the release of the first part of the saga became the favorite heroes of many thousands of spectators. A girl named Isabella was born in the small town of Forks, located in Washington State, it happened in 1987. At an early age, the baby had to go through a divorce of parents. For some time she lived with her mother Rene, after her new marriage she chose to move to Charlie's father, returning to Forks.

photo of edward from twilight

Spectators who expect to recognize the universethe film "Twilight" on behalf of Edward, is disappointed, as the story is actually conducted on behalf of Bella. Already at the beginning of a fantastic drama one can understand that Miss Swan is not a typical teenager. She is closed, does not like to invade his inner world, differs in some clumsiness. Also, the girl Belle characterized by such qualities as stubbornness, craving for adventure, it seems that she can not live without trouble.

Relationship with the Cullen

Edward and Bella meet at schoolForks, a pupil makes a lasting impression mysterious handsome. At first, their relationship does not add up, as Cullen carefully avoids contact with the schoolgirl, to which he pulls. However, the situation changes when Edward saves Isabella from the van rushing straight at her. The girl, amazed at the power that her classmate possesses, is trying to understand who he is. Her investigation proves successful; she realizes that Edward is a vampire that only stirs her interest in him.

what is the name of edward of twilight

Отношения влюбленных переживают множество tests, which will be able to watch the audience of the film "Twilight". Edward and Bella are forced to fight numerous enemies, parting several times and finding each other again. In one of the parts of the saga, they marry, then Cullen turns his spouse into a vampire, the newlyweds have a daughter, Renesmee. To the delight of fans, the story has a happy ending.

Kristen Stewart

Singer Bella Swan - Americanactress kristen stewart. The girl comes from Los Angeles, was born in 1990. She became interested in cinema almost from birth. It is not surprising that in her first film “The Son of a Mermaid” she starred at the age of 9. Twilight is not the only well-known film project Kristen starred in. Stewart can also be seen in such tapes as "Snow White and the Hunter", "Room of Fear", "Speak". Interestingly, Robert and Kristen had a novel in real life that lasted several years, but the beautiful couple broke up.

Photo Edward from “Twilight” can be viewed in this article, as well as photos of Bella.